14 import b2test_utils
as b2tu
15 import modularAnalysis
as ma
16 from stdPi0s
import stdPi0s
17 from stdV0s
import stdKshorts
18 from variables
import variables
as vm
21 def dump_3_v2nts(names_of_three_lists, path):
22 """Dump each of the three vpho lists into a VariablesToNtuple on path"""
23 first, second, third = names_of_three_lists
24 vs = [
25 ma.variablesToNtuple(
"vpho:" + first, vs, treename=first, path=path)
26 ma.variablesToNtuple(
"vpho:" + second, vs, treename=second, path=path)
27 ma.variablesToNtuple(
"vpho:" + third, vs, treename=third, path=path)
31 """A simple basf2 analysis job to do some list copying"""
34 vm.addAlias(
"daughter(0, mdstIndex)")
35 vm.addAlias(
"daughter(0, p)")
39 ma.inputMdst(b2.find_file(
"analysis/tests/mdst.root"), path=pa)
40 ma.fillParticleList(
"", path=pa)
41 ma.fillParticleList(
"", path=pa)
47 ma.reconstructDecay(
"vpho:a -> K+",
"", path=pa, allowChargeViolation=
48 ma.reconstructDecay(
"vpho:b -> K+",
"", path=pa, allowChargeViolation=
49 ma.copyLists(
"vpho:ab", [
"vpho:b"], path=pa)
50 dump_3_v2nts([
"ab"], path=pa)
54 ma.reconstructDecay(
"vpho:c -> K+",
"", path=pa, allowChargeViolation=
55 ma.reconstructDecay(
"vpho:d -> pi-",
"", path=pa, allowChargeViolation=
56 ma.copyLists(
"vpho:cd", [
"vpho:d"], path=pa)
57 dump_3_v2nts([
"cd"], path=pa)
62 ma.reconstructDecay(
"vpho:e -> K+ pi-",
"", path=pa)
63 ma.reconstructDecay(
"vpho:f -> pi- K+",
"", path=pa)
64 ma.copyLists(
"vpho:ef", [
"vpho:f"], path=pa)
65 dump_3_v2nts([
"ef"], path=pa)
69 ma.reconstructDecay(
"tau+:pi -> pi+",
"", dmID=0, path=pa)
70 ma.reconstructDecay(
"tau+:pipi0 -> pi+ pi0:all",
"", dmID=1, path=pa)
72 ma.reconstructDecay(
"vpho:g -> tau+:pi tau-:pipi0",
"", path=pa, chargeConjugation=
74 ma.reconstructDecay(
"vpho:h -> tau-:pi tau+:pipi0",
"", path=pa, chargeConjugation=
77 ma.copyLists(
"vpho:gh", [
"vpho:h"], path=pa)
78 dump_3_v2nts([
"gh"], path=pa)
82 ma.reconstructDecay(
"tau+:KS0 -> pi+ K_S0:merged",
"", dmID=0, path=pa)
83 ma.reconstructDecay(
"tau+:pi0 -> pi+ pi0:all",
"", dmID=1, path=pa)
85 ma.reconstructDecay(
"vpho:KS -> tau+:KS0 tau-:pi0",
"", path=pa, chargeConjugation=
87 ma.reconstructDecay(
"vpho:pi0 -> tau-:KS0 tau+:pi0",
"", path=pa, chargeConjugation=
90 ma.copyLists(
"vpho:KSpi0", [
"vpho:pi0"], path=pa)
91 dump_3_v2nts([
"KSpi0"], path=pa)
94 ma.reconstructDecay(
"D0 -> K- pi+",
"", dmID=0, chargeConjugation=
False, path=pa)
95 ma.matchMCTruth(
"D0", path=pa)
96 ma.cutAndCopyList(
"isSignal==1", path=pa)
97 ma.reconstructDecay(
"anti-D0:anti -> K- pi+",
"", dmID=1, chargeConjugation=
False, path=pa)
98 ma.matchMCTruth(
"anti-D0:anti", path=pa)
99 ma.cutAndCopyList(
"isSignal==1", path=pa)
100 ma.mergeListsWithBestDuplicate(
"D0:ignore", [
'isSignal', path=pa,
101 preferLowest=
False, ignoreMotherFlavor=
102 ma.copyLists(
"D0:flavor", [
'anti-D0:anti'], path=pa)
103 ma.variablesToNtuple(
"D0", [
'PDG'], treename=
"D0", path=pa)
104 ma.variablesToNtuple(
"anti-D0:anti", [
'PDG'], treename=
"anti", path=pa)
105 ma.variablesToNtuple(
"D0:ignore", [
'PDG'], treename=
"ignore", path=pa)
106 ma.variablesToNtuple(
"D0:flavor", [
'PDG'], treename=
"flavor", path=pa)
108 b2tu.safe_process(pa, 1)
112 """Analyse the output of ``run_copylists``"""
115 """Open the ntuple output and count the number of entries in the list."""
116 df = uproot.open(
120 """Merging two lists with identical daughters should not double count."""
121 self.assertEqual(self.
"a"), self.
122 self.assertEqual(self.
"a"), self.
123 self.assertEqual(self.
"b"), self.
126 """Merging two lists with different daughters but with the same mdst
127 object should include each of them twice."""
128 self.assertEqual(self.
"c"), self.
129 self.assertEqual(self.
"c") + self.
"d"), self.
132 """Merging two lists with daughters in a different order should not double count."""
133 self.assertEqual(self.
"e"), self.
134 self.assertEqual(self.
"e"), self.
137 """Self-conjugated particles can be daughters of both charge-conjugated mother particles.
138 Those multiple candidates are no duplicates and copying the particle list should not remove them."""
139 self.assertEqual(self.
"g") + self.
"h"), self.
142 """Different self-conjugated particles are daughters of charge-conjugated mother particles.
143 The two mother particles have the same amount of daughters."""
144 self.assertEqual(self.
"KS") + self.
"pi0"), self.
147 """Particle lists can be merged ignoring the flavor of the mother particle. If both particle
148 lists decay into the same final state, the size of the combined list is identical to one
149 individual list. Otherwise, it's the sum of the two."""
150 self.assertEqual(self.
"D0"), self.
151 self.assertEqual(self.
"D0") + self.
"anti"), self.
154 if __name__ ==
155 with b2tu.clean_working_directory():
def test_different_association_of_neutrals_same_number_of_daughters(self)
def test_neutrals_in_decays_to_charge_conjugated_daughters(self)
def test_different_daughter_order(self)
def test_merge_two_lists_with_different_mdst_objects(self)
def _count(self, listname)
def test_merge_two_lists_with_identical_daughters(self)
def test_ignore_mother_flavor(self)