int | intersect (const TRGCDCLpar &lp1, const TRGCDCLpar &lp2, CLHEP::HepVector &v1, CLHEP::HepVector &v2) |
| intersection
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &o, const TRGCDCLpar &s) |
| ostream operator
float | prob_ (float *, int *) |
| prob function
static double | err_dis_inv (double x, double y, double w, double a, double b) |
| distance error
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &o, const TRGCDCLpav &a) |
| ostream operator
TRGCDCLpav | operator+ (const TRGCDCLpav &la1, const TRGCDCLpav &la2) |
bool | rlrel (vector< unsigned > a, vector< unsigned > b) |
| ...rlrel...
bool | udrel (vector< unsigned > a, vector< unsigned > b) |
| ...udrel...
bool | mirel (vector< unsigned > a, vector< unsigned > b) |
| ...mirel...
unsigned short | FindCP1 (vector< unsigned > a) |
| ...Find center Pattern1 from Pattern 2
unsigned | FindP1C (vector< unsigned > a) |
| ...Pattern1 Center...
void | ftd_0_01 (bool *b, const bool *i) |
int | doprescale (int f) |
| select one event in number of prescale factor events
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &, const TRGPoint2D &) |
| ostrream operator
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > | ORIGIN (0, 0, 0) |
| Origin 3D point.
unsigned | id (void) const |
| returns id.
unsigned | localId (void) const |
| returns local id in a layer.
unsigned | layerId (void) const |
| returns layer id.
unsigned | superLayerId (void) const |
| returns super layer id.
unsigned | localLayerId (void) const |
| returns local layer id in a super layer.
const TRGCDCLayer & | layer (void) const |
| returns a pointer to a layer.
unsigned | state (void) const |
| returns state.
unsigned | state (unsigned newState) |
| sets state.
bool | axial (void) const |
| returns true if this wire is in an axial layer.
bool | stereo (void) const |
| returns true if this wire is in a stereo layer.
unsigned | axialStereoLayerId (void) const |
| returns id of axial or stereo layer id.
unsigned | axialStereoSuperLayerId (void) const |
| returns id of axial or stereo super layer id.
bool | innerPart (void) const |
| returns true if this wire is in the inner part.
bool | mainPart (void) const |
| returns true if this wire is in the main part.
float | cellSize (void) const |
| calculates position and direction vector with sag correction. More...
virtual void | clear (void) |
| clears information.
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > & | forwardPosition (void) const |
| returns position in forward endplate.
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > & | backwardPosition (void) const |
| returns position in backward endplate.
double * | backwardPosition (double p[3]) const |
| position in backward endplate.
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > & | xyPosition (void) const |
| returns middle position of a wire. z componet is 0.
double * | xyPosition (double p[3]) const |
| middle position of a wire. z componet is 0.
const Vector3D & | direction (void) const |
| returns direction vector of the wire.
const TRGCDCCellHit * | hit (void) const |
| returns a pointer to a TRGCDCCellHit.
const TRGCDCCellHit * | hit (const TRGCDCCellHit *) |
| sets a pointer to TRGCDCWireHit.
virtual bool | hasMember (const std::string &a) const |
| returns true this has member named a.
int | mcLR (void) const |
| returns mc left/right information
virtual const TRGCDCCell & | cell (void) const |
| returns a pointer to a TRGCDCWire.
unsigned | state (void) const |
| returns state.
float | drift (unsigned) const |
| returns drift distance.
float | dDrift (unsigned) const |
| returns drift distance error.
float | drift (void) const |
| returns drift distance.
float | dDrift (void) const |
| returns drift distance error.
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > & | xyPosition (void) const |
| returns position in the middle of wire. z is always zero, however.
unsigned | state (unsigned newState) |
| sets state. Meaning of bits are written below.
unsigned | state (unsigned newState) const |
| sets state. Meaning of bits are written below. (tmp)
const void * | track (void) const |
| assigns a pointer to a TTrack.
const void * | track (const void *) |
| assigns a pointer to a TTrack.
const void * | track (const void *) const |
| assigns a pointer to a TTrack. (tmp)
unsigned | sequence (void) const |
| returns sequential Length in one segment : this parameter is used in TCurlFinder now.
unsigned | sequence (unsigned) const |
| sets sequential length in one segment : this parameter is used in TCurlFinder now.
void | setDriftTime (double driftTime, unsigned i) |
| Sets drift time.
unsigned | iCDCHit (void) const |
| returns an index to CDCHit.
unsigned | iCDCSimHit (void) const |
| returns an index to CDCSimHit.
unsigned | iMCParticle (void) const |
| returns an index to MCParticle.
double | pt (void) const override |
| returns Pt.
const TRGPoint2D & | center (void) const |
| returns the circle center.
double | radius (void) const |
| returns radius.
virtual unsigned | objectType (void) const override |
| returns type.
void | property (double charge, double radius, HepGeom::Point3D< double > center) |
| sets circle properties.
const std::string & | name (void) const |
| returns name.
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > & | center (void) const |
| returns position of helix center(z = 0.);
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > & | pivot (void) const |
| returns pivot position.
double | radius (void) const |
| returns radious of helix.
CLHEP::Hep3Vector | direction (double dPhi=0.) const |
| returns direction vector after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction.
double | dr (void) const |
| returns dr.
double | phi0 (void) const |
| returns phi0.
double | kappa (void) const |
| returns kappa.
double | dz (void) const |
| returns dz.
double | tanl (void) const |
| returns tanl.
double | curv (void) const |
| returns curvurture.
const CLHEP::HepVector & | a (void) const |
| returns helix parameters.
const CLHEP::HepSymMatrix & | Ea (void) const |
| returns error matrix.
const CLHEP::HepVector & | a (const CLHEP::HepVector &newA) |
| sets helix parameters.
const CLHEP::HepSymMatrix & | Ea (const CLHEP::HepSymMatrix &newdA) |
| sets helix paramters and error matrix.
double | bFieldZ (double) |
| sets and returns z componet of the magnetic field.
double | bFieldZ (void) const |
| returns z componet of the magnetic field.
double | sinPhi0 (void) const |
| returns sin(phi0).
double | cosPhi0 (void) const |
| return cos(phi0).
std::string | name (void) const |
| returns name.
unsigned | setEntry (unsigned serialId, unsigned n) override |
| Sets entry.
void | clear (void) override |
| clear all entries.
void | clearCells (void) |
| Clears entires only.
unsigned | entry (unsigned id) const override |
| returns entry in a cell.
unsigned | entry (unsigned x, unsigned y) const override |
| returns entry in a cell.
int | maxEntry (void) const override |
| returns max. entry in a plane.
virtual unsigned | nActiveCellsInPattern (void) const |
| returns # of active cells in the pattern.
void | add (unsigned cellId, int weight) override |
| Add to a cell.
float | charge (void) const |
| returns charge for this plane.
float | charge (float charge) |
| sets and returns charge for this plane.
std::string | name (void) const |
| returns name.
unsigned | nX (void) const |
| returns # of x bins.
float | xMin (void) const |
| returns min. of x.
float | xMin (float newXMin) |
| sets and returns min. of x.
float | xMax (void) const |
| returns max. of x.
float | xMax (float newXMax) |
| sets and returns max. of x.
float | xSize (void) const |
| returns size of x bin.
unsigned | nY (void) const |
| return # of y bins.
float | yMin (void) const |
| returns min. of y.
float | yMin (float newYMin) |
| sets and returns min. of y.
float | yMax (void) const |
| returns max. of y.
float | yMax (float newYMax) |
| sets and returns max. of y.
float | ySize (void) const |
| returns size of y bin.
unsigned | serialId (unsigned x, unsigned y) const |
| returns serial ID for position (x, y).
unsigned | serialId (const TRGPoint2D &p) const |
| returns serial ID for position p.
TRGPoint2D | position (unsigned x, unsigned y) const |
| returns position in Hough plain for a cell (x, y)..
std::vector< unsigned > | neighbors (unsigned serialID, unsigned windowSize=1) const |
| returns neighbors.
void | setRegion (std::vector< unsigned > *) |
| Sets region.
const std::vector< std::vector< unsigned > * > & | regions (void) const |
| returns regions.
unsigned | neighbor (unsigned serialID, unsigned direction) const |
| returns neighbor cell.
void | id (unsigned serialId, unsigned &x, unsigned &y) const |
| returns x and y for serialID.
void | clearRegions (void) |
| Clears regions.
virtual void | clear (void)=0 |
| Clears all entries.
virtual void | vote (float rx, float ry, int weight=1) |
| Voring.
virtual void | vote (float xOffset, int weight=1) |
| Votes using a pattern.
const TRGCDCHoughTransformation & | transformation (void) const |
| returns Hough transformation object.
unsigned | setEntry (unsigned serialId, unsigned n) override |
| Sets entry.
void | clear (void) override |
| clear all entries.
void | vote (float rx, float ry, int weight=1) override |
| Votes.
unsigned | entry (unsigned id) const override |
| returns entry in a cell.
unsigned | entry (unsigned x, unsigned y) const override |
| returns count of a cell.
int | maxEntry (void) const override |
| returns max. count in a plane.
void | add (unsigned cellId, int weight) override |
| Add to a cell.
const std::vector< unsigned > & | patternId (unsigned cellId) const |
| returns pattern ID which activates specified cell.
void | clear (void) override |
| Clears all entries.
void | registerPattern (unsigned id) override |
| registers a pattern..
virtual unsigned | nActiveCellsInPattern (unsigned layerId) const |
void | dump (const std::string &message=std::string(""), const std::string &prefix=std::string("")) const override |
| dump debug info
void | clear (void) override |
| Clears all entries and regions.
void | clearCells (void) |
| Clears entires only.
void | clear (unsigned layerId) |
| Clears only specified layer ID.
void | vote (float rx, float ry, int charge, unsigned layerId, int weight=1) |
| Voting.
void | vote (float rx, float ry, unsigned layerId, int weight=1) |
| Voting. More...
void | dump (unsigned layerId) const |
| Dumps debug information.
void | vote (unsigned layerId, unsigned localId, int weight=1) |
| Voting. More...
void | dump (const std::string &message=std::string(""), const std::string &prefix=std::string("")) const override |
| Dumps debug information.
void | registerPattern (unsigned layerId, unsigned id) |
| registers a pattern..
const std::vector< unsigned > & | patternId (unsigned layer, unsigned cellId) const |
| returns pattern ID in a layer which activates specified cell.
void | preparePatterns (unsigned layerId, unsigned nPatterns) |
| allocate memory for patterns.
unsigned | nLayers (void) const |
| returns # of Hough Boolean layers.
unsigned | setEntry (unsigned serialId, unsigned layerId, unsigned n) |
| Sets entry.
std::string | name (void) const |
| returns name.
std::string | name (void) const |
| Operators. More...
unsigned | id (void) const |
| returns id.
unsigned | superLayerId (void) const |
| returns super layer id.
unsigned | localLayerId (void) const |
| returns local layer id in a super layer.
float | offset (void) const |
| returns offset.
int | nShifts (void) const |
| returns shifts. (non-zero for stereo layers)
unsigned | nCells (void) const |
| returns # of cells.
bool | axial (void) const |
| returns true if this is an axial layer.
bool | stereo (void) const |
| returns true if this is a stereo layer.
unsigned | axialStereoLayerId (void) const |
| returns id of axial or stereo id.
unsigned | axialStereoSuperLayerId (void) const |
| returns id of axial or stereo super layer id.
float | cellSize (void) const |
| returns cell size.
const std::string | stereoType (void) const |
| returns "A" or "U" or "V" depending on stereo type.
float | innerRadius (void) const |
| sets and returns inner radius.
float | outerRadius (void) const |
| sets and returns outer radius.
const std::string & | name (void) const |
| return name.
const TRGCDCCellHit * | hit (void) const |
| returns a pointer to a hit.
TRGCDCTrack * | track (void) const |
| returns a pointer to a track.
const TRGCDCCellHit * | hit (const TRGCDCCellHit *) |
| sets a pointer to a hit.
TRGCDCTrack * | track (TRGCDCTrack *) |
| sets a pointer to a track.
void | update (const HepGeom::Point3D< double > &onTrack, const HepGeom::Point3D< double > &onWire, unsigned leftRight, double pull) |
| sets results of fitting.
double | pull (void) const |
| returns pull.
double | pull (double) |
| sets pull.
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > & | positionOnWire (void) const |
| returns the closest point on wire to a track.
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > & | positionOnTrack (void) const |
| returns the closest point on track to wire.
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > & | positionOnWire (const HepGeom::Point3D< double > &) |
| sets and returns the closest point on wire to a track.
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > & | positionOnWire (double p[3]) |
| sets and returns the closest point on wire to a track.
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > & | positionOnTrack (const HepGeom::Point3D< double > &) |
| sets and returns the closest point on track to wire.
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > & | positionOnTrack (double p[3]) |
| sets and returns the closest point on track to wire.
unsigned | leftRight (void) const |
| returns left-right. 0:left, 1:right, 2:wire
unsigned | leftRight (unsigned) |
| sets left-right. 0:left, 1:right, 2:wire
double | dPhi (void) const |
| returns dPhi to the closest point.
double | dPhi (double) |
| sets and returns dPhi to the closest point.
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > & | position (void) const |
| returns position.
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > & | position (const HepGeom::Point3D< double > &) |
| sets and returns position.
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > & | conf (const HepGeom::Point3D< double > &conf) |
| conf 3D point
void | neighbor (unsigned n, TRGCDCLink *neighbor) |
| sets neighbor TRGCDCLink.
TRGCDCLink * | neighbor (unsigned n) const |
| returns neighbor TRGCDCLink.
TRGCDCLink * | link (void) const |
| returns a pointer to a TRGCDCLink.
