Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
PXDPositionEstimation Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for PXDPositionEstimation:
Collaboration diagram for PXDPositionEstimation:

Public Member Functions

def initialize (self)
def event (self)
def terminate (self)

Public Attributes

 Counter for all clusters.
 Counter for cluster where shape likelyhood was found in payload.
 Counter for clusters where position correction was found in payload.
 Output file to store all plots.
 Histograms for true particle momenta.
 Histograms for true particle angle thetaU.
 Histograms for true particle angle thetaV.
 Histograms for cluster charge related to particle.
 Histograms for u residuals.
 Histograms for v residuals.
 Histograms for v residuals for smaller thetaV range.
 Histograms for u residual pulls.
 Histograms for v residual pulls.
 ThetaV angle ranges for v residuals.

Detailed Description

Histogram the difference position residuals and pulls between clusters and truehits.

Definition at line 26 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ event()

def event (   self)
Fill the residual and pull histograms

Definition at line 106 of file

106  def event(self):
107  """Fill the residual and pull histograms"""
109  # Get truehits
110  truehits = Belle2.PyStoreArray("PXDTrueHits")
112  for truehit in truehits:
113  if isinstance(truehit, Belle2.PXDTrueHit):
114  sensor_info = Belle2.VXD.GeoCache.get(truehit.getSensorID())
115  clusters = truehit.getRelationsFrom("PXDClusters")
117  # now check if we find a cluster
118  for j, cls in enumerate(clusters):
119  # we ignore all clusters where less then 100 electrons come from
120  # our truehit
121  if clusters.weight(j) < 100:
122  continue
124  mom = truehit.getMomentum()
125  tu = mom[0] / mom[2]
126  tv = mom[1] / mom[2]
127  thetaU = math.atan(tu) * 180 / math.pi
128  thetaV = math.atan(tv) * 180 / math.pi
130  # Only look at primary particles -> check if the following is needed
131  # for mcp in truehit.getRelationsFrom("MCParticles"):
132  # if not mcp.hasStatus(1):
133  # reject = True
135  # Get instance of position estimator
137  clusterkind = cls.getKind()
139  # Clusterkinds 0,1,2,3 refer to all cases which can currently
140  # be corrected. Cases where a cluster pixel touches a sensor
141  # edge or contains pixel with varying vPitch are excluded here.
142  if clusterkind <= 3 and mom.Mag() > 0.02:
144  self.nclusters += 1
146  # Fill momentum and angles for clusterkind
147  self.hist_map_momentum[clusterkind].Fill(mom.Mag())
148  self.hist_map_theta_u[clusterkind].Fill(thetaU)
149  self.hist_map_theta_v[clusterkind].Fill(thetaV)
150  self.hist_map_clustercharge[clusterkind].Fill(cls.getCharge())
152  # Fill clusterkind=4 for all PXD sensors
153  self.hist_map_momentum[4].Fill(mom.Mag())
154  self.hist_map_theta_u[4].Fill(thetaU)
155  self.hist_map_theta_v[4].Fill(thetaV)
156  self.hist_map_clustercharge[4].Fill(cls.getCharge())
158  # Fill the histograms (mode=2)
159  mode = 2
160  pull_u = (truehit.getU() - cls.getU()) / cls.getUSigma()
161  pull_v = (truehit.getV() - cls.getV()) / cls.getVSigma()
163  self.hist_map_residual_u[(clusterkind, mode)].Fill(truehit.getU() - cls.getU())
164  self.hist_map_residual_v[(clusterkind, mode)].Fill(truehit.getV() - cls.getV())
165  self.hist_map_residual_pull_u[(clusterkind, mode)].Fill(pull_u)
166  self.hist_map_residual_pull_v[(clusterkind, mode)].Fill(pull_v)
168  if thetaV >= self.binlimits[0][0] and thetaV < self.binlimits[0][1]:
169  self.hist_map_residual_v_special[(clusterkind, mode, 0)].Fill(truehit.getV() - cls.getV())
170  elif thetaV >= self.binlimits[1][0] and thetaV < self.binlimits[1][1]:
171  self.hist_map_residual_v_special[(clusterkind, mode, 1)].Fill(truehit.getV() - cls.getV())
172  else:
173  self.hist_map_residual_v_special[(clusterkind, mode, 2)].Fill(truehit.getV() - cls.getV())
175  shape_likelyhood = PositionEstimator.getShapeLikelyhood(cls, tu, tv)
176  if shape_likelyhood > 0:
177  self.nfound_shapes += 1
