| exp |
| internal copy of experiment number
| run |
| internal copy of run number
| histName |
| internal copy of the pathname of the output histogram ROOT file
| pdfName |
| internal copy of the pathname of the output histogram PDF file
| eventPdfName |
| internal copy of the pathname of the output event-display PDF file
| verbosity |
| internal copy of the histogram verbosity in the histogram PDF file
| maxDisplays |
| internal copy of the maximum number of event displays to write
| minRPCHits |
| internal copy of the minimum number of RPC KLMHit2ds in any sector for event display
| legacyTimes |
| calculate prompt time for legacy BKLMHit1ds and KLMHit2ds (True) or use stored time (False)
| singleEntry |
| select events with any (0) or exactly one (1) or more than one (2) entries/channel
| view |
| view event displays using one-dimensional (1) or two-dimensional (2) hits
| eventCounter |
| event counter (needed for PDF table of contents' ordinal event#)
| eventDisplays |
| event-display counter
| lastTitle |
| title of the last-drawn event display (needed for PDF table of contents' last event)
| hist_XY |
| blank scatterplot to define the bounds of the BKLM end view
| hist_ZY1D |
| blank scatterplot to define the bounds of the BKLM side view for 1D hits
| hist_ZY |
| blank scatterplot to define the bounds of the BKLM side view for 2D hits
| electIdToModuleId |
| readout <-> detector map (from the information retrieved from the conditions database)
| sectorFBToDC |
| map for sectorFB -> data concentrator
| dcToSectorFB |
| map for data concentrator -> sectorFB
| t0Cal |
| Time-calibration constants obtained from experiment 7 run 1505 RPC-time calibration adjustment (ns) for rawKLMs.
| t0Cal1d |
| RPC-time calibration adjustment (ns) for BKLMHit1ds.
| t0Cal2d |
| RPC-time calibration adjustment (ns) for KLMHit2ds.
| ct0Cal |
| scint-ctime calibration adjustment (ns) for rawKLMs
| ct0Cal1d |
| scint-ctime calibration adjustment (ns) for BKLMHit1ds
| ct0Cal2d |
| scint-ctime calibration adjustment (ns) for KLMHit2ds
| t0RPC |
| per-layer variations in RPC z- and phi-time calibration adjustment (ns) for rawKLMs
| ct0Scint |
| per-layer variations in scint-ctime calibration adjustment (ns) for rawKLMs
| histogramFile |
| Output ROOT TFile that will contain the histograms/scatterplots.
| hist_nDigit |
| histogram of the number of BKLMDigits in the event
| hist_nRawKLM |
| histogram of the number of RawKLMs in the event (should be 1)
| hist_rawKLMnumEvents |
| histogram of the RawKLM's NumEvents (should be 1)
| hist_rawKLMnumNodes |
| histogram of the RawKLM's NumNodes (should be 1)
| hist_rawKLMnodeID |
| scatterplot of the RawKLM's COPPER index vs NodeID relative to the base BKLM/EKLM values
| hist_rawKLMlaneFlag |
| scatterplot of the RawKLM hit's lane vs flag (1=RPC, 2=Scint)
| hist_rawKLMtdcExtraRPC |
| scatterplot of the RawKLM RPC hit's extra bits vs sector in the third (time) word
| hist_rawKLMadcExtraRPC |
| scatterplot of the RawKLM RPC hit's extra bits vs sector in the fourth (adc) word
| hist_rawKLMtdcExtraScint |
| scatterplot of the RawKLM scint hit's extra bits vs sector in the third (time) word
| hist_rawKLMadcExtraScint |
| scatterplot of the RawKLM scint hit's extra bits vs sector in the fourth (adc) word
| hist_rawKLMsizeMultihit |
| histogram of number of hits, including multiple entries on one readout channel
| hist_rawKLMsize |
| histogram of number of hits, at most one entry per readout channel
| hist_rawKLMsizeByDCMultihit |
| histograms of number of hits, including multiple entries on one readout channel, indexed by sector#
| hist_rawKLMsizeByDC |
| histograms of number of hits, at most one entry per readout channel, indexed by sector#
| hist_rawKLMchannelMultiplicity |
| scatterplots of multiplicity of entries in one readout channel vs lane/axis, indexed by sector#
| hist_rawKLMchannelMultiplicityFine |
| scatterplots of multiplicity of entries in one readout channel vs lane/axis/channel, indexed by sector#
| hist_mappedSectorOccupancyMultihit |
| histogram of number of mapped hits by sector, including multiple entries on one readout channel
| hist_unmappedSectorOccupancyMultihit |
| histogram of number of unmapped hits by sector, including multiple entries on one readout channel
| hist_mappedSectorOccupancy |
| histogram of number of mapped hits by sector, at most one entry per readout channel
