Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
Monitor Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Monitor:
Collaboration diagram for Monitor:

Public Member Functions

def initialize (self)
def event (self)
def terminate (self)

Public Attributes

 Event info.
 TSIM TS hit.
 get run ID
 Number of events.

Detailed Description

Module to make some monitor plots for TSF

Definition at line 54 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ event()

def event (   self)
event function

Definition at line 74 of file

74  def event(self):
75  """
76  event function
77  """
78  self.nevents += 1
79  used.fill(0)
80  in_tsim.fill(0)
81  for simhit in self.simhits:
82  if simhit.getISuperLayer() % 2 == 0:
83  iax, iw = simhit.getISuperLayer() // 2, simhit.getIWire()
84  if simhit.getPriorityPosition() == 1:
85  iw += 1
86  if iw == nWiresInLayer[iax]:
87  iw = 0
88  hall.Fill(iax, iw)
89  in_tsim[simhit.getSegmentID()] = 1
90  for hit in self.tshits:
91  ind = hit.getSegmentID()
92  # only fill the histogram if the same ID is not found in the event
93  # In other words, it can't be the same hit from another 2D
94  # even if the unpacker does not eliminate repeated hits.
95  iax, iw = hit.getISuperLayer() // 2, hit.getIWire()
96  if hit.getPriorityPosition() == 1:
97  iw += 1
98  if iw == nWiresInLayer[iax]:
99  iw = 0
100  if not used[ind]:
101  used[ind] = 1
102  hhit.Fill(iax, iw)
103  if in_tsim[ind]:
104  hno_ghost.Fill(iax, iw)
105  if not in_tsim[ind]:
106  hghost.Fill(iax, iw)
107  hlr.Fill(hit.getLeftRight())
108  hpri.Fill(hit.getPriorityPosition())
109  hpritime.Fill(hit.priorityTime())
110  hftime.Fill(hit.foundTime())

◆ initialize()

def initialize (   self)

Definition at line 59 of file

◆ terminate()

def terminate (   self)

Definition at line 112 of file

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