Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 /* Copyright 2008-2010, Technische Universitaet Muenchen,
2  Authors: Christian Hoeppner & Sebastian Neubert & Johannes Rauch
4  This file is part of GENFIT.
6  GENFIT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
8  by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9  (at your option) any later version.
11  GENFIT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
16  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
17  along with GENFIT. If not, see <>.
18 */
20 #include "MeasuredStateOnPlane.h"
21 #include "AbsTrackRep.h"
22 #include "Exception.h"
23 #include "Tools.h"
24 #include "IO.h"
26 #include <cassert>
28 #include "TDecompChol.h"
30 namespace genfit {
32 void MeasuredStateOnPlane::Print(Option_t*) const {
33  printOut << "genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane ";
34  printOut << "my address " << this << " my plane's address " << this->sharedPlane_.get() << "; use count: " << sharedPlane_.use_count() << std::endl;
35  printOut << " state vector: "; state_.Print();
36  printOut << " covariance matrix: "; cov_.Print();
37  if (sharedPlane_ != nullptr) {
38  printOut << " defined in plane "; sharedPlane_->Print();
39  TVector3 pos, mom;
40  TMatrixDSym cov(6,6);
41  getRep()->getPosMomCov(*this, pos, mom, cov);
42  printOut << " 3D position: "; pos.Print();
43  printOut << " 3D momentum: "; mom.Print();
44  //printOut << " 6D covariance: "; cov.Print();
45  }
46 }
48 void MeasuredStateOnPlane::blowUpCov(double blowUpFac, bool resetOffDiagonals, double maxVal) {
50  unsigned int dim = cov_.GetNcols();
52  if (resetOffDiagonals) {
53  for (unsigned int i=0; i<dim; ++i) {
54  for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j) {
55  if (i != j)
56  cov_(i,j) = 0; // reset off-diagonals
57  else
58  cov_(i,j) *= blowUpFac; // blow up diagonals
59  }
60  }
61  }
62  else
63  cov_ *= blowUpFac;
65  // limit
66  if (maxVal > 0.)
67  for (unsigned int i=0; i<dim; ++i) {
68  for (unsigned int j=0; j<dim; ++j) {
69  cov_(i,j) = std::min(cov_(i,j), maxVal);
70  }
71  }
73 }
77  // check if both states are defined in the same plane
78  if (forwardState.getPlane() != backwardState.getPlane()) {
79  Exception e("KalmanFitterInfo::calcAverageState: forwardState and backwardState are not defined in the same plane.", __LINE__,__FILE__);
80  throw e;
81  }
83  // This code is called a lot, so some effort has gone into reducing
84  // the number of temporary objects being constructed.
86 #if 0
87  // For ease of understanding, here's a very explicit implementation
88  // that uses the textbook algorithm:
89  TMatrixDSym fCovInv, bCovInv, smoothed_cov;
90  tools::invertMatrix(forwardState.getCov(), fCovInv);
91  tools::invertMatrix(backwardState.getCov(), bCovInv);
93  tools::invertMatrix(fCovInv + bCovInv, smoothed_cov); // one temporary TMatrixDSym
95  MeasuredStateOnPlane retVal(forwardState);
96  retVal.setState(smoothed_cov*(fCovInv*forwardState.getState() + bCovInv*backwardState.getState())); // four temporary TVectorD's
97  retVal.setCov(smoothed_cov);
98  return retVal;
99 #endif
101  // This is a numerically stable implementation of the averaging
102  // process. We write S1, S2 for the upper diagonal square roots
103  // (Cholesky decompositions) of the covariance matrices, such that
104  // C1 = S1' S1 (transposition indicated by ').
105  //
106  // Then we can write
107  // (C1^-1 + C2^-1)^-1 = (S1inv' S1inv + S2inv' S2inv)^-1
108  // = ( (S1inv', S2inv') . ( S1inv ) )^-1
109  // ( ( S2inv ) )
110  // = ( (R', 0) . Q . Q' . ( R ) )^-1
111  // ( ( 0 ) )
112  // where Q is an orthogonal matrix chosen such that R is upper diagonal.
113  // Since Q'.Q = 1, this reduces to
114  // = ( R'.R )^-1
115  // = R^-1 . (R')^-1.
116  // This gives the covariance matrix of the average and its Cholesky
117  // decomposition.