TRGCDCLink * | link (TRGCDCLink *) |
| sets a pointer to a TRGCDCLink.
double | distance (void) const |
| returns distance between point on wire and on track.
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > & | xyPosition (void) const |
| returns middle position of a wire. z componet is 0.
float | drift (unsigned) const |
| returns drift distance of left or right.
float | drift (float, unsigned) |
| sets and returns drift distance of left or right.
float | dDrift (unsigned) const |
| returns drift distance error of left or right.
float | dDrift (float, unsigned) |
| sets and returns drift distance error of left or right.
float | drift (void) const |
| returns drift distance.
float | dDrift (void) const |
| returns drift distance error.
static void | clearBufferSL (void) |
| clear buffers
const TRGCDCCell * | cell (void) const |
| returns a pointer to a cell.
| TRGCDCLpar () |
| Constructor.
| TRGCDCLpar (const TRGCDCLpar &) |
| Constructors and destructor.
TRGCDCLpar & | operator= (const TRGCDCLpar &) |
| assignment operator(s)
void | rotate (double c, double s) |
| private member functions
void | move (double x, double y) |
| private member functions
double | check () const |
| private const member functions
void | neg () |
| member functions
double | d0 (double x, double y) const |
| private const member functions
double | d (double x, double y) const |
| const member functions
double | dr (double x, double y) const |
| const member functions
double | r_max () const |
| private const member functions
double | arcfun (double xh, double yh) const |
| private const member functions
int | sd (double r, double x, double y, double limit, double &s, double &d) const |
| const member functions
CLHEP::HepVector | Hpar (const HepGeom::Point3D< double > &pivot) const |
| const member functions
TRGCDCLpav & | operator= (const TRGCDCLpav &) |
| assignment operator(s) More...
| TRGCDCLpav (const TRGCDCLpav &) |
| Constructors and destructor.
void | clear () |
| member functions for clear
std::string | name (void) const |
| returns name.
std::string | name (void) const |
| returns name.
std::string | name (void) const |
| returns name.
const std::vector< int > & | trackListMC (void) const |
| returns MC track list which contributes to CDC hits.
const TRGCDCTrackBase & | track (void) const |
| returns a track.
unsigned | nContributors (void) const |
| returns /# of contributors.
const std::vector< const TRGCDCWire * > & | wires (void) const |
| returns a vector containing pointers to a wire.
const TRGCDCWire * | operator[] (unsigned id) const |
| returns a wire.
const TRGSignal & | signal (void) const override |
| returns trigger output. Null will returned if no signal.
const TRGCDCSegmentHit * | hit (const TRGCDCSegmentHit *) |
| sets a pointer to a TRGCDCSegmentHit.
const TRGCDCSegmentHit * | hit (void) const |
| returns a pointer to a TRGCDCSegmentHit.
void | addStoreHit (const CDCTriggerSegmentHit *) |
| sets a pointer to a CDCTriggerSegmentHit.
const std::vector< const CDCTriggerSegmentHit * > | storeHits (void) const |
| returns a pointer to a CDCTriggerSegmentHit.
const TRGCDCLUT * | LUT (void) const |
| returns LUT
const TRGCDCWire & | center (void) const |
| returns a center wire.
const TRGSignal & | signal (void) const |
| returns trigger output. Null will returned if no signal.
std::string | name (void) const |
| returns name.
std::string | name (const std::string &newName) |
| sets and returns name.
int | status (void) const |
| returns status.
virtual const CLHEP::Hep3Vector & | p (void) const |
| returns momentum vector.
virtual const CLHEP::Hep3Vector & | x (void) const |
| returns position vector.
virtual double | pt (void) const |
| returns Pt.
bool | fitted (void) const |
| returns true if fitted.
void | setFitted (bool fitted) |
| set fit status
virtual unsigned | objectType (void) const |
| returns object type.
double | charge (void) const |
| returns charge.
double | charge (double c) |
| sets and returns charge.
const TRGCDCFitter * | fitter (void) const |
| returns a pointer to a default fitter.
const TRGCDCFitter * | fitter (const TRGCDCFitter *) |
| sets a default fitter.
void | setTrackID (int trackID) |
| set track ID.
int | getTrackID () |
| get track ID.
static unsigned | nTSF (void) |
| returns # of TSF.
static unsigned | nTSF (unsigned i) |
| returns # of TSF in super layer i. (i=0 to 4)
unsigned | id (void) const |
| returns an id started from 0.
int | status (void) const |
| returns status.
int | pType (void) const |
| returns particle type.
const TRGCDCTrackMC * | mother (void) const |
| returns a pointer to a mother.
const TRGCDCTrackMC * | child (unsigned i) const |
| returns a pointer to i'th child.
const CLHEP::HepLorentzVector & | p (void) const |
| returns momentum vector.
const CLHEP::Hep3Vector & | v (void) const |
| returns position vector.
std::string | name (void) const |
| returns name.
int | debugLevel (void) const |
| returns debug level.
int | debugLevel (int) const |
| sets and returns debug level.
unsigned | nLocalLayers (unsigned superLayerId) const |
| returns # of wire layers in a super layer. More...
const TRGCDCLayer * | layer (unsigned id) const |
| returns a pointer to a layer. 0 will be returned if 'id' is invalid.
const std::vector< TRGCDCLayer * > * | superLayer (unsigned id) const |
| returns a pointer to a super-layer. More...
float | fudgeFactor (void) const |
| returns fudge factor for drift time error.
float | fudgeFactor (float) |
| sets and returns fudge factor for drift time error.
std::string | versionCDC (void) const |
| returns CDC version.
unsigned | nWires (void) const |
| return # of wires.
unsigned | nSuperLayers (void) const |
| returns # of super layers.
unsigned | nStereoLayers (void) const |
| returns # of stereo layers.
unsigned | nAxialLayers (void) const |
| return # of axial layers.
unsigned | nAxialSuperLayers (void) const |
| return # of axial super layers.
unsigned | nStereoSuperLayers (void) const |
| returns # of stereo super layers.
unsigned | nLayers (void) const |
| return # of layers.
float | cellWidth (unsigned superLayerId) const |
| returns cell width in unit of radian.
float | superLayerR (unsigned superLayerId) const |
| returns inner radius of super layer.
float | superLayerR2 (unsigned superLayerId) const |
| returns (inner radius)^2 of super layer.
const TRGCDCSegment & | segment (unsigned id) const |
| returns a track segment.
const TRGCDCSegment & | axialSegment (unsigned lyrId, unsigned id) const |
| returns a track segment in axial layers. (lyrId is axial #)
const TRGCDCSegment & | stereoSegment (unsigned lyrId, unsigned id) const |
| returns a track segment in stereo layers. (lyrId is stereo #)
unsigned | nSegments (void) const |
| returns # of track segments.
const TRGClock & | systemClock (void) const |
| calculates corrected drift time. More...
const TRGClock & | systemClockFE (void) const |
| returns the system clock of the front-end
const TRGClock & | TDCClock (void) const |
| returns the system clock of the trigger TDC after mergers (2 * front-end binwidth)
const TRGClock & | dataClock (void) const |
| returns the data clock.
double | systemOffsetMC (void) const |
| returns the system offset in MC.
std::vector< const TRGCDCSegmentHit * > | segmentHits (void) const |
| returns a list of TRGCDCSegmentHit. More...
std::vector< const TRGCDCSegmentHit * > | segmentHits (unsigned) const |
| returns a list of TRGCDCSegmentHit in a super layer N. More...
std::vector< const TRGCDCSegmentHit * > | axialSegmentHits (unsigned) const |
| returns a list of TRGCDCSegmentHit in a axial super layer N. More...
std::vector< const TRGCDCSegmentHit * > | stereoSegmentHits (unsigned) const |
| returns a list of TRGCDCSegmentHit in a stereo super layer N. More...
const TRGCDCFrontEnd * | frontEnd (unsigned id) const |
| returns a front-end board.
const TRGCDCMerger * | merger (unsigned id) const |
| returns a merger board.
TRGCDCTrackSegmentFinder * | tsfboard (unsigned id) const |
| returns a TSF board.
const TRGCDCTracker2D * | tracker2D (unsigned id) const |
| returns a 2D tracker board.
const TRGCDCLayer * | segmentLayer (unsigned id) const |
| returns a pointer to a track segment layer. More...
unsigned | nSegmentLayers (void) const |
| returns # of track segment layers.
unsigned | mode (void) const |
| sets simulation mode.
unsigned | mode (unsigned) |
| sets simulation mode.
unsigned | firmwareSimulationMode (void) const |
| returns firmware simulation mode.
int | getReturnValue (void) const |
| gets return value for trg cdc module.
void | setReturnValue (int) |
| sets return value for trg cdc module.
int | firmwareSimulationStart (void) const |
| returns start clock of the firmware simulation in FE clock.
int | firmwareSimulationStop (void) const |
| returns stop clock of the firmware simulation in FE clock.
int | firmwareSimulationStartDataClock (void) const |
| returns start clock of the firmware simulation in data clock.
int | firmwareSimulationStopDataClock (void) const |
| returns stop clock of the firmware simulation in data clock.
const TRGCDCHelix & | helix (void) const |
| returns helix parameter.
void | setHelix (const TRGCDCHelix &helix) |
| Set helix parameter.
virtual const CLHEP::Hep3Vector & | p (void) const override |
| returns momentum vector.
virtual double | pt (void) const override |
| returns Pt.
virtual const CLHEP::Hep3Vector & | x (void) const override |
| returns position vector.
void | set2DFitChi2 (double) |
| Set 2D fit chi2.
double | get2DFitChi2 (void) const |
| Returns 2D fit chi2.
void | set3DFitChi2 (double) |
| Set 3D fit chi2.
double | get3DFitChi2 (void) const |
| Returns 3D fit chi2.
void | setDebugValue (EDebugValueType const &moduleName, bool flag) |
| Set debug value.
int | getDebugValue (EDebugValueType const &moduleName) const |
| Get debug value.
const TRGCDCWireHit * | hit (const TRGCDCWireHit *) |
| returns a pointer to a TRGCDCWireHit.
const TRGCDCWireHit * | hit (void) const |
| returns a pointer to a TRGCDCWireHit.
const TRGCDCWireHitMC * | hit (TRGCDCWireHitMC *) |
| appends a pointer to TRGCDCWireHitMC.
void | addSignal (const TRGSignal &newSignal) |
| set signal |= newSignal
bool | consective (const TRGCDCWire &) const |
| returns true if a given wire is consective in a layer.
bool | adjacent (const TRGCDCWire &) const |
| returns true if a given wire is adjacent.
int | localIdForPlus (void) const |
| returns localId but if maxLocalId, return -1.
int | localIdForMinus (void) const |
| returns localId but if 0, return maxLocalId + 1.
const TRGSignal & | signal (void) const override |
| returns an input to the trigger. This is sync'ed to 1GHz clock.
const TRGCDCWireHitMC * | mc (void) const |
| This will be removed.
const TRGCDCWireHitMC * | mc (TRGCDCWireHitMC *) |
| This will be removed.
unsigned | iCDCSimHit (void) const |
| return index of CDCSimHit
float | distance (void) const |
| returns drift distance.
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > & | hitPosition (void) const |
| returns hit position.
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > & | entrance (void) const |
| returns an entrance point.
const HepGeom::Vector3D< double > & | direction (void) const |
| returns vector from entrance to exit point.
int | leftRight (void) const |
| returns left or right.
const TRGCDCWire * | wire (void) const |
| returns a pointer to a TRGCDCWire.
const TRGCDCTrackMC * | hep (void) const |
| returns a pointer to a GEN_HEPEVT.
const TRGCDCWireHit * | hit (void) const |
| returns a pointer to a TRGCDCWireHit.
const CLHEP::Hep3Vector & | momentum (void) const |
| returns momentum vector at the entrance.
| TRGCDCCell (unsigned id, unsigned localId, const TRGCDCLayer &layer, const HepGeom::Point3D< double > &forwardPosition, const HepGeom::Point3D< double > &backwardPosition) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCCell () |
| Destructor.
virtual void | dump (const std::string &message=std::string(""), const std::string &prefix=std::string("")) const |
| dumps debug information.
int | localIdDifference (const TRGCDCCell &) const |
| returns local id difference.
| TRGCDCCellHit (const TRGCDCCell &, unsigned indexCDCHit=0, unsigned indexCDCSimHit=0, unsigned indexMCParticle=0, float driftLeft=0, float driftLeftError=0, float driftRight=0, float driftRightError=0, int mcLRflag=0, float fudgeFacgtor=1) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCCellHit () |
| Destructor.
virtual void | dump (const std::string &message=std::string(""), const std::string &prefix=std::string("")) const |
| dumps debug information.
