Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
arich data objects
Collaboration diagram for arich data objects:


class  ARICHAeroHit
 Datastore class that holds information on track parameters at the entrance in aerogel. More...
class  ARICHDigit
 ARICHDigit class for storing photon hit information. More...
class  ARICHHit
 Datastore class that holds photon hits. Input to the reconstruction. More...
class  ARICHInfo
 Datastore class to keep ARICH event infomation e.g. trigger type. More...
class  ARICHLikelihood
 This is a class to store ARICH likelihoods in the datastore. More...
class  ARICHPhoton
 Struct for ARICH reconstructed photon (hit related to track) information. More...
class  ARICHRawDigit
class  ARICHSimHit
 Class ARICHSimHit - Geant4 simulated hit for ARICH. More...
class  ARICHThParam
 ARICHThParam class for storing photon hit information. More...
class  ARICHTrack
 Datastore class that holds position and momentum information of tracks that hit ARICH. More...

Detailed Description