118  //
119  // In order to get the averaged state (writing x1 and x2 for the
120  // states) we proceed from
121  // C1^-1.x1 + C2^-1.x2 = (S1inv', S2inv') . ( S1inv.x1 )
122  // ( S2inv.x2 )
123  // which by the above can be written as
124  // = (R', 0) . Q . ( S1inv.x1 )
125  // ( S2inv.x2 )
126  // with the same (R, Q) as above.
127  //
128  // The average is then after obvious simplification
129  // average = R^-1 . Q . (S1inv.x1)
130  // (S2inv.x2)
131  //
132  // This is what's implemented below, where we make use of the
133  // tridiagonal shapes of the various matrices when multiplying or
134  // inverting.
135  //
136  // This turns out not only more numerically stable, but because the
137  // matrix operations are simpler, it is also faster than the
138  // straightoforward implementation.
139  //
140  // This is an application of the technique of Golub, G.,
141  // Num. Math. 7, 206 (1965) to the least-squares problem underlying
142  // averaging.
143  TDecompChol d1(forwardState.getCov());
144  bool success = d1.Decompose();
145  TDecompChol d2(backwardState.getCov());
146  success &= d2.Decompose();
148  if (!success) {
149  Exception e("KalmanFitterInfo::calcAverageState: ill-conditioned covariance matrix.", __LINE__,__FILE__);
150  throw e;
151  }
153  int nRows = d1.GetU().GetNrows();
154  assert(nRows == d2.GetU().GetNrows());
155  TMatrixD S1inv, S2inv;
156  tools::transposedInvert(d1.GetU(), S1inv);
157  tools::transposedInvert(d2.GetU(), S2inv);
159  TMatrixD A(2*nRows, nRows);
160  TVectorD b(2 * nRows);
161  double *const bk = b.GetMatrixArray();
162  double *const Ak = A.GetMatrixArray();
163  const double* S1invk = S1inv.GetMatrixArray();
164  const double* S2invk = S2inv.GetMatrixArray();
165  // S1inv and S2inv are lower triangular.
166  for (int i = 0; i < nRows; ++i) {
167  double sum1 = 0;
168  double sum2 = 0;
169  for (int j = 0; j <= i; ++j) {
170  Ak[i*nRows + j] = S1invk[i*nRows + j];
171  Ak[(i + nRows)*nRows + j] = S2invk[i*nRows + j];
172  sum1 += S1invk[i*nRows + j]*forwardState.getState().GetMatrixArray()[j];
173  sum2 += S2invk[i*nRows + j]*backwardState.getState().GetMatrixArray()[j];
174  }
175  bk[i] = sum1;
176  bk[i + nRows] = sum2;
177  }
179  tools::QR(A, b);
180  A.ResizeTo(nRows, nRows);
182  TMatrixD inv;
183  tools::transposedInvert(A, inv);
184  b.ResizeTo(nRows);
185  for (int i = 0; i < nRows; ++i) {
186  double sum = 0;
187  for (int j = i; j < nRows; ++j) {
188  sum += inv.GetMatrixArray()[j*nRows+i] * b[j];
189  }
190  b.GetMatrixArray()[i] = sum;
191  }
192  return MeasuredStateOnPlane(b,
193  TMatrixDSym(TMatrixDSym::kAtA, inv),
194  forwardState.getPlane(),
195  forwardState.getRep(),
196  forwardState.getAuxInfo());
197 }
200 } /* End of namespace genfit */
virtual void getPosMomCov(const MeasuredStateOnPlane &state, TVector3 &pos, TVector3 &mom, TMatrixDSym &cov) const =0
Translates MeasuredStateOnPlane into 3D position, momentum and 6x6 covariance.
Exception class for error handling in GENFIT (provides storage for diagnostic information)
Definition: Exception.h:48
#StateOnPlane with additional covariance matrix.
void blowUpCov(double blowUpFac, bool resetOffDiagonals=true, double maxVal=-1.)
Blow up covariance matrix with blowUpFac. Per default, off diagonals are reset to 0 and the maximum v...
Defines for I/O streams used for error and debug printing.
std::ostream printOut
Default stream for output of Print calls.
MeasuredStateOnPlane calcAverageState(const MeasuredStateOnPlane &forwardState, const MeasuredStateOnPlane &backwardState)
Calculate weighted average between two MeasuredStateOnPlanes.