| XT (TProfile *h1) |
| Initialized with TProfile histogram.
| XT (TProfile *h1, int mode) |
| Initialized with TProfile histogram and mode.
| XT (TH1D *h1, int mode) |
| Initialized with TH1D histogram and mode.
void | setP6 (double p6) |
| Set Parameter 6 for polynomial fit.
void | setMode (int mode) |
| Set XT mode. More...
void | BField (bool bfield) |
| set to use BField
void | setXTParams (const double p[8]) |
| Set Parameters for fit.
void | setXTParams (double p0, double p1, double p2, double p3, double p4, double p5, double p6, double p7) |
| Set Initial parameters for fitting.
void | setFitRange (double tmin, double tmax) |
| Set Fit range.
void | setSmallestEntryRequired (int min) |
| Set minimum number of entry required for fit.
void | setDebug (bool debug) |
| Set Debug.
int | getFitStatus () |
| get fitted flag.
double | getProb () |
| Get the chi2 probability.
void | getFittedXTParams (double pa[8]) |
| get fit parameters.
TF1 * | getXTFunction (int mode) |
| Get XT function.
TF1 * | getXTFunction () |
| Get XT function.
TProfile * | getFittedHisto () |
| Get histogram.
void | FitXT () |
| Do fitting.
void | FitXT (int mode) |
| Do fitting.
void | FitPol5 () |
| Fit xt histogram incase 5th order polynomial is used.
void | FitChebyshev () |
| Fit xt histogram incase 5th order Chebeshev polynomial is used.
TProfile * | m_h1 |
| Histogram of xt relation.
TF1 * | xtpol5 = new TF1("xtpol5", pol5pol1, 0.0, 700, 8) |
| 5th order polynomial function
TF1 * | xtCheb5 = new TF1("xtCheb5", Cheb5pol1, 0.0, 700, 8) |
| 5th order Cheb. More...
int | m_mode = 1 |
| XT mode, 0 is for 5th order polynomial, 1 is Chebshev polynomial.
bool | m_debug = true |
| Print debug durring fitting or not.
bool | m_draw = false |
| Draw and store png plot of each histo or not.
bool | m_BField = true |
| With magnetic field or not.
int | m_minRequiredEntry = 800 |
| Minimum entry required for each histo.
double | m_XTParam [8] = {} |
| Parameter fo xt.
double | m_FittedXTParams [8] = {} |
| Fitted parameters.
int | m_fitflag = 0 |
| Fit Flag =-1: low statitic =1: good =0: Fit failure =2: Error Outer =3: Error Inner part;.
double | m_Prob = 0 |
| Chi2 prob of fitting.
double | m_tmin = 20 |
| lower boundary of fit range
double | m_tmax = m_XTParam[6] + 250 |
| upper boundary of fit range
Class to perform fitting for each xt function.
Definition at line 60 of file XT.h.