Belle II Software
Public Member Functions | |
def | __init__ (self) |
def | define_graphs (self) |
def | fill_graphs (self) |
def | draw_plots (self) |
def | initialize (self, checker_list=[]) |
def | valid (self) |
def | beginRun (self) |
def | terminate (self) |
Public Attributes | |
hotdead_graphs | |
Dictionary to save TGraphs of hot/dead pixel fractions with sensor id as key. | |
occupancy_masked_graphs | |
Dictionary to save TGraph of module occupancy (with mask) | |
occupancy_no_mask_graphs | |
Dictionary to save TGraph of module occupancy (without mask) | |
sum_graphs | |
Dictionary of summary TGraphs and their TLegend. | |
condition_checkers | |
condition checkers which are assoicated to this calibration. | |
Checker for PXDHotPixelMaskCalibration
Definition at line 111 of file
def __init__ | ( | self | ) |
Initial with related condition db object types
Definition at line 116 of file
inherited |
function to be executed at the beginning of a run
Definition at line 95 of file
def define_graphs | ( | self | ) |
Define TGraphs for filling
Reimplemented from CalibrationCheckerBase.
Definition at line 126 of file
def draw_plots | ( | self | ) |
Generate summary plots from TGraphs of all condition checkers
Reimplemented from CalibrationCheckerBase.
Definition at line 227 of file
def fill_graphs | ( | self | ) |
Fill TGraphs, will be executed for each run
Reimplemented from CalibrationCheckerBase.
Definition at line 163 of file
inherited |
Initialize condition_checker according to condition objType Parameters: checker_list (list): list of objType checkers
Definition at line 50 of file
inherited |
Execute when terminating a basf2 module. All required TGraphs should be ready at this stage.
Definition at line 102 of file
inherited |
valid flag
Definition at line 67 of file