| quantity_name |
| name of the quantity the analysis is performed on
| unit |
| unit the quanitity is given in
| outlier_z_score |
| the outlier score defines in terms of how many std deviations a data point is considered as an outlier
| absolute |
| if true only the absolute value is compared
| plot_name |
| name of the plot
| plot_title |
| title of the plot
| plot_name_prefix |
| prefix to be prepended to the plot name
| plot_name_postfix |
| post fix to be append after the plot name
| plot_title_postfix |
| postfix to be appended after the title
| plots |
| dictionary to store the plots
| referenceFileName |
| name of the reference file, if set the binnings of plots will be read from the corresponding object in that file
| contact |
| Forward the contract to all plots by reassigning the contact.
Performs a comparision of an estimated quantity to their truths by generating standardized validation plots.
Definition at line 27 of file pull.py.
def analyse |
( |
self, |
truths, |
estimates, |
variances = None , |
auxiliaries = {} , |
which_plots = None , |
is_expert = None |
) |
| |
Compares the concrete estimate to the truth and generates plots of the estimates, residuals, pulls and p-values.
Close indicates if the figure shall be closed after they are saved.
truths : array_like(float)
Sample of the true values
estimates : array_like(float)
Corresponding estimations
variances : array_like(float), optional
Corresponding variance estimations
auxiliaries : Dict[name, array_like(float)], optional
Auxiliary variable to show distribution of residuals and pull as function
selected_plots : list(str), optional
List of analysis plots to be generated. All if not given.
Currently valid names are
truths, estimates, diag_profile, diag_scatter, residuals,
sigmas, pulls, p_values
Definition at line 104 of file pull.py.