HepGeom::Point3D< double > | position (unsigned) const |
| returns left position. z is always zero.
static int | sortById (const TRGCDCCellHit **a, const TRGCDCCellHit **b) |
| Sort function.
const CDCHit * | hit (void) const |
| Access to CDCHit.
const CDCSimHit * | simHit (void) const |
| Access to CDCSimHit.
const MCParticle * | mcParticle (void) const |
| Access to MCParticle.
| TRGCDCCircle (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &links) |
| Constructor with links.
| TRGCDCCircle (double r, double phi, double charge, const TRGCDCHoughPlane &plane) |
| Constructor with a circle center, assuming the origin is on a circle.
virtual | ~TRGCDCCircle () |
| Destructor.
virtual void | dump (const std::string &message=std::string(""), const std::string &prefix=std::string("")) const override |
| dumps debug information.
int | approach2D (TRGCDCLink &) const override |
| calculate closest approach. Error was happened if return value is not zero.
| TRGCDCCircleFitter (const std::string &name) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCCircleFitter () |
| Destructor.
virtual int | fit (TRGCDCTrackBase &) const override |
| Fitter.
| TRGCDCEventTime (const TRGCDC &, bool makeRootFile) |
| constructor of TRGCDCEventTime class
virtual | ~TRGCDCEventTime () |
| destructor of TRGCDCEventTime class
void | initialize (void) |
| initialize the class
void | doit (int ver, bool print) |
| Calculate T0 based on ver.
void | hitcount (void) |
| hit count of TS
void | hist (void) |
| making hostogram
void | oldVer (void) |
| old version of calculation function
void | printFirm (void) |
| Print info in firmware level.
int | getT0 (void) const |
| Calculate T0.
void | terminate (void) |
| terminate function
| TRGCDCEventTimeFinder (const std::string &name, const TRGClock &systemClock, const TRGClock &dataClock, const TRGClock &userClockInput, const TRGClock &userClockOutput) |
| Constructor.
| ~TRGCDCEventTimeFinder () |
| Destructor.
void | push_back (const TRGCDCTrackSegmentFinder *) |
| push back the TRGCDCTrackSegmentFinder pointer
void | simulate (void) |
| Firmware simulation. yi.
| TRGCDCFitter (const std::string &name) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCFitter () |
| Destructor.
void | fitDone (TRGCDCTrackBase &) const |
| sets the fitted flag. (Bad implementation)
void | dump (const std::string &message=std::string(""), const std::string &prefix=std::string("")) const |
| dump debug info
| TRGCDCFitter3D (const std::string &name, const std::string &rootFitter3DFile, const TRGCDC &, const std::map< std::string, bool > &flags) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCFitter3D () |
| Destructor.
void | initialize () |
| Initialization.
int | doit (std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackList) |
| Does track fitting.
int | doitComplex (std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackList) |
| Does track fitting using JSignals.
static double | calPhi (TRGCDCSegmentHit const *segmentHit, double eventTime) |
| Utility functions.
void | saveVhdlAndCoe () |
| Functions for saving. More...
void | saveAllSignals () |
| Saves all signals for debugging.
void | saveIoSignals () |
| Saves all I/O signals for debugging.
static void | getMCValues (const TRGCDC &m_cdc_in, TRGCDCTrack *aTrack, const std::map< std::string, double > &m_mConstD_in, std::map< std::string, double > &m_mDouble_in, std::map< std::string, std::vector< double > > &m_mVector_in) |
| Function for mc debugging.
bool | isAxialTrackFull (const TRGCDCTrack &aTrack) |
| Checks if axial track has 5 TSs. One per each superlayer.
bool | isStereoTrackFull (const TRGCDCTrack &aTrack) |
| Checks if stereo track has 4 TSs. One per each superlayer.
static void | findHitAxialSuperlayers (const TRGCDCTrack &aTrack, std::vector< double > &useAxSL, bool printError) |
| Finds which axial superlayers has TSs. useAxSL array indicating hit superlayers.
static void | findHitStereoSuperlayers (const TRGCDCTrack &aTrack, std::vector< double > &useStSL, bool printError) |
| Finds which stereo superlayers has TSs. useStSL array indicating hit superlayers.
void | removeImpossibleStereoSuperlayers (std::vector< double > &useStSL) |
| Removes TSs that are not possible with track Pt.
static void | selectAxialTSs (const TRGCDCTrack &aTrack, std::vector< int > &bestTSIndex) |
| Selects priority TSs when there are multiple candidate TSs for a superlayer.
static int | do2DFit (TRGCDCTrack &aTrack, const std::map< std::string, bool > &m_mBool_in, const std::map< std::string, double > &m_mConstD_in, std::map< std::string, std::vector< double > > &m_mConstV_in, std::map< std::string, double > &m_mDouble_in, std::map< std::string, std::vector< double > > &m_mVector_in) |
| Does 2D fit. Returns 0 if fit is done successfully. m_mBool should have fIsPrintError, fmcLR, fLRLUT, fmcLR, f2DFit, f2DFitDrift. m_mConstD should have Trg_PI. m_mConstV should have nWires, driftPhi2DError, wirePhi2DError, rr, rr2D.
void | print3DInformation (int iTrack) |
| Print's information for debugging 3D.
void | terminate () |
| Termination.
std::string | version (void) const |
| Gets version of class.
std::string | name (void) const |
| Gets name of class.
static void | getStereoGeometry (std::map< std::string, std::vector< double > > &stGeometry) |
| Get stereo geometry.
static void | getStereoXt (std::vector< double > const &stPriorityLayer, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &stXts, bool isSimple=0) |
| Get stereo Xt.
static void | getConstants (std::map< std::string, double > &mConstD, std::map< std::string, std::vector< double > > &mConstV, bool isXtSimple=0) |
| Get constants for firmwareFit.
| TRGCDCFrontEnd (const std::string &name, boardType type, const TRGClock &systemClock, const TRGClock &dataClock, const TRGClock &userClock) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCFrontEnd () |
| Destructor.
static std::string | version (void) |
| returns version.
boardType | type (void) const |
| returns type.
static int | implementation (const boardType &type, std::ofstream &) |
| make a VHDL component file. More...
static int | implementationPort (const boardType &type, std::ofstream &) |
| writes a port map.
void | push_back (const TRGCDCWire *) |
| push back TRGCDCWire for this Front-end
void | dump (const std::string &message="", const std::string &pre="") const |
| dumps contents. More...
void | simulate (void) |
| simulates firmware.
static TRGState | packerInnerInside (const TRGState &input) |
| Makes bit pattern using input bit pattern for the inner FE.
static TRGState | packerInnerOutside (const TRGState &input) |
| Makes bit pattern using input bit pattern for the outer FE.
static TRGState | packerOuterInside (const TRGState &input) |
| Makes bit pattern using input bit pattern for the inner FE.
static TRGState | packerOuterOutside (const TRGState &input) |
| Makes bit pattern using input bit pattern for the outer FE.
static void | unpackerInnerInside (const TRGState &input, const TRGState &output) |
| Unpacks TRGState.
static void | unpackerInnerOutside (const TRGState &input, const TRGState &output) |
| Unpacks TRGState.
static void | unpackerOuterInside (const TRGState &input, const TRGState &output) |
| Unpacks TRGState.
static void | unpackerOuterOutside (const TRGState &input, const TRGState &output) |
| Unpacks TRGState.
void | dump_log (void) const |
| Dump all the details of _mosb into a .log file, do it in the end of simulate()
void | dump_log_innerInside (void) const |
| Dump all the details of _mosb into a .log file, for innerInside FE.
void | dump_log_innerOutside (void) const |
| Dump all the details of _mosb into a .log file, for innerOutside FE.
void | dump_log_outerInside (void) const |
| Dump all the details of _mosb into a .log file, for outerInside FE.
void | dump_log_outerOutside (void) const |
| Dump all the details of _mosb into a .log file, for outerOutside FE.
static bool | set_exception (bool) |
| set to throw exception or not
static bool | set_print (bool) |
| set to print debug info or not
static void | set_limits (const CLHEP::HepVector &a_min, const CLHEP::HepVector &a_max) |
| set limits for helix parameters
| TRGCDCHelix (const HepGeom::Point3D< double > &pivot, const CLHEP::HepVector &a, const CLHEP::HepSymMatrix &Ea) |
| Constructor with pivot, helix parameter a, and its error matrix.
| TRGCDCHelix (const HepGeom::Point3D< double > &pivot, const CLHEP::HepVector &a) |
| Constructor without error matrix.
| TRGCDCHelix (const HepGeom::Point3D< double > &position, const CLHEP::Hep3Vector &momentum, double charge) |
| Constructor with position, momentum, and charge.
virtual | ~TRGCDCHelix () |
| Destructor.
HepGeom::Point3D< double > | x (double dPhi=0.) const |
| returns position after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction.
double * | x (double dPhi, double p[3]) const |
| returns position after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction.
HepGeom::Point3D< double > | x (double dPhi, CLHEP::HepSymMatrix &Ex) const |
| returns position and convariance matrix(Ex) after rotation.
CLHEP::Hep3Vector | momentum (double dPhi=0.) const |
| returns momentum vector after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction.
CLHEP::Hep3Vector | momentum (double dPhi, CLHEP::HepSymMatrix &Em) const |
| returns momentum vector after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction.
CLHEP::HepLorentzVector | momentum (double dPhi, double mass) const |
| returns 4momentum vector after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction.
CLHEP::HepLorentzVector | momentum (double dPhi, double mass, CLHEP::HepSymMatrix &Em) const |
| returns 4momentum vector after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction.
CLHEP::HepLorentzVector | momentum (double dPhi, double mass, HepGeom::Point3D< double > &x, CLHEP::HepSymMatrix &Emx) const |
| returns 4momentum vector after rotating angle dPhi in phi direction.
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > & | pivot (const HepGeom::Point3D< double > &newPivot) |
| sets pivot position.
void | set (const HepGeom::Point3D< double > &pivot, const CLHEP::HepVector &a, const CLHEP::HepSymMatrix &Ea) |
| sets helix pivot position, parameters, and error matrix.
TRGCDCHelix & | operator= (const TRGCDCHelix &) |
| Copy operator.
void | updateCache (void) |
| update Caches
CLHEP::HepMatrix | delApDelA (const CLHEP::HepVector &ap) const |
| Mathmatical functions.
CLHEP::HepMatrix | delXDelA (double phi) const |
| Mathmatical functions.
CLHEP::HepMatrix | delMDelA (double phi) const |
| Mathmatical functions.
CLHEP::HepMatrix | del4MDelA (double phi, double mass) const |
| Mathmatical functions.
CLHEP::HepMatrix | del4MXDelA (double phi, double mass) const |
| Mathmatical functions.
void | ignoreErrorMatrix (void) |
| unsets error matrix. Error calculations will be ignored after this function call until an error matrix be set again. 0 matrix will be return as a return value for error matrix when you call functions which returns an error matrix.
void | debugPrint (void) const |
| print debug info
void | checkValid (void) |
| check validity
| TRGCDCHough3DFinder (const TRGCDC &, bool makeRootFile, int finderMode) |
| Contructor.
| ~TRGCDCHough3DFinder () |
| Destructor.
void | terminate (void) |
| Termination method.
void | doit (std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > const &trackList2D, std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackList3D) |
| Member functions. More...
void | doit (std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackList) |
| Finds tracks using tracklist. Has parameter to choose between perfect and original finder.
void | doitFind (std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackList) |
| Finds tracks using tracklist.
void | perfectFinder (std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackList, unsigned j, std::vector< const TRGCDCSegmentHit * > &mcTSList) |
| Perfect 3D finder for a track.
void | doitPerfectly (std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackList) |
| Perfect 3D finder for a tracklist.
void | findNumberOfHitSuperlayersForMcParticles (std::vector< std::vector< const TRGCDCSegmentHit * > > &p_stTSs, std::map< unsigned, unsigned > &numberTSsForParticle) |
| Finds number of hit superlayers for each mc particle.
std::string | version (void) const |
| returns version.
| TRGCDCHoughFinder (const std::string &name, const TRGCDC &, unsigned peakMin, const std::string &mappingFilePlus, const std::string &mappingFileMinus, unsigned doit) |
| Contructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCHoughFinder () |
| Destructor.
int | doFindingTrasan (std::vector< unsigned > peaks[], std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackList2D) const |
| do track finding. (trasan version)
std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > | selectBestHits (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &links) const |
| selects the best(fastest) hits in each super layer.
int | doFittingTrasan (std::vector< unsigned > peaks[], std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackList2DFitted) const |
| do track fitting. (old trasan version)
void | terminate () |
| termination.
static double | calPhi (TRGCDCSegmentHit const *segmentHit, double eventTime) |
| Utility functions.
static void | calCosPhi (std::map< std::string, Belle2::TRGCDCJSignal > &mSignalStorage, std::map< std::string, Belle2::TRGCDCJLUT * > &mLutStorage) |
| Calculate Cos Sin ? More...
static void | calSinPhi (std::map< std::string, Belle2::TRGCDCJSignal > &mSignalStorage, std::map< std::string, Belle2::TRGCDCJLUT * > &mLutStorage) |
| Calculate Cos Sin ?
static void | rPhi (std::map< std::string, Belle2::TRGCDCJSignal > &mSignalStorage, std::map< std::string, Belle2::TRGCDCJLUT * > &mLutStorage) |
| Calculate r * phi ?
void | mappingByFile (const std::string &mappingFilePlus, const std::string &mappingFileMinus) |
| creates mappings by a file.
int | FindAndFit (std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackList2D, std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackList2DFitted) |
| do track finding and fitting (wrapper that can choose between different versions).
int | doFindingAndFittingTrasan (std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackList2D, std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackList2DFitted) |
| do track finding and fitting (Trasan version).
int | doFindingAndFitting (std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackList2D, std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackList2DFitted) |
| do track finding and fitting (Kaiyu version).
int | doFinding (std::vector< std::vector< unsigned >> peaks[], std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackList2D) |
| do track finding. (kaiyu version)
int | doFitting (std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackList2D, std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackList2DFitted) |
| do track fitting. (kaiyu original) More...
