Belle II Software
Public Member Functions | |
def | preparePathValidation (self, path) |
def | create_argument_parser (self, **kwds) |
def | create_path (self) |
def | postprocess (self) |
def | run (self, path) |
def | name (self) |
def | name (self) |
def | configure_and_execute_from_commandline (self) |
def | configure_and_execute_from_commandline (self) |
def | execute (self) |
def | execute (self) |
def | configure_from_commandline (self) |
def | configure_from_commandline (self) |
def | configure (self, arguments) |
def | configure (self, arguments) |
def | adjust_path (self, path) |
def | adjust_path (self, path) |
Static Public Member Functions | |
def | finder_module (path) |
Static Public Attributes | |
n_events = N_EVENTS | |
the number of events to process | |
string | generator_module = 'generic' |
Generator to be used in the simulation (-so) | |
string | root_input_file = '../EvtGenSim.root' |
root input file to use, generated by central validation script | |
components = None | |
use full detector for validation | |
dictionary | tracking_coverage |
use only the svd hits when computing efficiencies More... | |
bool | fit_tracks = True |
perform fit after track finding | |
bool | pulls = True |
plot pull distributions | |
bool | use_expert_folder = False |
do not create expert-level output histograms in dedicated folder but in the main folder | |
output_file_name = VALIDATION_OUTPUT_FILE | |
output file of plots | |
list | non_expert_parameters = [] |
define empty list of non expert parameters so that no shifter plots are created (to revert just remove following line) | |
Default contact email address for the validation results. | |
root_output_file = None | |
Optional file name as a destination of all event data which is discarded otherwise. | |
bool | resolution = False |
Include the residual plots of the fit parameters in the validation. | |
list | exclude_profile_mc_parameter = [] |
Exclude some of the perigee parameters from the mc side plots. | |
list | exclude_profile_pr_parameter = [] |
Exclude some of the perigee parameters from the pr side plots. | |
bool | use_fit_information = False |
Do not fit the tracks but access the fit information for pulls etc. | |
bool | extended = False |
Switch to use the extended harvesting validation instead. | |
bool | saveFullTrees = False |
Only works in extended mode. | |
bool | show_results = False |
By default, do not show the browsing results. | |
bool | postprocess_only = False |
By default, browse the output TFile too. | |
string | description = "Empty execution of basf2" |
Description of the run setup to be displayed on command line. | |
string | description = "Apply tracking to presimulated events or events generated on the fly." |
Description of the run setup to be displayed on command line. | |
finder_module = None | |
Name of the finder module to be used - can be everything that is accepted by | |
bool | mc_tracking = True |
By default, do MC track finding and track matching. | |
string | detector_setup = "Default" |
By default, use the default detector setup. | |
list | bkg_files = [] |
By default, no background overlay. | |
bool | disable_deltas = False |
By default, do not disable delta-ray generation. | |
simulation_output = None | |
By default, do no store the simulation output. | |
bool | allow_input = True |
By default, this basf2 job can read events from an input ROOT TFile. | |
random_seed = None | |
By default, the random-number seed is unassigned. | |
int | n_processes = 0 |
By default, no parallel processing. | |
int | n_events_to_skip = 0 |
By default, do not skip any events at the start of the input ROOT TFile. | |
Validation class for the DATCON tracking
Definition at line 33 of file
inherited |
Hook that gives the opportunity to check the path for consistency before processing it
Reimplemented in HarvestingRunMixin.
Definition at line 95 of file
inherited |
Hook that gives the opportunity to check the path for consistency before processing it
Reimplemented in HarvestingRunMixin.
Definition at line 95 of file
inherited |
Configure for basf2 job; disable ROOT input if simulating events
Reimplemented from EmptyRun.
Reimplemented in CDCDisplayRun.
Definition at line 123 of file
inherited |
Save the command-line arguments as key-value pairs
Reimplemented in CDCDisplayRun, and ReadOrGenerateEventsRun.
Definition at line 74 of file
inherited |
Configure basf2 job script from command-line arguments then run it
Definition at line 46 of file
inherited |
Configure basf2 job script from command-line arguments then run it
Definition at line 46 of file
inherited |
Convert the command-line arguments to a basf2 job script
Definition at line 68 of file
inherited |
Convert the command-line arguments to a basf2 job script
Definition at line 68 of file
inherited |
Create command line argument parser
Reimplemented from BrowseTFileOnTerminateRunMixin.
inherited |
Create path from parameters
Reimplemented from ReadOrGenerateTrackedEventsRun.
inherited |
inherited |
Create the basf2 path then run the job
Reimplemented in ReadOrGenerateEventsRun.
Definition at line 51 of file
static |
Add the VXDHoughTracking module and related modules to the basf2 path
Definition at line 47 of file
inherited |
provide name of this object
Definition at line 42 of file
inherited |
provide name of this object
Definition at line 42 of file
inherited |
Browse the TFile interactively
Reimplemented from PostProcessingRunMixin.
Reimplemented in TrainingRunMixin, and HarvestingRunMixin.
inherited |
inherited |
static |
use only the svd hits when computing efficiencies
Definition at line 53 of file