Belle II Software
This is the complete list of members for Teegg, including all inherited members.
applySettings() | Teegg | protected |
generateEvent(MCParticleGraph &mcGraph, ROOT::Math::XYZVector vertex, ROOT::Math::LorentzRotation boost) | Teegg | |
getT() | Teegg | inline |
getW2() | Teegg | inline |
getWeight() | Teegg | inline |
init() | Teegg | |
initExtraInfo() | Teegg | |
m_alphaQED0 | Teegg | protected |
m_cmsEnergy | Teegg | protected |
m_CONFIG | Teegg | protected |
m_conversionFactor | Teegg | protected |
m_CUTOFF | Teegg | protected |
m_EEMIN | Teegg | protected |
m_EEVETO | Teegg | protected |
m_EGMIN | Teegg | protected |
m_EGVETO | Teegg | protected |
m_EPS | Teegg | protected |
m_EPSPHI | Teegg | protected |
m_FRAPHI | Teegg | protected |
m_massElectron | Teegg | protected |
m_MATRIX | Teegg | protected |
m_MTRXGG | Teegg | protected |
m_npar | Teegg | private |
m_PEGMIN | Teegg | protected |
m_PHVETO | Teegg | protected |
m_pi | Teegg | protected |
m_RADCOR | Teegg | protected |
m_sCONFIG | Teegg | protected |
m_sMATRIX | Teegg | protected |
m_sMTRXGG | Teegg | protected |
m_sRADCOR | Teegg | protected |
m_sVACPOL | Teegg | protected |
m_t | Teegg | protected |
m_TEMIN | Teegg | protected |
m_TEVETO | Teegg | protected |
m_TGMIN | Teegg | protected |
m_TGVETO | Teegg | protected |
m_UNWGHT | Teegg | protected |
m_VACPOL | Teegg | protected |
m_vp2 | Teegg | protected |
m_w2 | Teegg | protected |
m_weight | Teegg | protected |
m_WGHT1M | Teegg | protected |
m_WGHTMX | Teegg | protected |
m_xpar | Teegg | private |
setCMSEnergy(double cmsEnergy) | Teegg | inline |
setCONFIG(const std::string &config="NONE") | Teegg | inline |
setCUTOFF(double cutoff=666.66) | Teegg | inline |
setDefaultSettings() | Teegg | |
setEEMIN(double eemin=666.66) | Teegg | inline |
setEEVETO(double eeveto=666.66) | Teegg | inline |
setEGMIN(double egmin=666.66) | Teegg | inline |
setEGVETO(double egveto=666.66) | Teegg | inline |
setEPS(double eps=666.66) | Teegg | inline |
setEPSPHI(double epsphi=666.66) | Teegg | inline |
setFRAPHI(double fraphi=666.66) | Teegg | inline |
setMATRIX(const std::string &matrix="NONE") | Teegg | inline |
setMTRXGG(const std::string &mtrxgg="NONE") | Teegg | inline |
setPEGMIN(double pegmin=666.66) | Teegg | inline |
setPHVETO(double phveto=666.66) | Teegg | inline |
setRADCOR(const std::string &radcor="NONE") | Teegg | inline |
setTEMIN(double temin=666.66) | Teegg | inline |
setTEVETO(double teveto=666.66) | Teegg | inline |
setTGMIN(double tgmin=666.66) | Teegg | inline |
setTGVETO(double tgveto=666.66) | Teegg | inline |
setUNWGHT(int unwght=1) | Teegg | inline |
setVACPOL(const std::string &vacpol="HLMNT") | Teegg | inline |
setWGHT1M(double wght1m=666.66) | Teegg | inline |
setWGHTMX(double wghtmx=666.66) | Teegg | inline |
storeParticle(MCParticleGraph &mcGraph, const double *mom, int pdg, ROOT::Math::XYZVector vertex, ROOT::Math::LorentzRotation boost, bool isVirtual=false, bool isInitial=false) | Teegg | protected |
Teegg() | Teegg | |
term() | Teegg | |
~Teegg() | Teegg |