TRGCDCTrack * | makeTrack (const unsigned serialID, const unsigned pm) const |
| Make a track from serial ID in Hough plane. More...
| TRGCDCHoughPlane (const std::string &name, const TRGCDCHoughTransformation &transformation, unsigned nX, float xMin, float xMax, unsigned nY, float yMin, float yMax) |
| Contructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCHoughPlane () |
| Destructor.
void | registerPattern (unsigned id) override |
| Registers a pattern on a Hough plane with (r, phi=0).
virtual void | voteByPattern (float xOffset, int weight=1) |
| Votes using a pattern.
| TRGCDCHoughPlaneBase (const std::string &name, const TRGCDCHoughTransformation &transformation, unsigned nX, float xMin, float xMax, unsigned nY, float yMin, float yMax) |
| Contructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCHoughPlaneBase () |
| Destructor.
void | locationInPlane (float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, unsigned &nFound, unsigned &iX0, unsigned &iY0, unsigned &iX1, unsigned &iY1) const |
| returns cell positions in the region.
int | maxEntryInRegion (unsigned id) const |
| returns max. count in region.
virtual void | vote (float rx, float ry, int charge, int weight=1) |
| Voring.
virtual void | dump (const std::string &message=std::string(""), const std::string &prefix=std::string("")) const |
| dumps debug information.
| TRGCDCHoughPlaneBoolean (const std::string &name, const TRGCDCHoughTransformation &transformation, unsigned nX, float xMin, float xMax, unsigned nY, float yMin, float yMax) |
| Contructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCHoughPlaneBoolean () |
| Destructor.
void | vote (float rx, float ry, float charge, int weight=1) |
| Votes with charge decision.
void | voteUsedInTrasan (float rx, float ry, float charge, int weight=1) |
| Votes with charge decision.
void | registerPattern (unsigned id) override |
| registers a pattern..
void | preparePatterns (unsigned nPatterns) |
| allocate memory for patterns.
void | vote (unsigned patternId, int weight) |
| Votes using registered pattern.
| TRGCDCHoughPlaneMulti (const std::string &name, const TRGCDCHoughTransformation &transformation, unsigned nX, float xMin, float xMax, unsigned nY, float yMin, float yMax, unsigned nLayers) |
| Contructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCHoughPlaneMulti () |
| Destructor.
void | vote (float rx, float ry, float charge, const TRGCDCHoughTransformation &hough, unsigned weight, unsigned layerId) |
| vote
void | merge (void) |
| merge function
void | vote (float phi, unsigned layerId, int weight) |
| vote
| TRGCDCHoughPlaneMulti2 (const std::string &name, const TRGCDCHoughTransformation &transformation, unsigned nX, float xMin, float xMax, unsigned nY, float yMin, float yMax, unsigned nLayers) |
| Contructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCHoughPlaneMulti2 () |
| Destructor.
void | merge (void) |
| Merge layers into one.
void | mergeOuters (void) |
| Merge outer layers into one.
| TRGCDCHoughTransformation (const std::string &name) |
| Contructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCHoughTransformation () |
| Destructor.
virtual TRGPoint2D | convert (const TRGPoint2D &) const |
| converts Point2D(r, phi) in real plane into Point2D(r, phi) in Hough plane.
| TRGCDCHoughTransformationCircle (const std::string &name) |
| Contructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCHoughTransformationCircle () |
| Destructor.
virtual float | y (float xReal, float yReal, float x) const override |
| returns Y coordinate in a Hough parameter plane.
virtual TRGPoint2D | circleCenter (const TRGPoint2D &) const |
| returns Point2D(phi, r) of a circle in real plane.
virtual TRGPoint2D | convert (const TRGPoint2D &) const override |
| converts Point2D(phi, r) in real plane into Point2D(phi, r) in Hough plane.
virtual bool | diverge (float xReal, float yReal, float x0, float x1) const override |
| returns true if Y diverges in given region.
virtual bool | positiveDiverge (float xReal, float yReal, float x0, float x1) const override |
| returns true if Y diverges in given region.
virtual bool | negativeDiverge (float xReal, float yReal, float x0, float x1) const override |
| returns true if Y diverges in given region.
std::string | version (void) const |
| returns version.
| TRGCDCJLUT (const std::string &name="no_name") |
| Contructor.
| Copy constructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCJLUT () |
| Destructor.
void | setData (int inputBitsize, int outputBitSize, const std::string &filename, bool twoscomplement=0) |
| set LookUpTable(LUT) data.
void | setFunction (std::function< int(int)> function) |
| set LUT function directly using int values.
int | setFloatFunction (std::function< double(double)> function, TRGCDCJSignal const &input, TRGCDCJSignal const &minInv, TRGCDCJSignal const &maxInv, double outputToReal, int lutInputBitwidth, int lutOutputBitwidth) |
| set LUT function using JSignals.
void | setBitsize (int inputBitsize, int outputBitsize) |
| set input & output bitsize.
void | setOutputFlag (int outputFlag) |
| set output flag.
void | setInputBitsize (int inputBitsize) |
| set input bitsize.
void | setOutputBitsize (int outputBitsize) |
| set output bitsize.
std::string | getFileName () const |
| get LUT filename
int | getInputBitsize () const |
| get input bitsize
int | getOutputBitsize () const |
| get output bitsize
std::function< int(int)> | getFunction () |
| get LUT function using int values.
std::function< double(double)> | getFloatFunction () |
| get LUT function using float values.
int | getOutputFlag () const |
| get output type.
int | getOutputType () const |
| get output type.
int | getOutput (int) const |
| get output using int values.
double | getFloatOutput (double) const |
| get output using float values.
void | dump () |
| Print variables for LUT.
void | makeCOE (const std::string &fileName="") |
| make COE file.
std::string | operate (std::string out, std::string in, std::map< std::string, std::map< std::string, double > * > &m_intStorage) |
| Operate on LUT. (Will be deprecated.)
TRGCDCJSignal const | operate (const TRGCDCJSignal &in, TRGCDCJSignal &out) |
| Returns LUT value. Out is LUT value + offset. (LUT value + offset do not obey addition bitsize rules.)
std::string const | lutVhdlCode (std::string const &shiftOffsetInput) const |
| Creates vhdlCode for lut.
| TRGCDCJSignal () |
| Constructor.
| TRGCDCJSignal (TRGCDCJSignalData *) |
| Copy constructor.
| TRGCDCJSignal (int const &bitwidth, double const &value, double const &min, double const &max, int const &clock, TRGCDCJSignalData *) |
| Actual to integer constructor with clock.
| TRGCDCJSignal (int const &bitwidth, double const &value, double const &min, double const &max, TRGCDCJSignalData *) |
| Actual to integer constructor with clock set to 0.
| TRGCDCJSignal (signed long long const &intValue, double const &toReal, signed long long const &minInt, signed long long const &maxInt, double const &actual, double const &minActual, double const &maxActual, int const &finishClock, TRGCDCJSignalData *, bool b_slv=0) |
| Integer constructor.
| TRGCDCJSignal (double const &value, double const &toReal, TRGCDCJSignalData *) |
| Constant constructor.
| TRGCDCJSignal (std::vector< bool > const &slvValue, int const &finishClock, TRGCDCJSignalData *) |
| Slv constructor.
TRGCDCJSignal & | assignTo (TRGCDCJSignal const &rhs, int targetClock, std::string &finalCode) |
| Assign operator with setting target clock with outputing final code.
TRGCDCJSignal & | assignTo (TRGCDCJSignal const &rhs, int targetClock) |
| Assign operator with setting target clock.
TRGCDCJSignal & | operator<= (TRGCDCJSignal const &rhs) |
| Assign operator.
TRGCDCJSignal const | operator- () const |
| Unary operator.
TRGCDCJSignal const | operator+ (TRGCDCJSignal const &rhs) const |
| Arithmetic add operator. More...
TRGCDCJSignal const | operator- (TRGCDCJSignal const &rhs) const |
| Arithmetic minus operator.
TRGCDCJSignal const | operator* (TRGCDCJSignal const &rhs) const |
| Arithmetic multiply operator.
void | dump () const |
| Methods.
TRGCDCJSignal const | shift (int nBits, int operate=1) const |
| Shift signal. Shift direction is right. operate=0 to change m_toReal(unit).
TRGCDCJSignal const | offset (TRGCDCJSignal const &valueMin) const |
| Outputs an offset signal which is an unsigned signal.
TRGCDCJSignal const | invOffset (TRGCDCJSignal const &valueMin) const |
| Outputs a signal that is not offset.
static void | choose (TRGCDCJSignal &target, TRGCDCJSignal const &targetMin, TRGCDCJSignal const &targetMax, TRGCDCJSignal const &reference, std::vector< std::vector< TRGCDCJSignal > > data, int targetClock) |
| Case method. More...
static void | choose (TRGCDCJSignal &target, TRGCDCJSignal const &targetMin, TRGCDCJSignal const &targetMax, TRGCDCJSignal const &reference, const std::vector< std::vector< TRGCDCJSignal > > &data) |
| Chooes method. Also has input for target min and target max signal.
static void | choose (TRGCDCJSignal &target, TRGCDCJSignal const &reference, const std::vector< std::vector< TRGCDCJSignal > > &data, int targetClock) |
| Choose with target clock.
static void | choose (TRGCDCJSignal &target, TRGCDCJSignal const &reference, const std::vector< std::vector< TRGCDCJSignal > > &data) |
| Choose method.
static void | ifElse (std::vector< std::pair< TRGCDCJSignal, std::vector< std::pair< TRGCDCJSignal *, TRGCDCJSignal > > > > &data, int targetClock) |
| If else implementation with target clock.
static void | ifElse (std::vector< std::pair< TRGCDCJSignal, std::vector< std::pair< TRGCDCJSignal *, TRGCDCJSignal > > > > &data) |
| If else implementation.
TRGCDCJSignal const | limit (signed long long minInt, signed long long maxInt, double minActual, double maxActual) const |
| Limits min and max values using specific integers. Use only for ifElse. Doesn't check overflow, underflow to be used in ifElse.
TRGCDCJSignal const | limit (TRGCDCJSignal const &min, TRGCDCJSignal const &max) const |
| Limits min and max values using JSignal. Use only for ifElse. Doesn't check overflow, underflow to be used in ifElse.
TRGCDCJSignal const | resize (int bitwidth) const |
| Resizes signal.
static TRGCDCJSignal const | slvToSigned (TRGCDCJSignal const &in, double const &toReal, signed long long const &minInt, signed long long const &maxInt, double const &actual, double const &minActual, double const &maxActual, int const &finishClock) |
| Change slv to signed with target clock.
static TRGCDCJSignal const | slvToSigned (TRGCDCJSignal const &in) |
| Change slv to signed.
static TRGCDCJSignal const | slvToUnsigned (TRGCDCJSignal const &in, double const &toReal, signed long long const &minInt, signed long long const &maxInt, double const &actual, double const &minActual, double const &maxActual, int const &finishClock) |
| Change slv to unsigned with target clock.
static TRGCDCJSignal const | slvToUnsigned (TRGCDCJSignal const &in) |
| Change slv to unsigned with target clock.
static TRGCDCJSignal const | toSlv (TRGCDCJSignal const &in, int test) |
| Change signal to std_logic_vector using vector<bool>. (Will be deprecated.)
static TRGCDCJSignal const | toSlv (TRGCDCJSignal const &) |
| Change singal to std_logic_vector.
static TRGCDCJSignal | comp (TRGCDCJSignal const &lhs, const std::string &operate, TRGCDCJSignal const &rhs) |
| Compare two signals.
void | swap (TRGCDCJSignal &first, TRGCDCJSignal &second) const |
| Swaps the TRGCDCJSignals.
void | matchUnit (TRGCDCJSignal &first, TRGCDCJSignal &second) const |
| Utilities. More...
void | setName (const std::string &name) |
| Setters, Getters Sets name of signal.
void | setInt (signed long long value) |
| Sets integer value of signal.
void | setActual (double value) |
| Sets float value of signal.
void | setToReal (double value) |
| Sets toReal factor of signal.
void | setType (int type) |
| Sets type of signal.
void | setBitsize (int bitsize) |
| Sets bitwidth of signal.
void | setFinishClock (int finishClock) |
| Sets finish clock of signal.
void | setDebug (bool debug) |
| Sets debug flag for signal.
void | setPrintVhdl (bool printVhdl) |
| Sets print flag for signal.
void | setVhdlOutputFile (const std::string &filename) |
| Sets ouptut VHDL filename.
void | setCommonData (TRGCDCJSignalData *) |
| Sets JSignalData to signal.
std::string | getName () const |
| Get name of signal.
int | getType () const |
| Get type of signal.
double | getBitsize () const |
| Get bitwidth of signal.
signed long long | getInt () const |
| Get integer value of signal.
signed long long | getMinInt () const |
| Get minimum integer value of signal.
signed long long | getMaxInt () const |
| Get maximum integer value of signal.
double | getActual () const |
| Get float value of signal.
double | getMinActual () const |
| Get minimum float value of signal.
double | getMaxActual () const |
| Get maximum float value of signal.
double | getRealInt () const |
| Get converted float value of integer.
double | getRealMinInt () const |
| Get converted float value of minimum integer.
double | getRealMaxInt () const |
| Get converted float value of maximum integer.
double | getToReal () const |
| Get toReal value of signal.
int | getFinishClock () const |
| Gets clock tick where signal is make.
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::vector< int > > > const | getArgumentSignals () const |
| Gets the signal names and values that made this signal.