| hist_unmappedSectorOccupancy |
| histogram of number of unmapped hits by sector, at most one entry per readout channel
| hist_mappedRPCSectorOccupancy |
| histogram of number of mapped RPC hits by sector, at most one entry per readout channel
| hist_mappedRPCLaneAxisOccupancy |
| scatterplot of number of mapped RPC hits by lane/axis vs sector, at most one entry per readout channel
| hist_unmappedRPCSectorOccupancy |
| histogram of number of unmapped RPC hits by sector, at most one entry per readout channel
| hist_unmappedRPCLaneAxisOccupancy |
| scatterplot of number of unmapped RPC hits by lane/axis vs sector, at most one entry per readout channel
| hist_mappedScintSectorOccupancy |
| scatterplot of number of mapped scint hits by lane/axis vs sector, at most one entry per readout channel
| hist_mappedScintLaneAxisOccupancy |
| scatterplot of number of mapped scint hits by lane/axis vs sector, at most one entry per readout channel
| hist_unmappedScintSectorOccupancy |
| histogram of number of unmapped scint hits by sector, at most one entry per readout channel
| hist_unmappedScintLaneAxisOccupancy |
| scatterplot of number of unmapped scint hits by lane/axis vs sector, at most one entry per readout channel
| hist_mappedChannelOccupancyPrompt |
| scatterplots of in-time mapped channel occupancy (1 hit per readout channel), indexed by sector#
| hist_mappedChannelOccupancyBkgd |
| scatterplots of out-of-time mapped channel occupancy (1 hit per readout channel), indexed by sector#
| hist_unmappedChannelOccupancy |
| scatterplots of unmapped channel occupancy (1 hit per readout channel), indexed by sector#
| hist_RPCTimeLowBitsBySector |
| scatterplot of RPC TDC low-order bits vs sector (should be 0 since granularity is 4 ns)
| hist_mappedRPCTime |
| histogram of RPC mapped-channel TDC value relative to event's trigger time
| hist_mappedRPCTimeCal |
| histogram of RPC mapped-channel TDC value relative to event's trigger time, corrected for inter-sector variation
| hist_mappedRPCPhiTimePerLayer |
| histograms of RPC mapped-channel phi-strip TDC value relative to event's trigger time, indexed by sector/layer
| hist_mappedRPCZTimePerLayer |
| histograms of RPC mapped-channel z-strip TDC value relative to event's trigger time, indexed by sector/layer
| hist_mappedRPCTimeBySector |
| scatterplot of RPC mapped-channel TDC value relative to event's trigger time vs sector
| hist_mappedRPCTimeCalBySector |
| scatterplot of RPC mapped-channel TDC relative to trigger time, corrected for inter-sector variation, by sector
| hist_mappedRPCCtimeRange |
| histogram of RPC mapped-channel REVO9 range in event
| hist_mappedRPCCtimeRangeBySector |
| scatterplot of RPC mapped-channel REVO9 range in event vs sector
| hist_unmappedRPCTime |
| histogram of RPC unmapped-channel TDC value relative to event's trigger time
| hist_unmappedRPCTimeBySector |
| scatterplot of RPC unmapped-channel TDC value relative to event's trigger time, by sector
| hist_ScintTimeLowBitsBySector |
| scatterplot of scint TDC low-order bits vs sector
| hist_mappedScintCtime |
| histogram of scint mapped-channel CTIME value relative to event's trigger Ctime
| hist_mappedScintCtimeBySector |
| scatterplot of scint mapped-channel CTIME value relative to event's trigger Ctime vs sector
| hist_mappedScintCtimeCal |
| histogram of scint mapped-channel CTIME value relative to event's trigger Ctime, corrected for inter-sector variation
| hist_mappedScintCtimeCalBySector |
| scatterplot of scint mapped-channel CTIME relative to trigger Ctime, corrected for inter-sector variation, by sector
| hist_mappedScintPhiCtimePerLayer |
| histograms of scint mapped-channel phi-strip CTIME value relative to event's trigger Ctime, indexed by sector/layer
| hist_mappedScintZCtimePerLayer |
| histograms of scint mapped-channel z-strip CTIME value relative to event's trigger Ctime, indexed by sector/layer
| hist_mappedScintCtimeRange |
| histogram of scint mapped-channel CTIME range in event
| hist_mappedScintCtimeRangeBySector |
| scatterplot of scint mapped-channel CTIME range in event vs sector
| hist_unmappedScintCtime |
| histogram of scint unmapped-channel CTIME value relative to event's trigger Ctime
| hist_unmappedScintCtimeBySector |
| scatterplot of scint unmapped-channel CTIME value relative to event's trigger Ctime, by sector
| hist_mappedScintTDC |
