Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
KLMK0LPlotModule Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for KLMK0LPlotModule:
Collaboration diagram for KLMK0LPlotModule:

Public Member Functions

def __init__ (self, output_file, evtgen, check_eklm)
def event (self)
def terminate (self)

Public Attributes

 True for evtgen events, false for particle gun.
 Whether to check if cluster is in EKLM.
 Output file.
 Number of K0L histogram.
 X resolution histogram.
 Y resolution histogram.
 Z resolution histogram.
 Time resolution histogram.
 Momentum resolution histogram.
 Momentum theta resolution histogram.
 Momentum phi resolution histogram.
 Covariance matrix histogram.
 Correlation matrix histogram.
 Average vertex.
 Vertex list.
 Average momentum.
 Energy list.

Detailed Description

 Class for creation of KLM K0L validation plots. 

Definition at line 27 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

def __init__ (   self,

Definition at line 30 of file

30  def __init__(self, output_file, evtgen, check_eklm):
31  """Initialization."""
32  super().__init__()
34  self.evtgen = evtgen
36  self.check_eklm = check_eklm
38  self.output_file = ROOT.TFile(output_file, 'recreate')
39  contact = 'Leo Piilonen ('
41  self.hist_nkl = ROOT.TH1F('k0l_number',
42  'Number of KLM clusters per 1 MC particle',
43  5, -0.5, 4.5)
44  self.hist_nkl.SetXTitle('KLM clusters')
45  self.hist_nkl.SetYTitle('Events')
46  functions = self.hist_nkl.GetListOfFunctions()
47  functions.Add(TNamed('Description', 'Number of KLM clusters per 1 MC particle'))
48  functions.Add(TNamed('Check', 'No efficiency decrease or multiple candidates \
49  increase'))
50  functions.Add(TNamed('Contact', contact))
51  functions.Add(TNamed('MetaOptions', 'shifter'))
53  self.hist_xres = ROOT.TH1F('k0l_xres',
54  'KLM K0L decay vertex X resolution',
55  100, -50, 50)
56  self.hist_xres.SetXTitle('cm')
57  self.hist_xres.SetYTitle('Events')
58  functions = self.hist_xres.GetListOfFunctions()
59  functions.Add(TNamed('Description', 'X resolution'))
60  functions.Add(TNamed('Check', 'No bias, resolution ~ 16 cm.'))
61  functions.Add(TNamed('Contact', contact))
62  functions.Add(TNamed('MetaOptions', 'shifter'))
64  self.hist_yres = ROOT.TH1F('k0l_yres',
65  'KLM K0L decay vertex Y resolution',
66  100, -50, 50)
67  self.hist_yres.SetXTitle('cm')
68  self.hist_yres.SetYTitle('Events')
69  functions = self.hist_yres.GetListOfFunctions()
70  functions.Add(TNamed('Description', 'Y resolution'))
71  functions.Add(TNamed('Check', 'No bias, resolution ~ 16 cm.'))
72  functions.Add(TNamed('Contact', contact))
73  functions.Add(TNamed('MetaOptions', 'shifter'))
75  self.hist_zres = ROOT.TH1F('k0l_zres',
76  'KLM K0L decay vertex Z resolution',
77  100, -50, 50)
78  self.hist_zres.SetXTitle('cm')
79  self.hist_zres.SetYTitle('Events')
80  functions = self.hist_zres.GetListOfFunctions()
81  functions.Add(TNamed('Description', 'Z resolution'))
82  functions.Add(TNamed('Check', 'No bias, resolution ~ 16 cm.'))
83  functions.Add(TNamed('Contact', contact))
84  functions.Add(TNamed('MetaOptions', 'shifter'))
86  self.hist_tres = ROOT.TH1F('k0l_tres',
87  'KLM K0L decay time resolution',
88  100, -15., 15.)
89  self.hist_tres.SetXTitle('ns')
90  self.hist_tres.SetYTitle('Events')
91  functions = self.hist_tres.GetListOfFunctions()
92  functions.Add(TNamed('Description', 'Time resolution'))
93  functions.Add(TNamed('Check', 'No bias.'))
94  functions.Add(TNamed('Contact', contact))
95  functions.Add(TNamed('MetaOptions', 'shifter'))
97  self.hist_pres = ROOT.TH1F('k0l_pres',
98  'KLM K0L momentum resolution',
99  100, -3., 3.)
100  self.hist_pres.SetXTitle('GeV')
101  self.hist_pres.SetYTitle('Events')
102  functions = self.hist_pres.GetListOfFunctions()
