| Teegg () |
| Constructor. More...
| ~Teegg () |
| Destructor.
void | setDefaultSettings () |
| Sets the default settings for the TEEGG Fortran generator.
void | setVACPOL (const std::string &vacpol="HLMNT") |
| specifies which vacuum polarization code (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET) More...
void | setTEVETO (double teveto=666.66) |
| set maximum theta of e+ in final state (in radians) More...
void | setTEMIN (double temin=666.66) |
| set minimum angle between the e- and -z axis (egamma conf. More...
void | setTGMIN (double tgmin=666.66) |
| set minimum angle between the gamma and -z axis More...
void | setTGVETO (double tgveto=666.66) |
| set maximum angle between the gamma and -z axis(etron conf. More...
void | setEEMIN (double eemin=666.66) |
| set minimum energy of the e- (egamma & etron configurations) More...
void | setEGMIN (double egmin=666.66) |
| set minimum energy of the gamma (egamma & gamma configurations) More...
void | setPEGMIN (double pegmin=666.66) |
| set minimum phi sep of e-gamma (egamma config with hard rad corr) More...
void | setEEVETO (double eeveto=666.66) |
| set minimum energy to veto(gamma config with hard rad corr) More...
void | setEGVETO (double egveto=666.66) |
| set minimum energy to veto(etron/gamma config with hard rad corr) More...
void | setPHVETO (double phveto=666.66) |
| set minimum phi sep to veto(etron/gamma config with hard rad corr) More...
void | setCUTOFF (double cutoff=666.66) |
| set cutoff energy for radiative corrections (in CM frame) More...
void | setEPS (double eps=666.66) |
| set param. More...
void | setFRAPHI (double fraphi=666.66) |
| set fraction of time phi_ks is generated with peak(hard rad corr) More...
void | setEPSPHI (double epsphi=666.66) |
| set param. More...
void | setWGHT1M (double wght1m=666.66) |
| set maximum weight for generation of QP0, cos(theta QP) More...
void | setWGHTMX (double wghtmx=666.66) |
| set maximum weight for the trial events More...
void | setRADCOR (const std::string &radcor="NONE") |
| specifies radiative correction (NONE SOFT or HARD) More...
void | setCONFIG (const std::string &config="NONE") |
| specifies the event configuration (EGAMMA GAMMA or ETRON) More...
void | setMATRIX (const std::string &matrix="NONE") |
| specifies which eeg matrix element (BK BKM2 TCHAN or EPA) More...
void | setMTRXGG (const std::string &mtrxgg="NONE") |
| specifies which eegg matrix element (EPADC BEEGG or MEEGG) More...
void | setUNWGHT (int unwght=1) |
| set logical variable. More...
void | setCMSEnergy (double cmsEnergy) |
| Sets the CMS energy. More...
void | init () |
| Initialize generator.
void | initExtraInfo () |
| Initializes the extra info.
void | generateEvent (MCParticleGraph &mcGraph, ROOT::Math::XYZVector vertex, ROOT::Math::LorentzRotation boost) |
| Generates one single event. More...
double | getT () |
| returns kinematic variable T.
double | getW2 () |
| returns kinematic variable W2.
double | getWeight () |
| returns weight.
void | term () |
| Terminates the generator. More...
double | m_pi |
| pi=3.1415....
double | m_conversionFactor |
| Conversion factor for hbarc to nb.
double | m_alphaQED0 |
| QED coupling constant at Q=0.
double | m_massElectron |
| muon mass.
double | m_cmsEnergy |
| CMS Energy = 2*Ebeam [GeV].
double | m_TEVETO |
| maximum theta of e+ in final state (in radians)
double | m_TEMIN |
| minimum angle between the e- and -z axis (egamma conf. More...
double | m_TGMIN |
| minimum angle between the gamma and -z axis
double | m_TGVETO |
| maximum angle between the gamma and -z axis(etron conf. More...
double | m_EEMIN |
| minimum energy of the e- (egamma & etron configurations)
double | m_EGMIN |
| minimum energy of the gamma (egamma & gamma configurations)
double | m_PEGMIN |
| minimum phi sep of e-gamma (egamma config with hard rad corr)
double | m_EEVETO |
| minimum energy to veto(gamma config with hard rad corr)
double | m_EGVETO |
| minimum energy to veto(etron/gamma config with hard rad corr)
double | m_PHVETO |
| minimum phi sep to veto(etron/gamma config with hard rad corr
double | m_CUTOFF |
| cutoff energy for radiative corrections (in CM frame)
double | m_EPS |
| param. More...
double | m_FRAPHI |
| fraction of time phi_ks is generated with peak(hard rad corr)
double | m_EPSPHI |
| param. More...
double | m_WGHT1M |
| maximum weight for generation of QP0, cos(theta QP)
double | m_WGHTMX |
| maximum weight for the trial events
int | m_VACPOL |
| vacuum polarization: off, nsk (Novosibirsk) or hlmnt (Teubner).
int | m_RADCOR |
| specifies radiative correction (NONE SOFT or HARD)
int | m_CONFIG |
| specifies the event configuration (EGAMMA GAMMA or ETRON)
int | m_MATRIX |
| specifies which eeg matrix element (BK BKM2 TCHAN or EPA)
int | m_MTRXGG |
| specifies which eegg matrix element (EPADC BEEGG or MEEGG)
std::string | m_sVACPOL |
| vacuum polarization: off, nsk (Novosibirsk) or hlmnt (Teubner).
std::string | m_sRADCOR |
| specifies radiative correction (NONE SOFT or HARD)
std::string | m_sCONFIG |
| specifies the event configuration (EGAMMA GAMMA or ETRON)
std::string | m_sMATRIX |
| specifies which eeg matrix element (BK BKM2 TCHAN or EPA)
std::string | m_sMTRXGG |
| specifies which eegg matrix element (EPADC BEEGG or MEEGG)
int | m_UNWGHT |
| logical variable. More...
double | m_t |
| T=-Q2.
double | m_w2 |
| W2.
double | m_weight |
| weight per event
double | m_vp2 |
| vacuum polarization squared (multiply with this to correcty for VP)
C++ Interface for the Fortran generator TEEGG.
Definition at line 25 of file Teegg.h.