Belle II Software
This is the complete list of members for TRGCDC, including all inherited members.
_axialHits | TRGCDC | private |
_axialLayers | TRGCDC | private |
_axialSuperLayers | TRGCDC | private |
_badHits | TRGCDC | private |
_cdc | TRGCDC | privatestatic |
_cdchitCollectionName | TRGCDC | private |
_cdcVersion | TRGCDC | private |
_clock | TRGCDC | private |
_clockD | TRGCDC | private |
_clockFE | TRGCDC | private |
_clockTDC | TRGCDC | private |
_clockUser3125 | TRGCDC | private |
_clockUser6250 | TRGCDC | private |
_configFilename | TRGCDC | private |
_debugLevel | TRGCDC | mutableprivate |
_eventTime | TRGCDC | private |
_fastSimulationMode | TRGCDC | private |
_fFitter3Ds2DFit | TRGCDC | private |
_fFitter3Ds2DFitDrift | TRGCDC | private |
_fFitter3Dsmclr | TRGCDC | private |
_fileETF | TRGCDC | private |
_fileFitter3D | TRGCDC | private |
_fileHough3D | TRGCDC | private |
_fileTSF | TRGCDC | private |
_finder3DMode | TRGCDC | private |
_firmwareSimulationMode | TRGCDC | private |
_firmwareSimulationStart | TRGCDC | private |
_firmwareSimulationStartDataClock | TRGCDC | private |
_firmwareSimulationStop | TRGCDC | private |
_firmwareSimulationStopDataClock | TRGCDC | private |
_firmwareSimulationWindow | TRGCDC | private |
_fitter3D | TRGCDC | private |
_fLogicLUTTSF | TRGCDC | private |
_fLRLUT | TRGCDC | private |
_fprintFirmETF | TRGCDC | private |
_fronts | TRGCDC | private |
_fudgeFactor | TRGCDC | private |
_fverETF | TRGCDC | private |
_fXtSimpleFitter3D | TRGCDC | private |
_h3DFinder | TRGCDC | private |
_hFinder | TRGCDC | private |
_hits | TRGCDC | private |
_hitsMC | TRGCDC | private |
_hitWires | TRGCDC | private |
_inefficiency | TRGCDC | private |
_innerTSLUTFilename | TRGCDC | private |
_layers | TRGCDC | private |
_links | TRGCDC | private |
_makeRootFile | TRGCDC | private |
_mergers | TRGCDC | private |
_offset | TRGCDC | private |
_outerTSLUTFilename | TRGCDC | private |
_p3DFinder | TRGCDC | private |
_perfect2DFinder | TRGCDC | private |
_perfect3DFinder | TRGCDC | private |
_pFinder | TRGCDC | private |
_r | TRGCDC | private |
_r2 | TRGCDC | private |
_returnValue | TRGCDC | private |
_rootFitter3DFilename | TRGCDC | private |
_rootTRGCDCFilename | TRGCDC | private |
_segmentHits | TRGCDC | private |
_segmentHitsSL | TRGCDC | private |
_simulationMode | TRGCDC | private |
_stereoHits | TRGCDC | private |
_stereoLayers | TRGCDC | private |
_stereoSuperLayers | TRGCDC | private |
_superLayers | TRGCDC | private |
_tracker2Ds | TRGCDC | private |
_trackList2D | TRGCDC | private |
_trackList2DFitted | TRGCDC | private |
_trackList3D | TRGCDC | private |
_tracks2D | TRGCDC | private |
_tree2D | TRGCDC | private |
_trgCDCDataInputMode | TRGCDC | private |
_tsfboards | TRGCDC | private |
_tsFinder | TRGCDC | private |
_tsLayers | TRGCDC | private |
_tss | TRGCDC | private |
_tsSL | TRGCDC | private |
_width | TRGCDC | private |
_wires | TRGCDC | private |
any enum value (defined in TRGCDC) | TRGCDC | |
axialHits(void) const | TRGCDC | |
axialSegment(unsigned lyrId, unsigned id) const | TRGCDC | inline |
axialSegmentHits(unsigned) const | TRGCDC | inline |
axialStereoSuperLayerId(unsigned axialStereo, unsigned axialStereoLayerId) const | TRGCDC | |
cellWidth(unsigned superLayerId) const | TRGCDC | inline |
classification(void) | TRGCDC | private |
clear(void) | TRGCDC | |
configure(void) | TRGCDC | private |
dataClock(void) const | TRGCDC | inline |
debugLevel(void) const | TRGCDC | inline |
