Class to store reconstructed particles.
base class for all particles
const ParticleBase * mother() const
getMother() / hasMother()
base for RecoPhoton RecoTrack
virtual ErrCode projectRecoConstraint(const FitParams &fitparams, Projection &p) const =0
abstract projection
virtual std::string parname(int index) const override
virtual int dim() const override
this here sets the size in the state vector we are only interested in the momenta of photons and trac...
virtual ErrCode projectConstraint(Constraint::Type, const FitParams &, Projection &) const override
abstract abstract projection
virtual int momIndex() const override
get momentum index
virtual bool hasEnergy() const override
has an energy in the statevector?
virtual ErrCode initMotherlessParticle(FitParams &fitparams) override
init particle without mother
virtual int dimM() const =0
dimension of the constraint
RecoParticle(Belle2::Particle *bc, const ParticleBase *mother)