double | getDetectorZPosition () const |
| get z position of detector plane (starting z of HAPDs)
int | doBeamBackgroundStudy () const |
| returns 1 if beam background study (to add additional sensitive modules, detect neutrons, ...), 0 else
double | getColEffi () const |
| get HAPD collection efficiency.
double | getSensitiveSurfaceSize () const |
| get size of detector sensitive surface (size of two chips + gap between)
int | getNMCopies () const |
| get the total number of HAPD modules
TVector2 | getChipLocPos (int chipID) |
| get center position of chipID-th chip of detector module (in detector module local coordinates)
bool | isInit () |
| returns true if parametrisation is initialized, false otherwise
bool | isSimple () |
| returns true if parametrisation is initialized with simple geometry (beamtest)
double | getAerogelTransmissionLength (int ilayer) |
| get transmission length of "ilayer" aerogel layer
double | getAerogelRefIndex (int ilayer) |
| get refractive index of "ilayer" aerogel layer
double | getAerogelThickness (int ilayer) |
| get thickness of "ilayer" aerogel layer
double | getAerogelZPosition (int ilayer) |
| get z position of "ilayer" aerogel layer
int | getNMirrors () |
| get number of mirror plates
double | getDetectorWindowThickness () |
| get thickness of detector module window
double | getDetectorWindowRefIndex () |
| get refractive index of detector module window
int | getNumberOfAerogelRadiators () |
| get number of aerogel layers
double | getDetectorPadSize () |
| get detectors module pad size
int | getDetectorXPadNumber () |
| get number of pads of detector module (in one direction)
double | getMirrorsStartAngle () |
| get the phi angle of first corner of mirror polygon
double | getMirrorsZPosition () |
| get the z position of mirror plates (starting z)
double | getDetectorZPosition () |
| get z position of detector plane (starting z)
double | getQEScaling () |
| get QE scaling factor for photons internally reflected in HAPD window
double | getWindowAbsorbtion () |
| get absorbtion probability for photons internally reflected in HAPD window
double | getChipNegativeCrosstalk () |
| get factor to suppress p.e. detection efficiency due to negative polarity crosstalk among chip channels
int | getNrTiles () |
| get number of aerogel tiles in radial direction (number of rings)
int | getNphiTiles (int nRing) |
| get number of aerogel tiles in each radial ring
double | getTileGap () |
| get size of the gap between aerogel tiles
double | getAeroTubeRin () |
| get the inner size of aerogel tube
double | getAeroTubeRout () |
| get the outer size of aerogel tube
static ARICHBtestGeometryPar * | Instance () |
| Static method to get a reference to the ARICHBtestGeometryPar instance. More...
| ARICHBtestGeometryPar () |
| Constructor.
| ARICHBtestGeometryPar (const ARICHBtestGeometryPar &arichPar) |
| copy constructor
virtual | ~ARICHBtestGeometryPar () |
| Destructor.
void | setMwpc (ARICHTracking *m_mwpc) |
| Set the pointer of the tracking MWPCs.
ARICHTracking * | getMwpc () |
| Get the pointer of the tracking MWPCs.
std::pair< double, double > | GetHapdChannelPosition (int) |
| Get the position of the HAPD channel.
std::pair< int, int > | GetHapdElectronicMap (int) |
| Get the mapping of the electronic channel to the HAPD module nr and the channel number.
int | AddHapdChannelPositionPair (double, double) |
| Set the position of the HAPD channel.
int | AddHapdElectronicMapPair (int, int) |
| Set the mapping of the electronic channel to the HAPD module nr and the channel number.
void | setTrackingShift (const TVector3 &) |
| Set the tracking shift.
TVector3 | getTrackingShift () |
| Get the tracking shift.
void | setRotationCenter (const TVector3 &) |
| Set the rotation center of the Aerogel RICH frame.
TVector3 | getRotationCenter () |
| Get the rotation center of the Aerogel RICH frame.
void | setFrameRotation (double) |
| Set the rotation angle of the Aerogel RICH frame.
TRotation | getFrameRotation () |
| Get the rotation matrix of the Aerogel RICH frame.
void | setAverageAgel (bool) |
| Set the flag for the reconstruction by using the average aerogel refractive index.
bool | getAverageAgel () |
| Get the flag for the reconstruction by using the average aerogel refractive index.
void | clear (void) |
| Clears.
void | setOffset (const TVector3 &) |
| Set of the setup global offset.
