13 Event code number for channel identification. The value should be
14 read from mDST with variable ``eventExtraInfo(EventCode)``.
48 EventCode_CrossSection = {
50 EventCode.eetautau: 0.01836,
51 EventCode.mumumumu: 0.0003512,
52 EventCode.mumutautau: 0.0001441,
53 EventCode.tautautautau: 0.0000002114,
54 EventCode.eeKK: 0.0798,
55 EventCode.eepp: 0.0117,
56 EventCode.eepipi: 1.895,
57 EventCode.pipipi0ISR: 0.02637,
58 EventCode.pipipipiISR: 0.02586,
59 EventCode.pipipi0pi0ISR: 0.03922,
60 EventCode.pipietaISR: 0.00264,
61 EventCode.KKISR: 0.01631,
62 EventCode.K0K0barISR: 0.008951,
63 EventCode.ppbarISR: 0.0006176,
64 EventCode.pipiISR: 0.1710,
68 __eventCodes = [e
for e
in (EventCode)]
69 EventCodes = tuple(__eventCodes)
73 EventCode.pipipipiISR,
74 EventCode.pipipi0pi0ISR,
81 __eventCodes_llXX = [e
for e
in EventCodes
if e
not in EventCodes_hhISR]
82 EventCodes_llXX = tuple(__eventCodes_llXX)
84 EventCodes_taus = (EventCode.eetautau, EventCode.mumutautau, EventCode.tautautautau)