Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
ConditionsDB Class Reference


class  RequestError

Public Member Functions

def __init__ (self, base_url=None, max_connections=10, retries=3)
def set_authentication_token (self, token)
def request (self, method, url, message=None, *args, **argk)
def get_globalTags (self)
def has_globalTag (self, name)
def get_globalTagInfo (self, name)
def get_globalTagType (self, name)
def create_globalTag (self, name, description, user)
def get_all_iovs (self, globalTag, exp=None, run=None, message=None, run_range=None, fully_contained=False)
def get_payloads (self, global_tag=None)
def check_payloads (self, payloads, information="payloadId")
def get_revisions (self, entries)
def create_payload (self, module, filename, checksum=None)
def create_iov (self, globalTagId, payloadId, firstExp, firstRun, finalExp, finalRun)
def delete_iov (self, iovId)
def modify_iov (self, iovId, firstExp, firstRun, finalExp, finalRun)
def get_iovs (self, globalTagName, payloadName=None)
def upload (self, filename, global_tag, normalize=False, ignore_existing=False, nprocess=1, uploaded_entries=None)
def staging_request (self, filename, normalize, data, password)

Static Public Member Functions

def get_base_urls (given_url)

Static Public Attributes

list BASE_URLS = [conditions.default_metadata_provider_url]
 base url to the conditions db to be used if no custom url is given

Private Attributes

 session object to get keep-alive support and connection pooling
 base url to be prepended to all requests

Detailed Description

Class to interface conditions db REST interface

Definition at line 230 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __init__()

def __init__ (   self,
  base_url = None,
  max_connections = 10,
  retries = 3 
Create a new instance of the interface

    base_url (string): base url of the rest interface
    max_connections (int): number of connections to keep open, mostly useful for threaded applications
    retries (int): number of retries in case of connection problems

Definition at line 272 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ check_payloads()

def check_payloads (   self,
  information = "payloadId" 
Check for the existence of payloads in the database.

    payloads (list((str,str))): A list of payloads to check for. Each
       payload needs to be a tuple of the name of the payload and the
       md5 checksum of the payload file.
    information (str): The information to be extracted from the
       payload dictionary

    A dictionary with the payload identifiers (name, checksum) as keys
    and the requested information as values for all payloads which are already
    present in the database.

Definition at line 539 of file

◆ create_globalTag()

def create_globalTag (   self,
Create a new globaltag

Definition at line 441 of file

◆ create_iov()

def create_iov (   self,
Create an iov.

    globalTagId (int): id of the globaltag, obtain with get_globalTagId()
    payloadId (int): id of the payload, obtain from create_payload() or get_payloads()
    firstExp (int): first experiment for which this iov is valid
    firstRun (int): first run for which this iov is valid
    finalExp (int): final experiment for which this iov is valid
    finalRun (int): final run for which this iov is valid

    payloadIovId of the created iov, None if creation was not successful

Definition at line 635 of file

◆ create_payload()

def create_payload (   self,
  checksum = None 
Create a new payload

    module (str): name of the module
    filename (str): name of the file
    checksum (str): md5 hexdigest of the file. Will be calculated automatically if not given

Definition at line 592 of file

◆ delete_iov()

def delete_iov (   self,
Delete an iov

    iovId (int): id of the iov to be deleted

Definition at line 670 of file

◆ get_all_iovs()

def get_all_iovs (   self,
  exp = None,
  run = None,
  message = None,
  run_range = None,
  fully_contained = False 
Return list of all payloads in the given globaltag where each element is
a `PayloadInformation` instance

    gobalTag (str): name of the globaltag
    exp (int): if given limit the list of payloads to the ones valid for
        the given exp,run combination
    run (int): if given limit the list of payloads to the ones valid for
        the given exp,run combination
    message (str): additional message to show when downloading the
        payload information. Will be directly appended to
        "Obtaining lists of iovs for globaltag {globalTag}"
    run_range (tuple): if given limit the list of payloads to the ones
        overlapping with the given run range, if
    fully_contained (bool): if True and the run_range is not None it limits
        the list of payloads to the ones fully contained in the given run range

    Both, exp and run, need to be given at the same time. Just supplying
    an experiment or a run number will not work

Definition at line 454 of file

◆ get_base_urls()

def get_base_urls (   given_url)
Resolve the list of server urls. If a url is given just return it.
Otherwise return servers listed in BELLE2_CONDB_SERVERLIST or the
builtin defaults

    given_url (str): Explicit base_url. If this is not None it will be
       returned as is in a list of length 1

    a list of urls to try for database connectivity

Definition at line 241 of file

◆ get_globalTagInfo()

def get_globalTagInfo (   self,
Get the id of the globaltag with the given name. Returns either the
id or None if the tag was not found

Definition at line 410 of file

◆ get_globalTags()

def get_globalTags (   self)
Get a list of all globaltags. Returns a dictionary with the globaltag
names and the corresponding ids in the database

Definition at line 384 of file

◆ get_globalTagType()

def get_globalTagType (   self,
Get the dictionary describing the given globaltag type (currently
one of DEV or RELEASE). Returns None if tag type was not found.