debugLevel(int) const | TRGCDC | inline |
dump(const std::string &message) const | TRGCDC | |
EReturnValueType enum name | TRGCDC | |
ETF enum value (defined in TRGCDC) | TRGCDC | |
fastClear(void) | TRGCDC | |
fastSimulation(void) | TRGCDC | private |
find2D enum value (defined in TRGCDC) | TRGCDC | |
find3D enum value (defined in TRGCDC) | TRGCDC | |
firmwareSimulation(void) | TRGCDC | private |
firmwareSimulationMode(void) const | TRGCDC | inline |
firmwareSimulationStart(void) const | TRGCDC | inline |
firmwareSimulationStartDataClock(void) const | TRGCDC | inline |
firmwareSimulationStop(void) const | TRGCDC | inline |
firmwareSimulationStopDataClock(void) const | TRGCDC | inline |
fit2D enum value (defined in TRGCDC) | TRGCDC | |
fit3D enum value (defined in TRGCDC) | TRGCDC | |
frontEnd(unsigned id) const | TRGCDC | inline |
fudgeFactor(void) const | TRGCDC | inline |
fudgeFactor(float) | TRGCDC | inline |
getCDCHitCollectionName() const | TRGCDC | inline |
getEventTime(void) const | TRGCDC | |
getReturnValue(void) const | TRGCDC | inline |
getReturnValue(EReturnValueType const &moduleName) const | TRGCDC | |
getTrackList2D(void) | TRGCDC | |
getTrackList2DFitted(void) | TRGCDC | |
getTrackList3D(void) | TRGCDC | |
getTRGCDC(const std::string &configFile, unsigned simulationMode=0, unsigned fastSimulationMode=0, unsigned firmwareSimulationMode=0, int firmwareSimulationStart=0, int firmwareSimulationStop=32 *32 - 1, bool _makeRootFile=0, bool perfect2DFinder=false, bool perfect3DFinder=false, const std::string &innerTSLUTFile="?", const std::string &outerTSLUTFile="?", const std::string &rootTRGCDCFile="?", const std::string &rootFitter3DFile="?", unsigned houghFinderPeakMin=5, const std::string &houghMappingFilePlus="?", const std::string &houghMappingFileMinus="?", unsigned houghDoit=2, bool fLogicLUTTSF=0, bool fLRLUT=1, bool fFitter3Dsmclr=0, bool fFitter3Ds2DFit=1, bool fFitter3Ds2DFitDrift=0, double inefficiency=0, bool fileTSF=0, bool fileETF=0, int fverETF=0, bool fprintFirmETF=0, bool fileHough3D=0, int finder3DMode=0, bool fileFitter3D=0, bool fXtSimpleFitter3D=0, double TdcBinWidth=1., int trgCDCDataInputMode=0, const std::string &cdchitCollectionName="") | TRGCDC | static |
getTRGCDC(void) | TRGCDC | static |
hits(void) const | TRGCDC | |
hitsMC(void) const | TRGCDC | |
initialize(unsigned houghFinderPeakMin, const std::string &houghMappingFilePlus, const std::string &houghMappingFileMinus, unsigned houghDoit) | TRGCDC | private |
layer(unsigned id) const | TRGCDC | inline |
layerId(unsigned wireId) const | TRGCDC | |
layerId(unsigned axialStereoSwitch, unsigned axialStereoLayerId) const | TRGCDC | |
localId(unsigned wireId) const | TRGCDC | |
localLayerId(unsigned wireId) const | TRGCDC | |
m_cdcp | TRGCDC | |
m_eventNum | TRGCDC | private |
m_evtTime | TRGCDC | private |
m_file | TRGCDC | private |
m_fitParameters | TRGCDC | private |
m_mcParameters | TRGCDC | private |
m_mcTrack4Vector | TRGCDC | private |
m_mcTrackStatus | TRGCDC | private |
m_mcTrackVertexVector | TRGCDC | private |
m_rootCDCHitInformation | TRGCDC | private |
m_rootTRGHitInformation | TRGCDC | private |
m_rootTRGRawInformation | TRGCDC | private |
m_tree | TRGCDC | private |
m_treeAllTracks | TRGCDC | private |
m_treeROOTInput | TRGCDC | private |
merger(unsigned id) const | TRGCDC | inline |
mode(void) const | TRGCDC | inline |
mode(unsigned) | TRGCDC | inline |
name(void) const | TRGCDC | |
nAxialLayers(void) const | TRGCDC | inline |
nAxialSuperLayers(void) const | TRGCDC | inline |