179  offset = PositionEstimator.getClusterOffset(cls, tu, tv)
180  if offset:
181  # Now, we can safely querry the correction
182  self.nfound_offset += 1
184  # We need to explicitely add a shift to the offsets
185  # This is not needed when working with PXDRecoHits
186  shiftU = sensor_info.getUCellPosition(cls.getUStart())
187  shiftV = sensor_info.getVCellPosition(cls.getVStart())
189  # Fill the histograms (mode=0)
190  mode = 0
191  pull_u = (truehit.getU() - shiftU - offset.getU()) / (math.sqrt(offset.getUSigma2()))
192  pull_v = (truehit.getV() - shiftV - offset.getV()) / (math.sqrt(offset.getVSigma2()))
194  self.hist_map_residual_u[(clusterkind, mode)].Fill(truehit.getU() - shiftU - offset.getU())
195  self.hist_map_residual_v[(clusterkind, mode)].Fill(truehit.getV() - shiftV - offset.getV())
196  self.hist_map_residual_pull_u[(clusterkind, mode)].Fill(pull_u)
197  self.hist_map_residual_pull_v[(clusterkind, mode)].Fill(pull_v)
199  if thetaV >= self.binlimits[0][0] and thetaV < self.binlimits[0][1]:
200  self.hist_map_residual_v_special[(clusterkind, mode, 0)].Fill(
201  truehit.getV() - shiftV - offset.getV())
202  elif thetaV >= self.binlimits[1][0] and thetaV < self.binlimits[1][1]:
203  self.hist_map_residual_v_special[(clusterkind, mode, 1)].Fill(
204  truehit.getV() - shiftV - offset.getV())
205  else:
206  self.hist_map_residual_v_special[(clusterkind, mode, 2)].Fill(
207  truehit.getV() - shiftV - offset.getV())
209  # Fill the histograms (mode=1)
210  mode = 1
211  self.hist_map_residual_u[(clusterkind, mode)].Fill(truehit.getU() - shiftU - offset.getU())
212  self.hist_map_residual_v[(clusterkind, mode)].Fill(truehit.getV() - shiftV - offset.getV())
213  self.hist_map_residual_pull_u[(clusterkind, mode)].Fill(pull_u)
214  self.hist_map_residual_pull_v[(clusterkind, mode)].Fill(pull_v)
216  if thetaV >= self.binlimits[0][0] and thetaV < self.binlimits[0][1]:
217  self.hist_map_residual_v_special[(clusterkind, mode, 0)].Fill(
218  truehit.getV() - shiftV - offset.getV())
219  elif thetaV >= self.binlimits[1][0] and thetaV < self.binlimits[1][1]:
220  self.hist_map_residual_v_special[(clusterkind, mode, 1)].Fill(
221  truehit.getV() - shiftV - offset.getV())
222  else:
223  self.hist_map_residual_v_special[(clusterkind, mode, 2)].Fill(
224  truehit.getV() - shiftV - offset.getV())
226  else:
228  # Fill the histograms (mode=1)
229  mode = 1
230  pull_u = (truehit.getU() - cls.getU()) / cls.getUSigma()
231  pull_v = (truehit.getV() - cls.getV()) / cls.getVSigma()
233  self.hist_map_residual_u[(clusterkind, mode)].Fill(truehit.getU() - cls.getU())
234  self.hist_map_residual_v[(clusterkind, mode)].Fill(truehit.getV() - cls.getV())
235  self.hist_map_residual_pull_u[(clusterkind, mode)].Fill(pull_u)
236  self.hist_map_residual_pull_v[(clusterkind, mode)].Fill(pull_v)
238  if thetaV >= self.binlimits[0][0] and thetaV < self.binlimits[0][1]:
239  self.hist_map_residual_v_special[(clusterkind, mode, 0)].Fill(truehit.getV() - cls.getV())
240  elif thetaV >= self.binlimits[1][0] and thetaV < self.binlimits[1][1]:
241  self.hist_map_residual_v_special[(clusterkind, mode, 1)].Fill(truehit.getV() - cls.getV())
242  else:
243  self.hist_map_residual_v_special[(clusterkind, mode, 2)].Fill(truehit.getV() - cls.getV())
Class PXDTrueHit - Records of tracks that either enter or leave the sensitive volume.
Definition: PXDTrueHit.h:31
static PXDClusterPositionEstimator & getInstance()
Main (and only) way to access the PXDClusterPositionEstimator.
A (simplified) python wrapper for StoreArray.
Definition: PyStoreArray.h:72
static const SensorInfoBase & get(Belle2::VxdID id)
Return a reference to the SensorInfo of a given SensorID.
Definition: GeoCache.h:139

◆ initialize()

def initialize (   self)
Create histograms for pulls and residuals

Definition at line 31 of file

◆ terminate()

def terminate (   self)
Format and write all histograms and plot them

Definition at line 245 of file

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: