Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
EventInspector Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for EventInspector:
Collaboration diagram for EventInspector:

Public Member Functions

def __init__ (self, exp, run, histName, pdfName, eventPdfName, verbosity, maxDisplays, minRPCHits, legacyTimes, singleEntry, view)
def makeGraph (self, x, y)
def makeText (self, x, y, s)
def initialize (self)
def terminate (self)
def beginRun (self)
def endRun (self)
def event (self)

Public Attributes

 internal copy of experiment number
 internal copy of run number
 internal copy of the pathname of the output histogram ROOT file
 internal copy of the pathname of the output histogram PDF file
 internal copy of the pathname of the output event-display PDF file
 internal copy of the histogram verbosity in the histogram PDF file
 internal copy of the maximum number of event displays to write
 internal copy of the minimum number of RPC KLMHit2ds in any sector for event display
 calculate prompt time for legacy BKLMHit1ds and KLMHit2ds (True) or use stored time (False)
 select events with any (0) or exactly one (1) or more than one (2) entries/channel
 view event displays using one-dimensional (1) or two-dimensional (2) hits
 event counter (needed for PDF table of contents' ordinal event#)
 event-display counter
 title of the last-drawn event display (needed for PDF table of contents' last event)
 blank scatterplot to define the bounds of the BKLM end view
 blank scatterplot to define the bounds of the BKLM side view for 1D hits
 blank scatterplot to define the bounds of the BKLM side view for 2D hits
 readout <-> detector map (from the information retrieved from the conditions database)
 map for sectorFB -> data concentrator
 map for data concentrator -> sectorFB
 Time-calibration constants obtained from experiment 7 run 1505 RPC-time calibration adjustment (ns) for rawKLMs.
 RPC-time calibration adjustment (ns) for BKLMHit1ds.
 RPC-time calibration adjustment (ns) for KLMHit2ds.
 scint-ctime calibration adjustment (ns) for rawKLMs
 scint-ctime calibration adjustment (ns) for BKLMHit1ds
 scint-ctime calibration adjustment (ns) for KLMHit2ds
 per-layer variations in RPC z- and phi-time calibration adjustment (ns) for rawKLMs
 per-layer variations in scint-ctime calibration adjustment (ns) for rawKLMs
 Output ROOT TFile that will contain the histograms/scatterplots.
 histogram of the number of BKLMDigits in the event
 histogram of the number of RawKLMs in the event (should be 1)
 histogram of the RawKLM's NumEvents (should be 1)
 histogram of the RawKLM's NumNodes (should be 1)
 scatterplot of the RawKLM's COPPER index vs NodeID relative to the base BKLM/EKLM values
 scatterplot of the RawKLM hit's lane vs flag (1=RPC, 2=Scint)
 scatterplot of the RawKLM RPC hit's extra bits vs sector in the third (time) word
 scatterplot of the RawKLM RPC hit's extra bits vs sector in the fourth (adc) word
 scatterplot of the RawKLM scint hit's extra bits vs sector in the third (time) word
 scatterplot of the RawKLM scint hit's extra bits vs sector in the fourth (adc) word
 histogram of number of hits, including multiple entries on one readout channel
 histogram of number of hits, at most one entry per readout channel
 histograms of number of hits, including multiple entries on one readout channel, indexed by sector#
 histograms of number of hits, at most one entry per readout channel, indexed by sector#
 scatterplots of multiplicity of entries in one readout channel vs lane/axis, indexed by sector#
 scatterplots of multiplicity of entries in one readout channel vs lane/axis/channel, indexed by sector#
 histogram of number of mapped hits by sector, including multiple entries on one readout channel
 histogram of number of unmapped hits by sector, including multiple entries on one readout channel
 histogram of number of mapped hits by sector, at most one entry per readout channel
 histogram of number of unmapped hits by sector, at most one entry per readout channel
 histogram of number of mapped RPC hits by sector, at most one entry per readout channel
 scatterplot of number of mapped RPC hits by lane/axis vs sector, at most one entry per readout channel
 histogram of number of unmapped RPC hits by sector, at most one entry per readout channel
 scatterplot of number of unmapped RPC hits by lane/axis vs sector, at most one entry per readout channel
 scatterplot of number of mapped scint hits by lane/axis vs sector, at most one entry per readout channel
 scatterplot of number of mapped scint hits by lane/axis vs sector, at most one entry per readout channel
 histogram of number of unmapped scint hits by sector, at most one entry per readout channel
 scatterplot of number of unmapped scint hits by lane/axis vs sector, at most one entry per readout channel
 scatterplots of in-time mapped channel occupancy (1 hit per readout channel), indexed by sector#
 scatterplots of out-of-time mapped channel occupancy (1 hit per readout channel), indexed by sector#
 scatterplots of unmapped channel occupancy (1 hit per readout channel), indexed by sector#