103  functions.Add(TNamed('Description', 'Momentum resolution'))
104  functions.Add(TNamed('Check', 'No bias.'))
105  functions.Add(TNamed('Contact', contact))
106  functions.Add(TNamed('MetaOptions', 'shifter'))
108  self.hist_ptres = ROOT.TH1F('k0l_ptres',
109  'KLM K0L momentum theta resolution',
110  100, -0.2, 0.2)
111  self.hist_ptres.SetXTitle('rad')
112  self.hist_ptres.SetYTitle('Events')
113  functions = self.hist_ptres.GetListOfFunctions()
114  functions.Add(TNamed('Description', 'Momentum theta resolution'))
115  functions.Add(TNamed('Check', 'No bias, resolution ~ 0.06'))
116  functions.Add(TNamed('Contact', contact))
117  functions.Add(TNamed('MetaOptions', 'shifter'))
119  self.hist_ppres = ROOT.TH1F('k0l_ppres',
120  'KLM K0L momentum phi resolution',
121  100, -0.2, 0.2)
122  self.hist_ppres.SetXTitle('rad')
123  self.hist_ppres.SetYTitle('Events')
124  functions = self.hist_ppres.GetListOfFunctions()
125  functions.Add(TNamed('Description', 'Momentum phi resolution'))
126  functions.Add(TNamed('Check', 'No bias, resolution ~ 0.07'))
127  functions.Add(TNamed('Contact', contact))
128  functions.Add(TNamed('MetaOptions', 'shifter'))
130  self.hist_covmat = ROOT.TH1F('k0l_covmat',
131  'KLM K0L coordinates covariance matrix',
132  6, 0, 1)
133  self.hist_covmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(1, 'xx')
134  self.hist_covmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(2, 'xy')
135  self.hist_covmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(3, 'xz')
136  self.hist_covmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(4, 'yy')
137  self.hist_covmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(5, 'yz')
138  self.hist_covmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(6, 'zz')
139  self.hist_covmat.SetYTitle('Covariance, cm^{2}')
140  functions = self.hist_covmat.GetListOfFunctions()
141  functions.Add(TNamed('Description', 'Momentum phi resolution'))
142  functions.Add(TNamed('Check', 'No large off-diagonal elements.'))
143  functions.Add(TNamed('Contact', contact))
144  functions.Add(TNamed('MetaOptions', 'shifter'))
146  self.hist_corrmat = ROOT.TH1F('k0l_corrmat',
147  'KLM K0L correlation matrix',
148  10, 0, 1)
149  self.hist_corrmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(1, 'xx')
150  self.hist_corrmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(2, 'xy')
151  self.hist_corrmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(3, 'xz')
152  self.hist_corrmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(4, 'xp')
153  self.hist_corrmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(5, 'yy')
154  self.hist_corrmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(6, 'yz')
155  self.hist_corrmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(7, 'yp')
156  self.hist_corrmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(8, 'zz')
157  self.hist_corrmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(9, 'zp')
158  self.hist_corrmat.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(10, 'pp')
159  self.hist_corrmat.SetYTitle('Correlation coefficient')
160  functions = self.hist_corrmat.GetListOfFunctions()
161  functions.Add(TNamed('Description', 'Momentum phi resolution'))
162  functions.Add(TNamed('Check', 'No large off-diagonal elements.'))
163  functions.Add(TNamed('Contact', contact))
164  functions.Add(TNamed('MetaOptions', 'shifter'))
166  self.vertex_k_av = XYZVector(0, 0, 0)
168  self.vertex = []
170  self.momentum_av = 0
172  self.momentum = []

Member Function Documentation

◆ event()

def event (   self)
 Event function. 

Definition at line 174 of file

◆ terminate()

def terminate (   self)
 Termination function. 

Definition at line 223 of file

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