12 from basf2
import Module
13 from ROOT
import Belle2
18 This module is to calculate and print out the efficiency of each L1 trigger line with
19 the trigger result from object 'TRGGDLResults'
26 Nsubtrg_event = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
28 prescale_phase2 = [1, 1, 20, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 10, 10, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
30 prescale_phase3 = [1, 1, 20, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 20, 20, 1, 5, 1, 3, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
33 trglog_phase2 = [
'3 or more 3D tracks',
34 '2 3D tracks, ≥1 within 25 cm, not a trkBhabha',
35 '2 3D tracks, not a trkBhabha',
36 '2 3D tracks, trkBhabha',
37 '1 track, <25cm, clust same hemi, no 2 GeV clust',
38 '1 track, <25cm, clust opp hemi, no 2 GeV clust',
39 '≥3 clusters inc. ≥1 300 MeV, not an eclBhabha',
40 '2 GeV E* in [4,14], not a trkBhabha',
41 '2 GeV E* in [4,14], trkBhabha',
42 '2 GeV E* in 2,3,15 or 16, not a trkBhabha or eclBhabha',
43 '2 GeV E* in 2,3,15 or 16, trkBhabha or eclBhabha',
44 '2 GeV E* in 1 or 17, not a trkBhabha or eclBhabha',
45 '2 GeV E* in 1 or 17, trkBhabha or eclBhabha',
46 'exactly 1 E*>1 GeV and 1 E>300 MeV, in [4,15]',
47 'exactly 1 E*>1 GeV and 1 E>300 MeV, in 2,3 or 16',
48 'clusters back-to-back in phi, both >250 MeV, no 2 GeV',
49 'clusters back-to-back in phi, 1 <250 MeV, no 2 GeV',
50 'clusters back-to-back in 3D, no 2 GeV',
51 'eed: two matched & cluster b2b',
52 'fed: one track & one matched & cluster b2b',
53 'fp: one track & track-cluster b2b',
54 'eeb: two matched & track b2b',
55 'fep: one track & one matched & track-cluster b2b'
59 trglog_phase3 = [
'3 or more 3D tracks',
60 '2 3D tracks, ≥1 within 10 cm, not a trkBhabha',
61 '2 3D tracks, not a trkBhabha',
62 '2 3D tracks, trkBhabha',
63 '1 track, <10cm, clust same hemi, no 2 GeV clust',
64 '1 track, <10cm, clust opp hemi, no 2 GeV clust',
65 '≥3 clusters inc. ≥2 300 MeV, not an eclBhabha',
66 '2 GeV E* in [4,14], not a trkBhabha',
67 '2 GeV E* in [4,14], trkBhabha',
68 '2 GeV E* in 2,3,15 or 16, not a trkBhabha or eclBhabha',
69 '2 GeV E* in 2,3,15 or 16, trkBhabha or eclBhabha',
70 '2 GeV E* in 1 or 17, not a trkBhabha or eclBhabha',
71 '2 GeV E* in 1 or 17, trkBhabha or eclBhabha',
72 'exactly 1 E*>1 GeV and 1 E>300 MeV, in [4,15]',
73 'exactly 1 E*>1 GeV and 1 E>300 MeV, in 2,3 or 16',
74 'clusters back-to-back in phi, both >250 MeV, no 2 GeV',
75 'clusters back-to-back in phi, 1 <250 MeV, no 2 GeV, TrkZ25 is 3D track',
76 'clusters back-to-back in 3D, no 2 GeV',
77 'eed: two matched & cluster b2b',
78 'fed: one track & one matched & cluster b2b',
79 'fp: one track & track-cluster b2b',
80 'eeb: two matched & track b2b',
81 'fep: one track & one matched & track-cluster b2b'
92 """Initialization of EffModule"""
99 Event function to count the numbers of events passing each trigger line
103 summary = trgresult.getPsnmBits(0)
106 sum_bin = bin(summary)
107 for i
in range(len(sum_bin) - 2):
108 trg = int(sum_bin[len(sum_bin) - 1 - i])
114 Calculate the efficiency of each trigger line with the statistical values in event function
131 print(
'L1 Trigger efficiency(%%): %6.2f' % (eff_tot))
132 print(
'Trigger Line', 5 * sp,
'PreScale Factor', 3 * sp,
'Efficiency(%)', 3 * sp,
135 for i
in range(ntrg):
137 print(
'T%3d %4d %6.2f %s ' % (i, prescale[i], eff, trglog[i]))
140 def EffCalculation(path, Belle2Phase="Phase2"):
a (simplified) python wrapper for StoreObjPtr.
list trglog_phase3
trigger bit log for phase3
list prescale_phase3
prescale factors for phase3
def __init__(self, Belle2Phase)
list trglog_phase2
trigger bit log for phase2
int Ntot_event
The total number of events.
Total number of events.
int Ntrg_event
The number of events passing L1 trigger.
list prescale_phase2
prescale factors for phase2
list Nsubtrg_event
The number of events passing each L1 trigger line.