Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
alignment modules
Collaboration diagram for alignment modules:


class  AlignDQMEventProcessor
 The purpose of this class is to process one event() in AlignDQMModule. More...
class  AlignDQMModule
 DQM of Alignment for off line residuals per sensor, layer, keep also On-Line DQM from tracking: their momentum, Number of hits in tracks, Number of tracks. More...
class  AlignmentGeneratorModule
 Generate VXD misalignment and store in database. More...
class  CopyRecoTracksWithOverlapModule
 Copy RecoTracks with overlap hits in VXD to a new StoreArray (Will need a refit). More...
class  CosmicsAlignmentValidationModule
 Module to find Track correlation in cosmic events. More...
class  MergerCosmicTracksModule
 Module use to select two cosmic tracks event and merger these two tracks become one. More...
class  MillepedeCollectorModule
 Calibration data collector for Millepede Algorithm. More...
class  SetRecoTrackMomentumModule
 Set momentum magnitude for RecoTracks to given value (for runs without magnetic field) More...
class  UpdateParticleTrackCandModule
 Updates the seed in TrackCand based on fitted state (at vertex) More...

Detailed Description