TVector3 | getOffset () |
| Get the setup global offset.
void | Print (void) const |
| Print some debug information.
static ARICHGeometryPar * | Instance () |
| Static method to get a reference to the ARICHGeometryPar instance. More...
| ARICHGeometryPar () |
| Constructor.
virtual | ~ARICHGeometryPar () |
| Destructor.
void | Initialize (const GearDir &content, const GearDir &mirrorinfo) |
| calculates detector parameters needed for geometry build and reconstruction - the mirrorinfo can be in separate directory
void | Initialize (const GearDir &content) |
| calculates detector parameters needed for geometry build and reconstruction.
void | clear (void) |
| Clears.
void | read (const GearDir &content) |
| gets geometry parameters from gearbox.
void | frontEndMapping (const GearDir &content) |
| reads front-end board to merger to cooper mapping from an xml file
int | getMergerFromCooper (int cooperID, int finesse) |
| returns merger board ID from cooperID and finesse
int | getBoardFromMerger (int mergerID, int slot) |
| returns front-end board ID from merger ID and slot
int | getNBoardsOnMerger (int mergerID) |
| returns number of front-end boards connected to the merger
void | readModuleInfo (const GearDir &content) |
| read parameters of each module from gearbox.
double | QE (double e) const |
| get photocathode quantum efficiency at energy e.
void | Print (void) const |
| Print some debug information.
double | getChannelQE (int moduleID, int channelID) |
| get channel quantum efficiency
int | getChannelID (TVector2 hit) |
| get ID number of channel containing point "hit" (hit is in detector module local coordinates)
void | modulesPosition (const GearDir &content) |
| calculates the positions of HAPD modules, with the parameters from xml.
void | modulesPositionSimple (const GearDir &content) |
| gets modules positions directly from xml file (for simple "beamtest" geometry).
int | getCopyNo (TVector3 hit) |
| get the copy number of HAPD module containing point "hit"
int | getCopyNo (const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &hit) |
| get the copy number of HAPD module containing point "hit"
TVector3 | getOrigin (int copyno) |
| get the position of copyno-th HAPD module origin
G4ThreeVector | getOriginG4 (int copyNo) |
| get the position of copyNo-th HAPD module origin (returns G4ThreeVector)
double | getModAngle (int copyno) |
| get the angle of copyno-th HAPD rotation
void | chipLocPosition () |
| calculates the centers of chips in detector module local coordinates
int | getChipID (TVector2 locpos) |
| get ID number of chip containing point "locpos"
TVector3 | getChannelCenterGlob (int modID, int chanID) |
| get center of chanID channel of modID detector module (in global coordinates)
TVector2 | getChannelCenterLoc (int chID) |
| get center position of chID channel (in detector module local coordinates)
void | padPositions () |
| calculates the centers of channels in local (detector module) and global coordinates
void | mirrorPositions (const GearDir &content) |
| calculates parameters of all mirror planes (normal vector and point on plane) More...
void | mirrorPositionSimple (const GearDir &content) |
| Gets mirrors positions directly from xml file (in case of simple "beamtest" geometry).
TVector3 | getMirrorNormal (int mirID) |
| get normal vector of mirID-th mirror plate
TVector3 | getMirrorPoint (int mirID) |
| get one point lying on mirID-th mirror plate
void | setAeroTransLength (int ilayer, double trlen) |
| set transmission length of "ilayer" aerogel layer
void | setAeroRefIndex (int ilayer, double n) |
| set refractive index of "ilayer" aerogel layer
void | setAerogelThickness (int ilayer, double thick) |
| set thickness of "ilayer" aerogel layer
void | setAerogelZPosition (int ilayer, double zPos) |
| set z position of "ilayer" aerogel layer
void | setWindowRefIndex (double refInd) |
| set detector module window refractive index
void | initDetectorMask (int nmodules) |
| initialize detector mask
void | setActive (int module, int channel, bool val) |
| set the channel on/off
bool | isActive (int module, int channel) |
| check the activity of the channel
void | readMirrorAlignment (const GearDir &content) |
| Reads mirror plates alignment parameters.
int | getAerogelTileID (TVector2 locpos) |
| returns ID number of aerogel tile containing locpos (x-y) point.