TRGCDCJSignalData * | getCommonData () const |
| Get the sharged JSignalData.
int | calType () const |
| Calculated what type the signal is.
int | calType (double minValue) const |
| Calculated the type using the argument.
int | calBitwidth () const |
| Calculates the bit width.
int | calBitwidth (int type, signed long long minInt, signed long long maxInt) |
| Calculates the bit width using the arguments.
int | calFinishClock () const |
| Claculates the clock tick where the signal is valid.
std::string | getVhdlCode () const |
| Gets the vhdl code for the signal.
bool | getPrintVhdl () const |
| Gets the print vhdl flag from common JSignalData class.
std::string | getVhdlOutputFile () const |
| Gets the vhdl output file name.
bool | orderLargestBitsize (TRGCDCJSignal &large, TRGCDCJSignal &small) const |
| Orders the TRGCDCJSignals by bitsize. Next priority is unsigned, signed, minus unsigned. 1: was swapped. 0: was not swapped.
signed long long | calMaxInteger () const |
| Calculate max value for a binary number.
signed long long | calMinInteger () const |
| Calculate min value for a binary number.
static TRGCDCJSignal const | absolute (TRGCDCJSignal const &first) |
| Absolute TRGCDCJSignal. Removes 1 bit if signed or minus unsigned.
static signed long long | calInt (double value, TRGCDCJSignal const &mother) |
| Calculates integer value with unit of a TRGCDCJSignal.
static void | calVhdlTypeBitwidth (TRGCDCJSignal const &first, const std::string &operation, TRGCDCJSignal const &second, int &type, int &bitwidth) |
| Calculates vhdl bitwidth and type for operation.
void | initArgumentSignals () |
| Initializes the argument signals for the signal.
static void | combineArguments (TRGCDCJSignal const &first, TRGCDCJSignal const &second, TRGCDCJSignal &result) |
| Combines arguments of signals.
void | initVhdlCode () |
| Initializes the vhdl code.
void | toSignedVhdlCode () |
| Changes signal type to signed type in VHDL.
void | toUnsignedVhdlCode () |
| Changes signal type to unsigned type in VHDL.
static void | vhdlCode (TRGCDCJSignal const &first, const std::string &operation, TRGCDCJSignal const &second, TRGCDCJSignal const &result, std::string &targtVhdlCode) |
| Writes vhdl code using two signals.
static void | vhdlCode (const std::string &operation, TRGCDCJSignal const &first, TRGCDCJSignal const &result, std::string &targetVhdlCode) |
| Writes vhdl code using one signal.
static std::string | replaceWithSignalNames (std::string const &fromVhdlCode, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::vector< int > > > const &fromVhdlSignals, int const &finishClock, std::map< std::string, std::vector< int > > &buffers) |
| Writes final vhdl code.
static std::string | assignVhdlCode (TRGCDCJSignal const &target, TRGCDCJSignal const &from) |
| Writes the assign vhdl code.
static std::string | chooseVhdlCode (TRGCDCJSignal const &target, TRGCDCJSignal const &reference, std::vector< std::vector< TRGCDCJSignal > > const &data) |
| Writes the choose vhdl code.
static std::string | ifElseVhdlCode (std::vector< std::pair< TRGCDCJSignal, std::vector< std::pair< TRGCDCJSignal *, TRGCDCJSignal > > > > const &data) |
| Writes the ifElse vhdl code.
void | printVhdl (const std::string &vhdlCode) const |
| Prints vhdl code.
void | checkInt (const std::string &name) const |
| Checks underflow or overflow for TRGCDCJSignal.
static bool | isSameSignal (TRGCDCJSignal const &lhs, TRGCDCJSignal const &rhs) |
| Checks if signal is same signal.
static void | valuesToMapSignals (std::vector< std::tuple< std::string, double, int, double, double, int > > const &inValues, Belle2::TRGCDCJSignalData *inCommonData, std::map< std::string, Belle2::TRGCDCJSignal > &outMap) |
| Values => [name, value, bitwidth, min, max, clock] Changes values to signals.
static void | mapSignalsToValues (std::map< std::string, Belle2::TRGCDCJSignal >const &inMap, std::vector< std::pair< std::string, int > > const &inChoose, std::vector< std::tuple< std::string, double, int, double, double, int > > &outValues) |
| Choose => [signalName, FpgaEffects(=1)/NoFpgaEffects(=0)] Values => [name, value, bitwidth, min, max, clock] Changes signals to values.
| TRGCDCJSignalData () |
| Constructor for class.
void | setVhdlOutputFile (const std::string &) |
| Sets the filename for VHDL output.
void | setPrintVhdl (bool) |
| Sets if to print VHDL output.
void | setPrintedToFile (bool) |
| Set to remember that file was printed.
void | setVhdlInProcess (const std::string &) |
| Set the VHDL code that are in a process statement.
void | setVhdlOutProcess (const std::string &) |
| Set the VHDL code that is outside a process statement.
std::string | getVhdlOutputFile () const |
| Get the VHDL output code.
bool | getPrintVhdl () const |
| Gets the status of m_printVhdl.
bool | getPrintedToFile () const |
| Gets the status of m_printedToFile.
std::string | getVhdlInProcess () const |
| Gets the VHDL code that are in a process statement.
std::string | getVhdlOutProcess () const |
| Gets the VHDL code that are outside a process statement.
std::string | getVhdlDefine () const |
| Gets the VHDL code for define statement.
std::map< std::string, std::vector< int > > const & | getSignals () const |
| Gets the signals that were saved for one line of VHDL.
void | printToFile () |
| Utilities Function to print VHDL code.
void | buffersVhdlCode () |
| Function to print buffer VHDL code.
void | signalsVhdlCode () |
| Function to print definition of signal VHDL code.
void | entryVhdlCode () |
| Function to print entry VHDL code.
| TRGCDCLayer (unsigned id, unsigned superLayerId, unsigned localLayerId, unsigned axialStereoLayerId, unsigned axialStereoSuperLayerId, float offset, int nShifts, float cellSize, unsigned nCells, float innerRadius, float outerRadius) |
| Constructor.
| TRGCDCLayer (unsigned id, const TRGCDCCell &w) |
| Constructor for track segments.
| TRGCDCLayer () |
| Empty constructor for reduced CDC.
virtual | ~TRGCDCLayer () |
| Destructor.
void | dump (const std::string &message=std::string(""), const std::string &prefix=std::string("")) const |
| dumps debug information.
const TRGCDCCell & | cell (int id) const |
| returns a pointer to a cell. 'id' can be negative or 'id' can be greater than 'nCells()'.
| TRGCDCLink (TRGCDCTrack *track=0, const TRGCDCCellHit *hit=0, const HepGeom::Point3D< double > &position=Point3D()) |
| Constructor.
| TRGCDCLink (const TRGCDCLink &) |
| Copy constructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCLink () |
| Destructor.
static unsigned | nLayers (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &links) |
| returns # of layers.
static void | nHits (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &links, unsigned *nHits) |
| returns # of hits per layer.
static void | nHitsSuperLayer (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &links, unsigned *nHits) |
| returns # of hits per super layer.
void | dump_base (const std::string &message=std::string(""), const std::string &prefix=std::string("")) const |
| dumps debug information.
void | dump (const std::string &message=std::string(""), const std::string &prefix=std::string("")) const |
| dumps debug information.
static void | dump (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &links, const std::string &message=std::string(""), const std::string &prefix=std::string("")) |
| dumps TRGCDCLinks.
static void | dump (const std::vector< const TRGCDCLink * > &links, const std::string &message=std::string(""), const std::string &prefix=std::string("")) |
| dumps TRGCDCLinks.
static void | dump (const TRGCDCLink &link, const std::string &message=std::string(""), const std::string &prefix=std::string("")) |
| dumps TRGCDCLinks.
static unsigned | nStereoHits (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &links) |
| returns # of stereo hits.
static unsigned | nAxialHits (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &links) |
| returns # of axial hits.
static std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > | axialHits (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &links) |
| returns axial hits.
static std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > | stereoHits (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &links) |
| returns stereo hits.
static TRGCDCLink * | innerMost (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &links) |
| returns the inner-most link.
static TRGCDCLink * | outerMost (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &links) |
| returns the outer-most link.
static void | separateCores (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &input, std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &cores, std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &nonCores) |
| separate cores and non-cores.
static std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > | cores (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &input) |
| separate cores and non-cores.
static bool | sortById (const TRGCDCLink *a, const TRGCDCLink *b) |
| sorts by ID.
static int | sortByX (const TRGCDCLink *a, const TRGCDCLink *b) |
| sorts by X position.
static unsigned | width (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &) |
| returns width(wire cell unit) of given std::vector<TRGCDCLink *>. More...
static std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > | edges (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &) |
| returns links which are edges. More...
static std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > | sameLayer (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &list, const TRGCDCLink &a) |
| returns links which are in the same layer as 'a' or 'id'.
static std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > | sameSuperLayer (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &list, const TRGCDCLink &a) |
| returns links which are in the same super layer as 'a' or 'id'.
static std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > | sameLayer (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &list, unsigned id) |
| returns links which are in the same layer as 'a' or 'id'.
static std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > | sameSuperLayer (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &list, unsigned id) |
| returns links which are in the same super layer as 'a' or 'id'.
static std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > | inOut (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &) |
| returns links which are in the inner most and outer most layer. More...
static unsigned | superLayer (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &list) |
| returns super layer pattern.
static unsigned | superLayer (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &list, unsigned minNHits) |
| returns super layer pattern.
static unsigned | nSuperLayers (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &links) |
| returns # of layers.
static unsigned | nSuperLayers (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &links, unsigned minNHits) |
| returns # of layers.
static unsigned | nMissingAxialSuperLayers (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &links) |
| returns # of missing axial super layers. More...
static const TRGCDCTrackMC & | links2HEP (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &links) |
| returns TRGCDCTrackMC
static void | nHitsSuperLayer (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &links, std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > *list) |
| returns hits list per super layer.
static std::string | layerUsage (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &links) |
| usage of each layer
static void | remove (std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &list, const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &links) |
| removes links from list if wire is same
static void | initializeBuffers (void) |
| initialize the Buffers
static void | separate (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &links, unsigned nLayers, std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > *layers) |
| separates into layers.
const TRGCDCWire * | wire (void) const |
| returns a pointer to a wire.
static void | removeAll (void) |
| destructs all TRGCDCLink objects. (Called by TRGCDC)
static void * | operator new (size_t) |
| new operator.
static void | operator delete (void *) |
| delete operator.
| Cpar (const TRGCDCLpar &) |
| constructor of Cpar class
virtual | ~TRGCDCLpar () |
| Destructor.
void | circle (double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3) |
| circle
CLHEP::HepMatrix | dldc () const |
| private const member functions
bool | xy (double, double &, double &, int dir=0) const |
| private const member functions
double | x (double r) const |
| private const member functions
double | y (double r) const |
| private const member functions
double | phi (double r, int dir=0) const |
| const member functions
void | xhyh (double x, double y, double &xh, double &yh) const |
| private const member functions
double | s (double x, double y) const |
| const member functions
double | s (double r, int dir=0) const |
| const member functions
CLHEP::HepVector | center () const |
| const member functions
| TRGCDCLpav () |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCLpav () |
| Destructor.
void | calculate_average (double x, double y, double w=1) |
| member functions for calculation
void | calculate_average (void) |
| member functions for calculation
void | calculate_average_n (double xxav, double yyav, double xyav, double xrrav, double yrrav, double rrrrav) |
| private member function calculate_average_n
void | calculate_average3 (double x, double y, double w=1) |
| member functions for calculation
void | calculate_average3 (void) |
| member functions for calculation
double | solve_lambda (void) |
| private member function solve_lambda
double | solve_lambda3 (void) |
| private member function solve_lambda3
double | calculate_lpar (void) |
| member functions for calculation
double | calculate_lpar3 (void) |
| member functions for calculation
double | fit (double x, double y, double w=1) |
| member functions for fit
double | fit () |
| member functions for fit
CLHEP::HepSymMatrix | cov (int=0) const |
| const member function cov
CLHEP::HepSymMatrix | cov_c (int=0) const |
| const member function cov_c
int | extrapolate (double, double &, double &) const |
| const member function for extrapolation
double | similarity (double, double) const |
| const member function similarity
void | add_point (double x, double y, double w=1) |
| member functions to add point
void | add_point_frac (double x, double y, double w, double f) |
| member functions to add point
void | sub (double x, double y, double w=1, double a=0, double b=0) |
| private member functions More...
const TRGCDCLpav & | operator+= (const TRGCDCLpav &) |
| assignment operator(s)
double | prob () const |
| const member function prob
double | chi_deg () const |
| const member function chi_deg
double | delta_chisq (double x, double y, double w=1) const |
| const member function for delta chisq
std::string | version (void) const |
| returns version.
| Contructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCLUT () |
| Destructor.
int | getValue (unsigned) const |
| get LUT Values
void | setDataFile (const std::string &filename, int) |
| set LUT data.
static TRGCDCLUT * | getLUT (const std::string &filename, int) |
| get LUT from dictionary, load new LUT if it doesn't exist
| TRGCDCMerger (const std::string &name, unitType type, const TRGClock &systemClock, const TRGClock &dataClock, const TRGClock &userClockInput, const TRGClock &userClockOutput) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCMerger () |
| Destructor.
static std::string | version (void) |
| return version.
unitType | type (void) const |
| return type.
static int | implementation (const unitType &type, std::ofstream &) |
| make a VHDL component file. More...
static int | implementationPort (const unitType &type, std::ofstream &) |
| writes a port map.
void | push_back (const TRGCDCFrontEnd *) |
| push back TRGCDCFrontEnd of this Merger
void | dump (const std::string &message="", const std::string &pre="") const |
| dumps contents. "message" is to select information to dump. "pre" will be printed in head of each line.
void | simulate (void) |
| simulates firmware.
static TRGState | packerInner (const TRGState &input) |
| Make bit pattern using input information from inner FEs.
static TRGState | packerOuter (const TRGState &input) |
| Make bit pattern using input information from outer FEs.
static void | unpackerInner (const TRGState &input, const TRGState &output) |
| Unpack TRGState.
static void | unpackerOuter (const TRGState &input, const TRGState &output) |
| Unpack TRGState.
void | dump_log (void) const |
| Dump all the details of _mosb into a .log file, do it in the end of simulate()
void | dump_log_inner (void) const |
| dump_log for inner Merger
void | dump_log_outer (void) const |
| dump_log for outer Merger
std::string | version (void) const |
| returns version.
| TRGCDCPeakFinder (const std::string &name) |
| Contructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCPeakFinder () |
| Destructor.
void | regions (TRGCDCHoughPlane &hp, const unsigned threshold) const |
| Makes regions.
void | findPeaksTrasan (TRGCDCHoughPlaneMulti2 &hp, const unsigned threshold, const bool centerIsPeak, std::vector< unsigned > &peakSerialIds) const |
| do peak finding. This is a copy from "trasan".
void | findPeaks (const TRGCDCHoughPlaneMulti2 &hp, const unsigned threshold, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned >> &peaks) const |
| do peak finding. Kaiyu's version using p1p2Methode.
void | p1p2Methode (const TRGCDCHoughPlane &hp, const unsigned threshold, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned >> &peaks) const |
| Kaiyu's logic. Finds peaks from nested patterns.
std::string | version (void) const |
| returns version.
| TRGCDCPerfectFinder (const std::string &name, const TRGCDC &) |
| Contructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCPerfectFinder () |
| Destructor.
int | doit (std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackListClone, std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackList) |
| do track finding.
int | doitPerfectly (std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > &trackList) |
| do perfect finding.
| TRGCDCRelation (const TRGCDCTrackBase &track, const std::map< unsigned, unsigned > &relation) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCRelation () |
| Destructor.
unsigned | contributor (unsigned i=0) const |
| returns i'th contributor of MCParticle.
const MCParticle & | mcParticle (unsigned i=0) const |
| returns i'th contributor.
float | purity (unsigned i=0) const |
| returns i'th purity.
float | purity3D (unsigned trkID) const |
| returns purity for 3D for trkID particle which should be from 2D.
float | efficiency3D (unsigned trkID, std::map< unsigned, unsigned > &numTSsParticle) const |
| returns efficiency of TS for 3D
void | dump (const std::string &message=std::string(""), const std::string &prefix=std::string("")) const |
| Dumps debug information.
| TRGCDCSegment (unsigned id, const TRGCDCLayer &layer, const TRGCDCWire &w, const TRGClock &clock, const std::string &TSLUTFile, const std::vector< const TRGCDCWire * > &wires) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCSegment () |
| Destructor.
void | initialize (void) |
| initilize variables.
void | dump (const std::string &message=std::string(""), const std::string &prefix=std::string("")) const override |
| dumps debug information.
void | clear (void) override |
| clears information.
std::string | name (void) const override |
| returns name.
void | simulate (bool clockSimulation, bool logicLUTFlag, const std::string &cdcCollectionName=std::string(""), const std::string &tsCollectionName=std::string("")) |
| simulates TF hit using wire information.
void | simulateWithoutClock (bool logicLUTFlag) |
| simulates time-indegrated TF hit
void | simulateWithClock (std::string cdcCollectionName, std::string tsCollectionName) |
| simulates TF hit time-dependently
float | fastestTime (void) const |
| return fastest time in TSHit.
float | fastestTime (int clk0) const |
| fastest time in TSHit that is larger of equal to clk0.
float | foundTime (void) const |
| return found time in TSHit.
float | priorityTime (void) const |
| return priority time in TSHit.
int | priorityPosition (void) const |
| return priority cell position in TSHit. 0: no hit, 3: 1st priority, 1: 2nd right, 2: 2nd left
int | priorityPosition (int clk0, int clk1) const |
| return priority cell position in TSHit for given time window.
const TRGCDCWire & | priority (void) const |
| returns priority wire.
unsigned | hitPattern (void) const |
| returns hit pattern.
unsigned | hitPattern (int clk0, int clk1) const |
| returns hit pattern for hits in given time window.
unsigned | lutPattern (void) const |
| hit pattern containing bit for priority position
unsigned | lutPattern (int clk0, int clk1) const |
| hit pattern containing bit for priority position for hits in given time window.
virtual bool | hasMember (const std::string &a) const override |
| returns true this has member named a.
| TRGCDCSegmentHit (const TRGCDCSegment &) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCSegmentHit () |
| Destructor.
static int | sortById (const TRGCDCSegmentHit **a, const TRGCDCSegmentHit **b) |
| Sorting funnction.
virtual void | dump (const std::string &message=std::string(""), const std::string &prefix=std::string("")) const override |
| dumps debug information.
const TRGCDCSegment & | segment (void) const |
| returns a pointer to a track segment.
static void | removeAll (void) |
| destructs all TRGCDCCellHit objects. (Called by TRGCDC)
static void * | operator new (size_t) |
| new operator.
static void | operator delete (void *) |
| delete operator.
| TRGCDCSteppingAction () |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCSteppingAction () |
| Destructor.
virtual void | UserSteppingAction (const G4Step *) |
| Stepping action to control a step in G4.
| TRGCDCTrackBase (const TRGCDCTrackBase &) |
| Copy constructor.
| TRGCDCTrackBase (const std::string &name, double charge) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCTrackBase () |
| Destructor.
virtual void | dump (const std::string &message=std::string(""), const std::string &prefix=std::string("")) const |
| dumps debug information.
virtual int | fit (void) |
| fits itself by a default fitter. Error was happened if return value is not zero.
void | append (TRGCDCLink *) |
| appends a link.
void | append (const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > &links) |
| appends links.
const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > & | links (void) const |
| returns a vector to track segments.
const std::vector< TRGCDCLink * > & | links (unsigned layerId) const |
| returns a vector to track segments.
virtual int | approach2D (TRGCDCLink &) const |
| calculate closest approach. Error was happened if return value is not zero.
const TRGCDCRelation | relation (void) const |
| returns MC information. More...
const TRGCDCRelation | relation2D (void) const |
| returns MC information for only axial layers.
const TRGCDCRelation | relation3D (void) const |
| returns MC information for only stereo layers.
| TRGCDCTracker2D (const std::string &name, const TRGClock &systemClock, const TRGClock &dataClock, const TRGClock &userClockInput, const TRGClock &userClockOutput) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCTracker2D () |
| Destructor.
static std::string | version (void) |
| returns version.
void | push_back (const TRGCDCTrackSegmentFinder *) |
| Appends a TSF board.
void | dump (const std::string &message="", const std::string &pre="") const |
| dumps contents. More...
void | simulate (void) |
| simulates firmware.
static TRGState | packer (const TRGState &input, TRGState ®isters, bool &logicStillActive) |
| Packer for 3D tracker.
static void | unpacker (const TRGState &input, TRGState &output) |
| Unpack TSF output.
static void | hitInformation (const TRGState ®isters) |
| Gets TSF hit information for one certin clock from the registers.
void | setConstants (void) |
| Sets constants.
static void | update (void) |
| updates information.
| TRGCDCTrackMC () |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCTrackMC () |
| Destructor.
void | dump (const std::string &message=std::string(""), const std::string &prefix=std::string("")) const |
| dumps debug information.
static std::vector< const TRGCDCTrackMC * > | list (void) |
| returns a list of TRGCDCTrackMC's.
std::vector< const TRGCDCWireHitMC * > | hits (void) const |
| returns a list of TRGCDCWireHitMC.
| TRGCDCTrackSegmentFinder (const TRGCDC &, bool makeRootFile, bool logicLUTFlag) |
| Constructor.
| TRGCDCTrackSegmentFinder (const TRGCDC &, const std::string &name, boardType type, const TRGClock &systemClock, const TRGClock &dataClock, const TRGClock &userClockInput, const TRGClock &userClockOutput, const std::vector< TRGCDCSegment * > &tsSL) |
| Constructor.
| ~TRGCDCTrackSegmentFinder () |
| Destructor.
boardType | type (void) const |
| board type of TSF
void | terminate (void) |
| terminate
void | doit (std::vector< TRGCDCSegment * > &tss, const bool trackSegmentClockSimulation, std::vector< TRGCDCSegmentHit * > &segmentHits, std::vector< TRGCDCSegmentHit * > *segmentHitsSL) |
| Member functions of doing TSF.
vector< TRGSignalVector * > | findTSHit (TRGSignalVector *eachInput, int) |
| Use LUT for find TSHit. More...
TRGSignalVector * | packerOuterTracker (vector< TRGSignalVector * > &, vector< int > &, const unsigned) |
| Packing output for tracker.
TRGSignalVector * | packerOuterEvt (vector< TRGSignalVector * >, vector< int >, int) |
| Packing output for evtTime & Low pT.
double | mkint (TRGState) |
| tranformatoin into integer
vector< bool > | mkbool (int, int) |
| tranformatoin into bool
void | saveTSInformation (std::vector< TRGCDCSegment * > &tss) |
| save the TS info
void | saveTSFResults (std::vector< TRGCDCSegmentHit * > *segmentHitsSL) |
| save result of TSF
void | saveNNTSInformation (std::vector< TRGCDCSegment * > &tss) |
| Saves NNTS information. Only when ts is hit.
void | push_back (const TRGCDCMerger *) |
| push back the Mergers of this TSF
void | simulateOuter (void) |
| Firmware simulation for the outers. yi.
vector< TRGSignalVector * > | simulateOuter (TRGSignalVector *in, unsigned id) |
| Simulate TSF response for the inner. More...
void | priorityTiming (unsigned tsfID, const unsigned nTSF, TRGSignalVector &s, const TRGSignal ¢er, const TRGSignal &right, const TRGSignal &left) const |
| Make TRGSignals for the priority timing bits.
void | fastestTimingOuter (unsigned tsfID, const unsigned nTSF, TRGSignalVector &s) const |
| Make TRGSignals for the fastest timing bits.
void | simulateInner (void) |
| Firmware simulation for the outers. yi.
void | fastestTimingInner (unsigned tsfID, const unsigned nTSF, TRGSignalVector &s) const |
| Make TRGSignals for the fastest timing bits.
vector< TRGSignalVector * > | simulateInner (const TRGSignalVector &in, unsigned id) |
| Simulate TSF response for the inner.
static void | addID (TRGSignalVector &s, unsigned id) |
| Add TSF ID to timing signal vector for the output.
void | simulate (void) |
| Firmware simulation. yi.
void | simulate2 (void) |
| Firmware simulation. Unified version of inner and outer : yi.
void | hitMapInner (void) |
| Creates the hit maps for the inner.
void | hitMapOuter (void) |
| Creates the hit maps for the outer.
void | inputInner (const unsigned id, const unsigned nTSF, TRGSignalVector *s) |
| Creates input signals to TSF for the inner.
void | inputOuter (const unsigned id, const unsigned nTSF, TRGSignalVector *s) |
| Creates input signals to TSF for the outer.
TRGSignalVector * | packerForTracker (vector< TRGSignalVector * > &, vector< int > &, const unsigned) |
| Output packer for tracker.
vector< TRGSignalVector * > | simulateTSFOld (TRGSignalVector *in, unsigned id) |
| Simulate TSF response (unified version) More...
vector< TRGSignalVector * > | simulateTSF (TRGSignalVector *in, unsigned id) |
| Simulate TSF response (unified version, 2016/07/12) More...
vector< TRGSignalVector * > | simulateTSF2 (TRGSignalVector *in, unsigned id) |
| Simulate TSF response (unified version, state machine)
std::string | name (void) const |
| simulates track segment decisions. More...
std::string | version (void) const |
| returns version.
static TRGCDC * | getTRGCDC (const std::string &configFile, unsigned simulationMode=0, unsigned fastSimulationMode=0, unsigned firmwareSimulationMode=0, int firmwareSimulationStart=0, int firmwareSimulationStop=32 *32 - 1, bool _makeRootFile=0, bool perfect2DFinder=false, bool perfect3DFinder=false, const std::string &innerTSLUTFile="?", const std::string &outerTSLUTFile="?", const std::string &rootTRGCDCFile="?", const std::string &rootFitter3DFile="?", unsigned houghFinderPeakMin=5, const std::string &houghMappingFilePlus="?", const std::string &houghMappingFileMinus="?", unsigned houghDoit=2, bool fLogicLUTTSF=0, bool fLRLUT=1, bool fFitter3Dsmclr=0, bool fFitter3Ds2DFit=1, bool fFitter3Ds2DFitDrift=0, double inefficiency=0, bool fileTSF=0, bool fileETF=0, int fverETF=0, bool fprintFirmETF=0, bool fileHough3D=0, int finder3DMode=0, bool fileFitter3D=0, bool fXtSimpleFitter3D=0, double TdcBinWidth=1., int trgCDCDataInputMode=0, const std::string &cdchitCollectionName="") |
| returns TRGCDC object with specific configuration.
static TRGCDC * | getTRGCDC (void) |
| returns TRGCDC object. More...
std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > | getTrackList2D (void) |
| returns 2D track list (no fit).
std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > | getTrackList2DFitted (void) |
| returns 2D fitted track list.
std::vector< TRGCDCTrack * > | getTrackList3D (void) |
| returns 3D track list (fitted).
| TRGCDC (const std::string &configFile, unsigned simulationMode, unsigned fastSimulationMode, unsigned firmwareSimulationMode, int firmwareSimulationStart, int firmwareSimulationStop, bool makeRootFile, bool perfect2DFinder, bool perfect3DFinder, const std::string &innerTSLUTFile, const std::string &outerTSLUTFile, const std::string &rootTRGCDCFile, const std::string &rootFitter3DFile, unsigned houghFinderPeakMin, const std::string &houghMappingFilePlus, const std::string &houghMappingFileMinus, unsigned houghDoit, bool fLogicLUTTSF, bool fLRLUT, bool fFitter3Dsmclr, bool fFitter3Ds2DFit, bool fFitter3Ds2DFitDrift, double inefficiecny, bool fileTSF, bool fileETF, int fverETF, bool fprintFirmETF, bool fileHough3D, int finder3DMode, bool fileFitter3D, bool fXtSimpleFitter3D, double TdcBinWidth, int trgCDCDataInputMode, const std::string &cdchitCollectionName) |
| Constructor.
void | initialize (unsigned houghFinderPeakMin, const std::string &houghMappingFilePlus, const std::string &houghMappingFileMinus, unsigned houghDoit) |
| initializes CDC geometry.
void | terminate (void) |
| terminates when run is finished
void | dump (const std::string &message) const |
| dumps debug information.
const TRGCDCWire * | wire (unsigned wireId) const |
| returns a pointer to a wire. More...