Definition at line 422 of file

◆ get_iovs()

def get_iovs (   self,
  payloadName = None 
Return existing iovs for a given tag name. It returns a dictionary
which maps (payloadId, first runId, final runId) to iovId

  globalTagName(str): Global tag name.
  payloadName(str):   Payload name (if None, selection by name is
                      not performed.

Definition at line 697 of file

◆ get_payloads()

def get_payloads (   self,
  global_tag = None 
Get a list of all defined payloads (for the given global_tag or by default for all).
Returns a dictionary which maps (module, checksum) to the payload id.

Definition at line 515 of file

◆ get_revisions()

def get_revisions (   self,
Get the revision numbers of payloads in the database.

    entries (list): A list of payload entries.
       Each entry must have the attributes module and checksum.

    True if successful.

Definition at line 571 of file

◆ has_globalTag()

def has_globalTag (   self,
Check whether the globaltag with the given name exists.

Definition at line 400 of file

◆ modify_iov()

def modify_iov (   self,
Modify the validity range of a given iov

    iovId (int): id of the iov to be modified
    firstExp (int): first experiment for which this iov is valid
    firstRun (int): first run for which this iov is valid
    finalExp (int): final experiment for which this iov is valid
    finalRun (int): final run for which this iov is valid

Definition at line 681 of file

◆ request()

def request (   self,
  message = None,
**  argk 
Request function, similar to requests.request but adding the base_url

    method (str): GET, POST, etc.
    url (str): url for the request, base_url will be prepended
    message (str): message to show when starting the request and if it fails

All other arguments will be forwarded to requests.request.

Definition at line 329 of file

◆ set_authentication_token()

def set_authentication_token (   self,
Set authentication token when talking to the database

    token (str): JWT to hand to the database. Will not be checked
        for validity here.

Definition at line 319 of file

◆ staging_request()

def staging_request (   self,
Upload a testing payload storage to a staging globaltag and create or update a jira issue

  filename (str): filename of the testing payload storage file that should be uploaded
  normalize (Union[bool, str]): if True the payload root files will be
    normalized to have the same checksum for the same content, if
    normalize is a string in addition the file name in the root file
    metadata will be set to it
  data (dict): a dictionary with the information provided by the user:

    * task: category of globaltag, either main, online, prompt, data, mc, or analysis
    * tag: the globaltag name
    * request: type of request, either Update, New, or Modification. The latter two imply task == main because
      if new payload classes are introduced or payload classes are modified then they will first be included in
      the main globaltag. Here a synchronization of code and payload changes has to be managed.
      If new or modified payload classes should be included in other globaltags they must already be in a release.
    * pull-request: number of the pull request containing new or modified payload classes,
      only for request == New or Modified
    * backward-compatibility: description of what happens if the old payload is encountered by the updated code,
      only for request == Modified
    * forward-compatibility: description of what happens if a new payload is encountered by the existing code,
      only for request == Modified
    * release: the required release version
    * reason: the reason for the request
    * description: a detailed description for the globaltag manager
    * issue: identifier of an existing jira issue (optional)
    * user: name of the user
    * time: time stamp of the request

  password: the password for access to jira or the access token and secret for oauth access

  True if the upload and jira issue creation/upload was successful

Definition at line 873 of file

◆ upload()

def upload (   self,
  normalize = False,
  ignore_existing = False,
  nprocess = 1,
  uploaded_entries = None 
Upload a testing payload storage to the conditions database.

  filename (str): filename of the testing payload storage file that should be uploaded
  global_tage (str): name of the globaltag to which the data should be uploaded
  normalize (Union[bool, str]): if True the payload root files will be normalized to have the same checksum for the
    same content, if normalize is a string in addition the file name in the root file metadata will be set to it
  ignore_existing (bool): if True do not upload payloads that already exist
  nprocess (int): maximal number of parallel uploads
  uploaded_entries (list): the list of successfully uploaded entries

  True if the upload was successful

Definition at line 728 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: