a tiny counter class for counting stuff
static unsigned int | used |
| count number of times used More...
static unsigned int | accepted |
| count number of times result was accepted
static unsigned int | rejected |
| count number of times result was rejected
static unsigned int | wasInf |
| count number of times result was inf
static unsigned int | wasNan |
| count number of times result was nan
template<class T>
class VXDTFtwoHitFilterTest::counter< T >
a tiny counter class for counting stuff
Definition at line 72 of file twoHitFilters.cc.
◆ resetCounter()
static void resetCounter |
( |
| ) |
inlinestatic |
◆ used
count number of times used
Initialise all static variables.
Definition at line 74 of file twoHitFilters.cc.
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