const TRGCDCWire * | wire (unsigned layerId, int localId) const |
| returns a pointer to a wire. More...
const TRGCDCWire * | wire (float r, float phi) const |
| returns a pointer to a wire. More...
void | clear (void) |
| clears all TRGCDC hit information.
void | fastClear (void) |
| clears TRGCDC information.
void | update () |
| updates TRGCDC wire information. clear() is called in this function.
void | updateByData (int inputMode) |
| updates TRGCDC wire information by Hardware data 0: From CDC FE ASCII file (Implementing) 1: From CDC FE-DAQ root file (Not implemented) 2: From TSIM root file (Not implemented)
void | classification (void) |
| classify hits.
std::vector< const TRGCDCWireHit * > | axialHits (void) const |
| returns a list of axial hits. More...
std::vector< const TRGCDCWireHit * > | stereoHits (void) const |
| returns a list of stereo hits. More...
std::vector< const TRGCDCWireHit * > | hits (void) const |
| returns a list of TRGCDCWireHit. More...
std::vector< const TRGCDCWireHitMC * > | hitsMC (void) const |
| returns a list of TRGCDCWireHitMC. More...
std::string | wireName (unsigned wireId) const |
| returns wire name.
unsigned | localId (unsigned wireId) const |
| returns local ID in a layer. This function is expensive.
unsigned | layerId (unsigned wireId) const |
| returns layer ID. This function is expensive.
unsigned | layerId (unsigned axialStereoSwitch, unsigned axialStereoLayerId) const |
| returns layer ID from axialStereoLayerId. This function is expensive.
unsigned | superLayerId (unsigned wireId) const |
| returns super layer ID. This function is expensive.
unsigned | localLayerId (unsigned wireId) const |
| returns local layer ID in a super layer. This function is expensive.
unsigned | axialStereoSuperLayerId (unsigned axialStereo, unsigned axialStereoLayerId) const |
| returns axialStereo super layer ID. This function is expensive.
virtual | ~TRGCDC () |
| Destructor.
bool | neighbor (const TRGCDCWire &w0, const TRGCDCWire &w1) const |
| returns true if w0 and w1 are neighbor.
void | simulate (void) |
| fast trigger simulation.
void | fastSimulation (void) |
| Fast simulation.
void | storeSimulationResults (std::string collection2Dfinder, std::string collection2Dfitter, std::string collection3Dfitter) |
| Save results of fast simulation to data store (segment hits & tracks). More...
void | firmwareSimulation (void) |
| Firmware simulation.
void | configure (void) |
| configures trigger modules for firmware simulation.
const TRGCDCSegment & | segment (unsigned lyrId, unsigned id) const |
| returns a track segment.
int | getEventTime (void) const |
| returns bad hits(finding invalid hits). More...
void | setReturnValue (EReturnValueType const &moduleName, bool flag) |
| sets return value for trg cdc module.
int | getReturnValue (EReturnValueType const &moduleName) const |
| gets return value for a module in trg cdc module.
void | saveCDCHitInformation (std::vector< std::vector< unsigned > > &) |
| Save functions for ROOT.
void | saveTRGHitInformation (std::vector< std::vector< int > > &) |
| Save functions for ROOT.
void | saveTRGRawInformation (std::vector< std::string > &) |
| Save functions for ROOT.
unsigned | nSegments (unsigned id) const |
| returns # of track segments in a layer.
| TRGCDCTrack () |
| Constructor.
| TRGCDCTrack (const TRGCDCCircle &) |
| Constructor from a Circle.
virtual | ~TRGCDCTrack () |
| Destructor.
static std::vector< const TRGCDCTrack * > | list (void) |
| returns a list of TRGCDCTrack's.
int | approach (TRGCDCLink &, bool sagCorrection=false) const |
| calculates the closest approach to a wire in real space. Results are stored in TLink. Return value is negative if error happened.
std::vector< HepGeom::Point3D< double > > | perfectPosition (void) const |
| returns perfect position from GEANT.
| TRGCDCWire (unsigned id, unsigned localId, const TRGCDCLayer &, const HepGeom::Point3D< double > &forwardPosition, const HepGeom::Point3D< double > &backwardPosition, const TRGClock &clock) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCWire () |
| Destructor.
void | dump (const std::string &message=std::string(""), const std::string &prefix=std::string("")) const override |
| dumps debug information.
const TRGCDCWire * | neighbor (unsigned) const |
| returns a pointer to a neighbor wire. This function is expensive.
void | clear (void) override |
| clears information.
std::string | name (void) const override |
| returns name.
| TRGCDCWireHit (const TRGCDCWire &, unsigned indexCDCHit=0, unsigned indexCDCSimHit=0, unsigned indexMCParticle=0, float driftLeft=0, float driftLeftError=0, float driftRight=0, float driftRightError=0, int mcLRflag=1, float fudgeFacgtor=1) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCWireHit () |
| Destructor.
const TRGCDCWire & | wire (void) const |
| returns a pointer to a TRGCDCWire.
static int | sortByWireId (const TRGCDCWireHit **a, const TRGCDCWireHit **b) |
| Sort function. This will be removed.
static void | removeAll (void) |
| destructs all TRGCDCCellHit objects. (Called by TRGCDC)
static void * | operator new (size_t) |
| new operator.
static void | operator delete (void *) |
| delete operator.
| TRGCDCWireHitMC (const TRGCDCWire *, const TRGCDCWireHit *) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~TRGCDCWireHitMC () |
| Destructor.
| TrgEclDatabaseImporter () |
| TrgEclDatabaseImporter Constructor.
void | importFAMParameter (std::string, std::string, std::string) |
| Import FAM Parameters.
void | importTMMParameter (std::string) |
| Import TMM Parameters.
void | importETMParameter (std::string) |
| Import ETM Parameters.
void | importBadRunNumber (std::string) |
| Import Bad Run Number.
void | printTCThreshold () |
| Print TC energy Threshold.
int | debugLevel (void) const |
| returns debug level.
int | debugLevel (int) const |
| sets and returns debug level.
const TRGClock & | systemClock (void) const |
| returns the system clock.
double | systemOffsetMC (void) const |
| returns the system offset in MC.
unsigned | firmwareSimulationMode (void) const |
| returns firmware simulation mode.
std::string | configFile (void) const |
| returns configuration file name.
std::string | name (void) const |
| returns name.
std::string | version (void) const |
| returns version.
static TRGGDL * | getTRGGDL (const std::string &configFile, unsigned simulationMode=0, unsigned fastSimulationMode=0, unsigned firmwareSimulationMode=0, const std::string &Phase="Phase", bool algFromDB=true, const std::string &algFilePath="ftd.alg", int debugLevel=0, double timquality_threshold_sfin=0, double timquality_threshold_fine=0) |
| returns TRGGDL object with specific configuration.
static TRGGDL * | getTRGGDL (void) |
| returns TRGGDL object. More...
| TRGGDL (const std::string &configFile, unsigned simulationMode, unsigned fastSimulationMode, unsigned firmwareSimulationMode, const std::string &Phase, bool algFromDB=true, const std::string &algFilePath="ftd.alg", int debugLevel=0, double timquality_threshold_sfin=0, double timquality_threshold_fine=0) |
| Constructor.
void | initialize (void) |
| initializes GDL.
void | terminate (void) |
| terminates when run is finished
void | dump (const std::string &message) const |
| dumps debug information.
void | clear (void) |
| clears all TRGGDL information.
void | fastClear (void) |
| clears TRGGDL information.
void | update (bool mcAnalysis=true) |
| updates TRGGDL information.
virtual | ~TRGGDL () |
| Destructor.
void | simulate (void) |
| fast trigger simulation.
void | fastSimulation (void) |
| Fast simulation.
void | dataSimulation (void) |
| Data simulation.
bool | isFiredFTDL (std::vector< bool > input, std::string alg) |
bool | doprescale (int f) |
void | firmwareSimulation (void) |
| Firmware simulation.
void | configure (void) |
| configures trigger modules for firmware simulation.
void | getInput (std::ifstream &ifs) |
| Read input data definition.
void | getOutput (std::ifstream &ifs) |
| Read output data definition.
void | getAlgorithm (std::ifstream &ifs) |
| Read algorithm data definition.
static TRGState | decision (const TRGState &input) |
| Makes bit pattern(state) using input bit pattern(state).
static TRGState | timingDecision (const TRGState &input, TRGState ®isters, bool &logicStillActive) |
| Makes timing decision.
void | accumulateInp (TH1I *) |
| Accumulate bit info in histogram.
void | accumulateFtd (TH1I *) |
| Accumulate bit info in histogram.
void | accumulatePsn (TH1I *) |
| Accumulate bit info in histogram.
void | checkDatabase () const |
| Check the content of the DBObjects used by this class.
int | debugLevel (void) const |
| returns debug level.
int | debugLevel (int) const |
| sets and returns debug level.
const TRGClock & | systemClock (void) const |
| returns the system clock.
unsigned | firmwareSimulationMode (void) const |
| returns firmware simulation mode.
std::string | configFile (void) const |
| returns configuration file name.
std::string | name (void) const |
| matching function More...
std::string | version (void) const |
| returns version.
static TRGGRL * | getTRGGRL (const std::string &configFile, unsigned simulationMode=0, unsigned fastSimulationMode=0, unsigned firmwareSimulationMode=0) |
| returns TRGGRL object with specific configuration.
static TRGGRL * | getTRGGRL (void) |
| returns TRGGRL object. More...
| TRGGRL (const std::string &configFile, unsigned simulationMode, unsigned fastSimulationMode, unsigned firmwareSimulationMode) |
| Constructor.
void | initialize (void) |
| initializes GRL.
void | terminate (void) |
| terminates when run is finished
void | dump (const std::string &message) const |
| dumps debug information.
void | clear (void) |
| clears all TRGGRL information.
void | fastClear (void) |
| clears TRGGRL information.
void | update (bool mcAnalysis=true) |
| updates TRGGRL information.
virtual | ~TRGGRL () |
| Destructor.
void | simulate (void) |
| fast trigger simulation.
void | fastSimulation (void) |
| Fast simulation.
void | firmwareSimulation (void) |
| Firmware simulation.
void | configure (void) |
| configures trigger modules for firmware simulation.
| TRGGRLMatch (TRGCDCTrack *track, TRGECLCluster *cluster, int flag) |
| public member functions of TRGGRLMatch class Private variables can be called by the corresponding get function More...
virtual | ~TRGGRLMatch () |
| Destructor.
void | calculate (void) |
| a function to execute calculation of matching
void | dump (void) |
| Unpacker of the TRGGRLMatch.
bool | inArea (const TRGPoint2D &x) const |
| returns true if give point is in the area.
const std::string & | name (void) const |
| returns name.
const std::string & | name (const std::string &newName) |
| sets and returns name.
void | clear (void) |
| clears contents.
unsigned | size (void) const |
| returns size of stream in unit of bit.
void | append (int) |
| appends a bit to a stream.
void | append (unsigned) |
| appends a bit to a stream.
unsigned | sizeInChar (void) const |
| returns size in char's.
char | c (unsigned positionInChar) const |
| returns a pointer to char's.
bool | bit (unsigned positionInBit) const |
| returns true if given position is active.
const std::string & | name (void) const |
| returns name.
const TRGClock & | clockSystem (void) const |
| returns system clock.
const TRGClock & | clockData (void) const |
| returns data clock.
const TRGClock & | clockUserInput (void) const |
| returns Aurora user clock for input.
const TRGClock & | clockUserOutput (void) const |
| returns Aurora user clock for output.
void | appendInput (const TRGChannel *) |
| appends an input Aurora channel.
void | appendOutput (TRGChannel *) |
| appends an output Aurora channel.
const TRGChannel * | input (unsigned i) const |
| returns input channel i.
TRGChannel * | output (unsigned i) const |
| returns output channel i.
unsigned | nInput (void) const |
| returns input channels.
unsigned | nOutput (void) const |
| returns output channels.
const std::string & | name (void) const |
| returns name.
TRGSignalBundle * | signal (TRGSignalBundle *) |
| sets input data.
TRGSignalBundle * | signal (void) const |
| returns signal.
const TRGBoard & | sender (void) const |
| sender TRG board
double | offset (void) const |
| returns offset of the clock zero position in nano second.
const std::string & | name (void) const |
| returns name.
double | minTiming (void) const |
| returns min. timing.
double | maxTiming (void) const |
| returns max. timing.
int | unit (double period) const |
| returns min # of clocks to cover given time period.
double | frequency (void) const |
| returns frequency in MHz.
int | min (void) const |
| returns min. clock point.
int | max (void) const |
| returns max. clock point.
int | positionInSourceClock (double timing) const |
| returns clock position in the source clock.
const std::string & | name (void) const |
| returns name.
const TRGClock & | clock (void) const |
| returns clock.
void | appendHeader (const TRGSignal *) |
| appends a signal to header data.
void | appendTrailer (const TRGSignal *) |
| appends a signal to trailer data.
void | append (const TRGSignal *) |
| appends a signal to data.
double | x (void) const |
| x of the point
double | y (void) const |
| y of the point
double | x (double) |
| x of the point
double | y (double) |
| y of the point
double | mag (void) const |
| magnitude of the point
double | mag2 (void) const |
| magnitude square of the point
double | phi (void) const |
| phi of the point
double | dot (const TRGPoint2D &) const |
| inner product
double | cross (const TRGPoint2D &) const |
| outer product
TRGPoint2D | operator+ (const TRGPoint2D &) const |
TRGPoint2D | operator- (const TRGPoint2D &) const |
TRGPoint2D | operator- () const |
bool | operator== (const TRGPoint2D &) const |
| equal operator
TRGPoint2D | unit (void) const |
| unit vector
const std::string & | name (void) const |
| returns name.
const std::string & | name (const std::string &newName) |
| sets and returns name.
TRGSignal | operator& (const TRGTime &) const |
| returns AND result.
TRGSignal & | operator&= (const TRGTime &) |
| returns AND result.
TRGSignal | operator| (const TRGTime &) const |
| returns OR result.
TRGSignal & | operator|= (const TRGTime &) |
| returns OR result.
unsigned | nSignals (void) const |
| returns # of signals.
unsigned | nEdges (void) const |
| returns # of edges.
void | clear (void) |
| clears contents.
bool | active (void) const |
| returns true if there is a signal.
bool | state (int clockPosition) const |
| returns true if signal is active in given clock position.
bool | riseEdge (int clockPosition) const |
| returns true if signal is active and rising edge in give clock position.
const TRGTime * | operator[] (unsigned i) const |
| returns timing of i'th edge.
const TRGClock & | clock (void) const |
| returns clock.
bool | operator!= (const TRGSignal &) const |
| returns true if two are the same.
bool | active (int clk0, int clk1) const |
| returns true if there is a signal.
const std::string & | name (void) const |
| returns name.
const std::string & | name (const std::string &newName) |
| sets and returns name.
const TRGClock & | clock (void) const |
| returns clock.
const std::string & | name (void) const |
| returns name.
const std::string & | name (const std::string &newName) |
| sets and returns name.
const TRGClock & | clock (void) const |
| returns clock.
bool | operator!= (const TRGSignalVector &) const |
| compare two TRGSignalVectors.
unsigned | size (void) const |
| returns bit size.
bool | active (void) const |
| returns true if there are active bits.
bool | active (unsigned bitPosition) const |
| returns true if there are active bits.
bool | operator[] (unsigned i) const |
| returns state of i'th bit.
| operator unsigned () const |
| Conversion to unsigned.
| operator unsigned long long () const |
| Conversion to unsigned long long.
| operator std::string () const |
| Conversion to string.
void | copy2bool (bool *array) const |
| returns a filled array.
const TRGState & | set (unsigned position, unsigned size, const bool *const array) |
| sets state.
const TRGState & | set (unsigned position, unsigned size, unsigned value) |
| sets state.
const TRGState & | set (unsigned position, bool state=true) |
| sets state at bit i.
const TRGState & | set (unsigned position, const TRGState &) |
| sets state.
static unsigned | toUnsigned (unsigned n, const bool *array) |
| Coverts from bool array to unsigned.
TRGState & | shift (unsigned i) |
| shifts bits.
void | clear (void) |
| clears state.
const std::string & | name (void) const |
| returns name.
const std::string & | name (const std::string &newName) |
| sets and returns name.
TRGTime & | reverse (void) |
| reverse edge.
const TRGClock & | clock (void) const |
| returns clock.
bool | edge (void) const |
| returns edge information.
TRGTime & | shift (int unit) |
| delays by clock unit.
int | time (void) const |
| returns timing in clock position.
int | time (int newTime) |
| sets and returns timing in clock position.
bool | operator== (const TRGTime &) const |
| returns true if two are the same.
bool | operator!= (const TRGTime &) const |
| returns false if two are the same.
| TRGArea2D (const TRGPoint2D &leftBottom, const TRGPoint2D &rightUpper) |
| Contructor.
virtual | ~TRGArea2D () |
| Destructor.
void | cross (const TRGPoint2D &x0, const TRGPoint2D &x1, unsigned &nFound, TRGPoint2D crossPoint[2]) const |
| returns cross-points.
| TRGBitStream () |
| Default constructor.
| TRGBitStream (int size, const std::string &name="unknown") |
| Constructor of fixed size.
| TRGBitStream (const TRGBitStream &) |
| Copy constructor.
| TRGBitStream (const char *const, unsigned sizeInBit) |
| Constructor with char stream.
virtual | ~TRGBitStream () |
| Destructor.
void | dump (const std::string &message="", const std::string &pre="") const |
| dumps contents. "message" is to select information to dump. "pre" will be printed in head of each line.
void | append (bool) |
| appends a bit to a stream.
static std::vector< TRGSignal > | TRGBitStream2TRGSignal (const TRGClock &clock, int initialClockPosition, std::vector< TRGBitStream * > stream) |
| Make trigger signals from bit stream.
| TRGBoard (const std::string &name, const TRGClock &systemClock, const TRGClock &dataClock, const TRGClock &userClockInput, const TRGClock &userClockOutput) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~TRGBoard () |
| Destructor.
void | dump (const std::string &message="", const std::string &pre="") const |
| dumps contents. More...
| TRGChannel (const std::string &name, const TRGBoard &sender, const TRGBoard &receiver) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~TRGChannel () |
| Destructor.
| TRGClock (const std::string &name, double offset, double frequency) |
| Constructor. "offset" is in unit of ns. "frequency" is in unit of MHz.
| TRGClock (const std::string &name, const TRGClock &, unsigned multiplicationFactor, unsigned divisionFactor=1) |
| Constructor with clock source.
virtual | ~TRGClock () |
| Destructor.
void | dump (const std::string &message="", const std::string &pre="") const |
| dumps contents. More...
int | position (double timing) const |
| returns clock position.
double | absoluteTime (int clockPosition) const |
| returns absolute time of clock position
double | overShoot (double timing) const |
| returns over shoot.
TRGTime | minTRGTime (bool edge) const |
| returns min. TRGtime with clock.
TRGTime | maxTRGTime (bool edge) const |
| returns max. TRGtime with clock.
double | phase (double timing) const |
| returns phase of given timing in degree (0 to 360).
const TRGSignalVector & | clockCounter (void) const |
| returns the clock counter.
static void | enterStage (const std::string &stageName) |
| Declare that you enter new stage.
static void | leaveStage (const std::string &stageName) |
| Declare that you leave a stage.
static std::string | tab (void) |
| returns tab spaces.
static std::string | tab (int extra) |
| returns tab spaces with extra spaces
static int | level (void) |
| returns the debug level.
static int | level (int newLevel, bool thisStageOnly=false) |
| sets and returns the debug level.
| TRGOpticalLink (const std::string &name, const TRGClock &) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~TRGOpticalLink () |
| Destructor.
| TRGPoint2D () |
| Constructor.
| TRGPoint2D (double, double) |
| Constructor.
| TRGPoint2D (const HepGeom::Point3D< double > &) |
| Constructor.
| TRGPoint2D (const Vector3D &) |
| Constructor.
| TRGPoint2D (const CLHEP::Hep3Vector &) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~TRGPoint2D () |
| Destructor.
| TRGSignal (const TRGClock &=Belle2_GDL::GDLSystemClock) |
| Constructor.
| TRGSignal (const TRGTime &t0, const TRGTime &t1) |
| Constructor with clock and timing(t0 leading, t1 trailing).
| TRGSignal (const TRGClock &c, int t0, int t1) |
| Constructor with clock and timing(t0 leading, t1 trailing).
| TRGSignal (const TRGClock &c, double t0, double t1) |
| Constructor with clock and timing(t0 leading, t1 trailing). More...
| TRGSignal (const std::string &name, const TRGClock &=Belle2_GDL::GDLSystemClock) |
| Constructor with name.
| TRGSignal (const TRGSignal &) |
| Copy constructor.
| TRGSignal (const TRGTime &) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~TRGSignal () |
| Destructor.
void | dump (const std::string &message="", const std::string &pre="") const |
| dumps contents. More...
TRGSignal | operator& (const TRGSignal &) const |
| returns AND result.
TRGSignal & | operator&= (const TRGSignal &) |
| returns AND result.
TRGSignal | operator| (const TRGSignal &) const |
| returns OR result.
TRGSignal & | operator|= (const TRGSignal &) |
| returns OR result.
static std::vector< TRGTime > | orOperation (const std::vector< TRGTime > &) |
| Or operation.
TRGSignal & | widen (unsigned width) |
| returns widen signals. Signals wider than "width" will be untouched.
std::vector< int > | stateChanges (void) const |
| returns a list of clock position of state change.
const TRGClock & | clock (const TRGClock &) |
| changes clock.
unsigned | width (unsigned i=0) const |
| returns width of i'th signal (i=0,1,2,...).
const TRGSignal & | set (int t0, int t1, bool state=true) |
| makes a pulse with leading edge at clock t0 and with trailing edge at clock t1.
const TRGSignal & | unset (int t0, int t1) |
| clear(or unset) with leading edge at clock t0 and with trailing edge at clock t1.
void | sort (void) |
| Sort operation.
bool | consistencyCheck (void) const |
| Self-consitency check. True is return if something wrong.
const TRGSignal & | invert (void) |
| makes signal inverted.
bool | operator== (const TRGSignal &) const |
| returns true if two are the same.
| TRGSignalBundle (const TRGClock &) |
| Default constructor.
| TRGSignalBundle (const std::string &name, const TRGClock &) |
| Constructor with name.
| TRGSignalBundle (const std::string &name, const TRGClock &clock, const TRGSignalBundle &input, const unsigned outputBitSize, TRGState(*packer)(const TRGState &)) |
| Constructor with a packer.
| TRGSignalBundle (const std::string &name, const TRGClock &clock, const TRGSignalBundle &input, const unsigned outputBitSize, const unsigned registerBitSize, TRGState(*packer)(const TRGState &in, TRGState ®isters, bool &logicStillActive)) |
| Constructor with a packer which can handle multiple clock states.
virtual | ~TRGSignalBundle () |
| Destructor.
void | dump (const std::string &message="", const std::string &pre="") const |
| dumps contents. More...
bool | active (void) const |
| returns true if there is a signal.
std::vector< int > | stateChanges (void) const |
| returns a list of clock position of state change.
TRGState | state (int clockPosition) const |
| returns state at given clock position.
const TRGClock & | clock (const TRGClock &) |
| changes clock.
TRGSignal | ored (void) const |
| returns signal of all ORed.
void | dumpCOE (const std::string &fileName="", int start=0, int stop=0) const |
| makes coe output.
| TRGSignalVector (const std::string &name, const TRGClock &, unsigned size=0) |
| Default constructor. More...
| TRGSignalVector (const TRGSignalVector &) |
| Copy constructor.
| TRGSignalVector (const TRGSignal &) |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~TRGSignalVector () |
| Destructor.
void | dump (const std::string &message="", const std::string &pre="") const |
| dumps contents. More...
TRGSignalVector & | operator+= (const TRGSignal &) |
| appends TRGSignal.
TRGSignalVector & | operator+= (const TRGSignalVector &) |
| appends TRGSignalVector.
bool | active (void) const |
| returns true if there is a signal.
bool | active (int clockPosition) const |
| returns true if there is a signal at clock position.
std::vector< int > | stateChanges (void) const |
| returns a list of clock position of state change.
TRGState | state (int clockPosition) const |
| returns state at given clock position.
const TRGClock & | clock (const TRGClock &) |
| changes clock.
const TRGSignalVector & | set (const TRGState &, int clockPosition) |
| sets state at given clock.
bool | operator== (const TRGSignalVector &) const |
| compare two TRGSignalVectors.
| TRGState (unsigned bitSize=0) |
| Default constructor.
| TRGState (unsigned bitSize, unsigned value) |
| Constructor with unsigned.
| TRGState (unsigned bitSize, const bool *const states) |
| Constructor.
| TRGState (std::vector< bool > states) |
| Constructor.
| TRGState (std::vector< unsigned > &states, unsigned order) |
| Constructor. order: 0=>inVector[0] is lsb. 1=>inVector[0] is msb.
| TRGState (const char *, unsigned type) |
| Constructor. type: 0-> binary, 1->hex.
virtual | ~TRGState () |
| Destructor.
void | dump (const std::string &message="", const std::string &pre="") const |
| dumps contents. More...
TRGState & | operator+= (const TRGState &) |
| appends TRGState (as MSB).
TRGState | subset (unsigned i, unsigned n) const |
| returns subset from i with n bits.
TRGState & | operator= (const TRGState &) |
| Copy operator.
bool | operator< (const TRGState &) const |
| Copy operator.
| TRGTime (const TRGTime &) |
| Copy constructor.
| TRGTime (double timing, bool edge, const TRGClock &clock, const std::string &name="signal") |
| Constructor with clock. More...
| TRGTime (int clockPosition, bool edge, const TRGClock &clock, const std::string &name="signal") |
| Constructor with clock. More...
virtual | ~TRGTime () |
| Destructor.
TRGSignal | operator& (const TRGTime &) const |
| adding two TRGTime. A result is TRGSignal.
TRGSignal | operator& (const TRGSignal &) const |
| adding two TRGTime. A result is TRGSignal.
TRGSignal | operator| (const TRGTime &) const |
| oring two TRGTime. A result is TRGSignal.
TRGSignal | operator| (const TRGSignal &) const |
| oring two TRGTime. A result is TRGSignal.
void | dump (const std::string &message="", const std::string &pre="") const |
| dumps contents. More...
static bool | sortByTime (const TRGTime &a, const TRGTime &b) |
| returns true if a is older than b.
const TRGClock & | clock (const TRGClock &) |
| changes clock.
static std::string | dateString (void) |
| returns date string.
static std::string | dateStringF (void) |
| returns date string for filename.
static std::string | itostring (int i) |
| converts int to string. (Use boost::lexical_cast)
static std::string | dtostring (double d, unsigned int precision) |
| converts double to string.
static std::string | carstring (const std::string &s) |
| CERNLIB car.
static std::string | cdrstring (const std::string &s) |
| CERNLIB cdr.
static void | bitDisplay (unsigned) |
| Dumps bit contents to cout.
static void | bitDisplay (unsigned val, unsigned firstDigit, unsigned lastDigit) |
| Dumps bit contents to cout.
static std::string | streamDisplay (unsigned, unsigned firstDigit, unsigned lastDigit) |
| Dumps bit stream in string.
static std::string | streamDisplay (unsigned) |
| Dumps bit stream in string.