 scatterplot of RPC TDC low-order bits vs sector (should be 0 since granularity is 4 ns)
 histogram of RPC mapped-channel TDC value relative to event's trigger time
 histogram of RPC mapped-channel TDC value relative to event's trigger time, corrected for inter-sector variation
 histograms of RPC mapped-channel phi-strip TDC value relative to event's trigger time, indexed by sector/layer
 histograms of RPC mapped-channel z-strip TDC value relative to event's trigger time, indexed by sector/layer
 scatterplot of RPC mapped-channel TDC value relative to event's trigger time vs sector
 scatterplot of RPC mapped-channel TDC relative to trigger time, corrected for inter-sector variation, by sector
 histogram of RPC mapped-channel REVO9 range in event
 scatterplot of RPC mapped-channel REVO9 range in event vs sector
 histogram of RPC unmapped-channel TDC value relative to event's trigger time
 scatterplot of RPC unmapped-channel TDC value relative to event's trigger time, by sector
 scatterplot of scint TDC low-order bits vs sector
 histogram of scint mapped-channel CTIME value relative to event's trigger Ctime
 scatterplot of scint mapped-channel CTIME value relative to event's trigger Ctime vs sector
 histogram of scint mapped-channel CTIME value relative to event's trigger Ctime, corrected for inter-sector variation
 scatterplot of scint mapped-channel CTIME relative to trigger Ctime, corrected for inter-sector variation, by sector
 histograms of scint mapped-channel phi-strip CTIME value relative to event's trigger Ctime, indexed by sector/layer
 histograms of scint mapped-channel z-strip CTIME value relative to event's trigger Ctime, indexed by sector/layer
 histogram of scint mapped-channel CTIME range in event
 scatterplot of scint mapped-channel CTIME range in event vs sector
 histogram of scint unmapped-channel CTIME value relative to event's trigger Ctime
 scatterplot of scint unmapped-channel CTIME value relative to event's trigger Ctime, by sector
 histogram of scint mapped-channel TDC value (NOT relative to event's trigger Ctime)
 histogram of scint mapped-channel TDC value relative to event's trigger Ctime
 scatterplot of scint mapped-channel TDC value (NOT relative to event's trigger Ctime) vs sector
 scatterplot of scint mapped-channel TDC value relative to event's trigger Ctime vs sector
 histogram of scint unmapped-channel TDC value relative to event's trigger Ctime
 scatterplot of scint unmapped-channel TDC value relative to event's trigger Ctime vs sector
 histogram of RawKLM[] header's trigger CTIME relative to its final-data-word trigger REVO9 time
 histogram of RPC TDC range
 histogram of RPC Ctime range
 scatterplot of RPC TDC range vs Ctime range
 scatterplot of RPC TDC range vs time
 scatterplot of RPC Ctime range vs time
 histogram of the number of BKLMHit1ds
 histogram of the number of in-time RPC BKLMHit1ds
 histogram of the number of out-of-time RPC BKLMHit1ds
 histogram of the number of scint BKLMHit1ds
 histogram of the number of in-time scint BKLMHit1ds
 histogram of the number of out-of-time scint BKLMHit1ds
 scatterplot of number of Z BKLMHit1ds vs number of Phi BKLMHit1ds
 scatterplot of number of Phi BKLMHit1ds vs sector
 scatterplot of number of Z BKLMHit1ds vs sector
 histogram of RPC-phi BKLMHit1d time relative to event's trigger time, corrected for inter-sector variation
 histogram of RPC-z BKLMHit1d time relative to event's trigger time, corrected for inter-sector variation
 histogram of RPC-phi and -z BKLMHit1d avg time relative to event's trigger time, corrected for inter-sector variation
 histogram of RPC-phi and -z BKLMHit1d time difference
 histogram of scint-phi BKLMHit1d time relative to event's trigger Ctime, corrected for inter-sector variation
 histogram of scint-z BKLMHit1d time relative to event's trigger Ctime, corrected for inter-sector variation
 histogram of scint-phi and -z BKLMHit1d avg time relative to event's trigger Ctime, corrected for inter-sector variation
 histogram of scint-phi and -z BKLMHit1d time difference
 histogram of the number of KLMHit2ds
 scatterplot of end view of forward BKLM for in-time KLMHit2ds
 scatterplot of end view of backward BKLM for in-time KLMHit2ds
 scatterplot of end view of forward BKLM for out-of-time KLMHit2ds
 scatterplot of end view of backward BKLM for out-of-time KLMHit2ds
 scatterplot of side view of forward BKLM for in-time KLMHit2ds
 histogram of z coordinate for in-time KLMHit2ds
 histogram of layer# for in-time KLMHit2ds
 scatterplot of side view of forward BKLM for in-time KLMHit2ds
 histogram of z coordinate for out-of-time KLMHit2ds
 histogram of layer# for out-of-time KLMHit2ds
 histogram of RPC calibrated time in KLMHit2ds
 scatterplot of RPC calibrated time in KLMHit2ds vs sector
 histogram of scint calibrated time in KLMHit2ds
 scatterplot of scint calibrated time in KLMHit2ds vs sector
 profile histogram of KLMHit2d RPC time vs z (forward)
 profile histogram of KLMHit2d RPC time vs z (forward)
 TCanvas on which event displays will be drawn.
 list of line-segment (x,y) points for the BKLM end view
 list of line-segment (z,y) points for the BKLM side view