neighbor(const TRGCDCWire &w0, const TRGCDCWire &w1) const | TRGCDC | |
nLayers(void) const | TRGCDC | inline |
nLocalLayers(unsigned superLayerId) const | TRGCDC | inline |
nSegmentLayers(void) const | TRGCDC | inline |
nSegments(void) const | TRGCDC | inline |
nSegments(unsigned id) const | TRGCDC | |
nStereoLayers(void) const | TRGCDC | inline |
nStereoSuperLayers(void) const | TRGCDC | inline |
nSuperLayers(void) const | TRGCDC | inline |
nWires(void) const | TRGCDC | inline |
perfect3DFinder(std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > trackList) const | TRGCDC | |
saveCDCHitInformation(std::vector< std::vector< unsigned > > &) | TRGCDC | private |
saveTRGHitInformation(std::vector< std::vector< int > > &) | TRGCDC | private |
saveTRGRawInformation(std::vector< std::string > &) | TRGCDC | private |
segment(unsigned id) const | TRGCDC | inline |
segment(unsigned lyrId, unsigned id) const | TRGCDC | |
segmentHits(void) const | TRGCDC | inline |
segmentHits(unsigned) const | TRGCDC | inline |
segmentLayer(unsigned id) const | TRGCDC | inline |
setReturnValue(EReturnValueType const &moduleName, bool flag) | TRGCDC | |
setReturnValue(int) | TRGCDC | inline |
simulate(void) | TRGCDC | private |
stereoHits(void) const | TRGCDC | |
stereoSegment(unsigned lyrId, unsigned id) const | TRGCDC | inline |
stereoSegmentHits(unsigned) const | TRGCDC | inline |
storeSimulationResults(std::string collection2Dfinder, std::string collection2Dfitter, std::string collection3Dfitter) | TRGCDC | private |
superLayer(unsigned id) const | TRGCDC | inline |
superLayerId(unsigned wireId) const | TRGCDC | |
superLayerR(unsigned superLayerId) const | TRGCDC | inline |
superLayerR2(unsigned superLayerId) const | TRGCDC | inline |
systemClock(void) const | TRGCDC | inline |
systemClockFE(void) const | TRGCDC | inline |
systemOffsetMC(void) const | TRGCDC | inline |
TDCClock(void) const | TRGCDC | inline |
terminate(void) | TRGCDC | private |
tracker2D(unsigned id) const | TRGCDC | inline |
TRGCDC(const std::string &configFile, unsigned simulationMode, unsigned fastSimulationMode, unsigned firmwareSimulationMode, int firmwareSimulationStart, int firmwareSimulationStop, bool makeRootFile, bool perfect2DFinder, bool perfect3DFinder, const std::string &innerTSLUTFile, const std::string &outerTSLUTFile, const std::string &rootTRGCDCFile, const std::string &rootFitter3DFile, unsigned houghFinderPeakMin, const std::string &houghMappingFilePlus, const std::string &houghMappingFileMinus, unsigned houghDoit, bool fLogicLUTTSF, bool fLRLUT, bool fFitter3Dsmclr, bool fFitter3Ds2DFit, bool fFitter3Ds2DFitDrift, double inefficiecny, bool fileTSF, bool fileETF, int fverETF, bool fprintFirmETF, bool fileHough3D, int finder3DMode, bool fileFitter3D, bool fXtSimpleFitter3D, double TdcBinWidth, int trgCDCDataInputMode, const std::string &cdchitCollectionName) | TRGCDC | private |
TRGCDCModule (defined in TRGCDC) | TRGCDC | friend |
TSF enum value (defined in TRGCDC) | TRGCDC | |
tsfboard(unsigned id) const | TRGCDC | inline |
update() | TRGCDC | |
updateByData(int inputMode) | TRGCDC | |
updateMC(void) | TRGCDC | private |
userClock3125(void) const | TRGCDC | |
version(void) const | TRGCDC | |
versionCDC(void) const | TRGCDC | inline |
wire(unsigned wireId) const | TRGCDC | |
wire(unsigned layerId, int localId) const | TRGCDC | |
wire(float r, float phi) const | TRGCDC | |
wireName(unsigned wireId) const | TRGCDC | |
~TRGCDC() | TRGCDC | privatevirtual |