Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
Collaboration diagram for alignment:


 alignment data objects
 alignment modules


class  MillepedeAlgorithm
 Class implementing Millepede calibration algorithm. More...
class  MillepedeTreeConversionAlgorithm
 Creation of a plain TTree with residual and global derivative values from GBL data saved to a ROOT file. More...
class  CDCCalibration
 CDC alignment and calibration constants. More...
class  VXDAlignment
 VXD alignment (and maybe some calibration) parameters. More...
class  GblMultipleScatteringController
 TrackSegmentController for use with GblFitter in Belle2. More...
class  GlobalLabel
 Class to convert to/from global labels for Millepede II to/from detector & parameter identificators. More...
class  AlignableBKLMRecoHit
 Alignable BKLM hit. More...
class  AlignableCDCRecoHit
 This class is used to transfer CDC information to the track fit and Millepede. More...
class  AlignableEKLMRecoHit
 Alignable EKLM hit. More...
class  AlignablePXDRecoHit
 This class is used to transfer PXD information to the track fit. More...
class  AlignableSVDRecoHit
 This class is used to transfer SVD information to the track fit. More...
class  AlignableSVDRecoHit2D
 This class is used to transfer SVD information to the track fit. More...
class  GlobalLabelTest
 Test fixture. More...


 TEST_F (GlobalLabelTest, LargeNumberOfTimeDependentParameters)
 Test large number of time-dep params for registration and retrieval.
 TEST_F (GlobalLabelTest, TimeSettingWorkflow)
 Test that time dependence works.
 TEST_F (GlobalLabelTest, GettersSettersOperators)
 Test getters/setters, operators.
 TEST_F (GlobalLabelTest, QickTestNormalOperation)
 Test the default way of using this.

Detailed Description