| histogram of scint mapped-channel TDC value (NOT relative to event's trigger Ctime)
| hist_mappedScintTime |
| histogram of scint mapped-channel TDC value relative to event's trigger Ctime
| hist_mappedScintTDCBySector |
| scatterplot of scint mapped-channel TDC value (NOT relative to event's trigger Ctime) vs sector
| hist_mappedScintTimeBySector |
| scatterplot of scint mapped-channel TDC value relative to event's trigger Ctime vs sector
| hist_unmappedScintTime |
| histogram of scint unmapped-channel TDC value relative to event's trigger Ctime
| hist_unmappedScintTimeBySector |
| scatterplot of scint unmapped-channel TDC value relative to event's trigger Ctime vs sector
| hist_trigCtimeVsTrigRevo9time |
| histogram of RawKLM[] header's trigger CTIME relative to its final-data-word trigger REVO9 time
| hist_tdcRangeRPC |
| histogram of RPC TDC range
| hist_ctimeRangeRPC |
| histogram of RPC Ctime range
| hist_tdcRangeVsCtimeRangeRPC |
| scatterplot of RPC TDC range vs Ctime range
| hist_tdcRangeVsTimeRPC |
| scatterplot of RPC TDC range vs time
| hist_ctimeRangeVsTimeRPC |
| scatterplot of RPC Ctime range vs time
| hist_nHit1d |
| histogram of the number of BKLMHit1ds
| hist_nHit1dRPCPrompt |
| histogram of the number of in-time RPC BKLMHit1ds
| hist_nHit1dRPCBkgd |
| histogram of the number of out-of-time RPC BKLMHit1ds
| hist_nHit1dScint |
| histogram of the number of scint BKLMHit1ds
| hist_nHit1dPrompt |
| histogram of the number of in-time scint BKLMHit1ds
| hist_nHit1dBkgd |
| histogram of the number of out-of-time scint BKLMHit1ds
| hist_n1dPhiZ |
| scatterplot of number of Z BKLMHit1ds vs number of Phi BKLMHit1ds
| hist_multiplicityPhiBySector |
| scatterplot of number of Phi BKLMHit1ds vs sector
| hist_multiplicityZBySector |
| scatterplot of number of Z BKLMHit1ds vs sector
| hist_tphiRPCCal1d |
| histogram of RPC-phi BKLMHit1d time relative to event's trigger time, corrected for inter-sector variation
| hist_tzRPCCal1d |
| histogram of RPC-z BKLMHit1d time relative to event's trigger time, corrected for inter-sector variation
| hist_tRPCCal1d |
| histogram of RPC-phi and -z BKLMHit1d avg time relative to event's trigger time, corrected for inter-sector variation
| hist_dtRPC1d |
| histogram of RPC-phi and -z BKLMHit1d time difference
| hist_ctphiScintCal1d |
| histogram of scint-phi BKLMHit1d time relative to event's trigger Ctime, corrected for inter-sector variation
| hist_ctzScintCal1d |
| histogram of scint-z BKLMHit1d time relative to event's trigger Ctime, corrected for inter-sector variation
| hist_ctScintCal1d |
| histogram of scint-phi and -z BKLMHit1d avg time relative to event's trigger Ctime, corrected for inter-sector variation
| hist_dtScint1d |
| histogram of scint-phi and -z BKLMHit1d time difference
| hist_nHit2d |
| histogram of the number of KLMHit2ds
| hist_occupancyForwardXYPrompt |
| scatterplot of end view of forward BKLM for in-time KLMHit2ds
| hist_occupancyBackwardXYPrompt |
| scatterplot of end view of backward BKLM for in-time KLMHit2ds
| hist_occupancyForwardXYBkgd |
| scatterplot of end view of forward BKLM for out-of-time KLMHit2ds
| hist_occupancyBackwardXYBkgd |
| scatterplot of end view of backward BKLM for out-of-time KLMHit2ds
| hist_occupancyRZPrompt |
| scatterplot of side view of forward BKLM for in-time KLMHit2ds
| hist_occupancyZPrompt |
| histogram of z coordinate for in-time KLMHit2ds
| hist_occupancyRPrompt |
| histogram of layer# for in-time KLMHit2ds
| hist_occupancyRZBkgd |
| scatterplot of side view of forward BKLM for in-time KLMHit2ds
| hist_occupancyZBkgd |
| histogram of z coordinate for out-of-time KLMHit2ds
| hist_occupancyRBkgd |
| histogram of layer# for out-of-time KLMHit2ds
| hist_tRPCCal2d |
| histogram of RPC calibrated time in KLMHit2ds
| hist_tRPCCal2dBySector |
| scatterplot of RPC calibrated time in KLMHit2ds vs sector
| hist_ctScintCal2d |
| histogram of scint calibrated time in KLMHit2ds
| hist_ctScintCal2dBySector |
| scatterplot of scint calibrated time in KLMHit2ds vs sector
| hist_tVsZFwd |
| profile histogram of KLMHit2d RPC time vs z (forward)
| hist_tVsZBwd |
| profile histogram of KLMHit2d RPC time vs z (forward)
| eventCanvas |
| TCanvas on which event displays will be drawn.
| bklmXY |
| list of line-segment (x,y) points for the BKLM end view
| bklmZY |
| list of line-segment (z,y) points for the BKLM side view