Static Public Attributes

int BKLM_ID = 0x07000000
 COPPER base identifier for BKLM readout.
int EKLM_ID = 0x08000000
 COPPER base identifier for EKLM readout.
 bit position for strip-1 [0..47]
 bit position for plane-1 [0..1]; 0 is inner-plane
 bit position for layer-1 [0..14]; 0 is innermost
 bit position for sector-1 [0..7]; 0 is on the +x axis and 2 is on the +y axis
 bit position for section [0..1]; forward is 0
 bit position for maxStrip-1 [0..47]
int BKLM_STRIP_MASK = 0x3f
 bit mask for strip-1 [0..47]
 bit mask for plane-1 [0..1]; 0 is inner-plane
 bit mask for layer-1 [0..15]; 0 is innermost and 14 is outermost
 bit mask for sector-1 [0..7]; 0 is on the +x axis and 2 is on the +y axis
 bit mask for section [0..1]; forward is 0
 bit mask for maxStrip-1 [0..47]
 bit mask for unique module identifier (end, sector, layer)

Detailed Description

Fill BKLM histograms of values from RawKLMs, KLMDigits, BKLMHit1ds, and KLMHit2ds;
(optionally) draw event displays from these data-objects.

Definition at line 23 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

def __init__ (   self,

    exp (str): formatted experiment number
    run (str): formatter run number
    histName (str): path name of the output histogram ROOT file
    pdfName (str): path name of the output histogram PDF file
    eventPdfName (str): path name of the output event-display PDF file
    verbosity (int): determines how many histograms are written to the histogram PDF file
    maxDisplays (int): max # of events displays to write
    minRPCHits (int): min # of RPC KLMHit2ds in any sector for event display
    legacyTimes (bool): true to correct BKLMHit{1,2}d times in legacy reconstruction, False otherwise
    singleEntry (int): select events with any (0) or exactly one (1) or more than one (2) entries/channel
    view (int): view event displays using one-dimensional (1) or two-dimensional (2) BKLMHits

Definition at line 58 of file

59  maxDisplays, minRPCHits, legacyTimes, singleEntry, view):
60  """Constructor
62  Arguments:
63  exp (str): formatted experiment number
64  run (str): formatter run number
65  histName (str): path name of the output histogram ROOT file
66  pdfName (str): path name of the output histogram PDF file
67  eventPdfName (str): path name of the output event-display PDF file
68  verbosity (int): determines how many histograms are written to the histogram PDF file
69  maxDisplays (int): max # of events displays to write
70  minRPCHits (int): min # of RPC KLMHit2ds in any sector for event display
71  legacyTimes (bool): true to correct BKLMHit{1,2}d times in legacy reconstruction, False otherwise
72  singleEntry (int): select events with any (0) or exactly one (1) or more than one (2) entries/channel
73  view (int): view event displays using one-dimensional (1) or two-dimensional (2) BKLMHits
74  """
75  super().__init__()
77  self.exp = exp
79 = run
81  self.histName = histName
83  self.pdfName = pdfName
85  self.eventPdfName = eventPdfName
87  self.verbosity = verbosity
89  self.maxDisplays = maxDisplays
91  self.minRPCHits = minRPCHits
93  self.legacyTimes = legacyTimes
95  self.singleEntry = singleEntry
97  self.view = view
99  self.eventCounter = 0
101  self.eventDisplays = 0
103  self.lastTitle = ''

Member Function Documentation

◆ beginRun()

def beginRun (   self)
Handle begin of run: print diagnostic message

Definition at line 1408 of file

◆ endRun()

def endRun (   self)
Handle end of run: print diagnostic message

Definition at line 1413 of file

◆ event()

def event (   self)
Process one event: fill histograms, (optionally) draw event display

Definition at line 1418 of file

◆ initialize()

def initialize (   self)
Handle job initialization: fill the mapping database, create histograms, open the event-display file

Definition at line 135 of file

◆ makeGraph()

def makeGraph (   self,
Create and return a ROOT TGraph

  x[] (real): x coordinates
  y[] (real): y coordinates

Definition at line 105 of file

◆ makeText()

def makeText (   self,
Create and return a ROOT TLatex with the following properties:
size = 0.04, color = red, alignment = middle centre, angle = 90 degrees

  x (real): x coordinate
  y (real): y coordinate
  s (str):  character string

Definition at line 119 of file

◆ terminate()

def terminate (   self)
Handle job termination: draw histograms, close output files

Definition at line 894 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: