Belle II Software
Modules | |
daq data objects | |
daq modules | |
Classes | |
class | EvtSocketSend |
class | EvtSocketRecv |
class | EvtSocketManager |
class | REvtSocketRecv |
class | REvtSocketSend |
class | RSocketSend |
class | RSocketRecv |
class | SocketIO |
class | SocketRecv |
class | SocketSend |
class | SocketManager |
class | DqmMasterCallback |
class | DqmMemFile |
class | DqmSharedMem |
class | HistoManager |
class | HistoRelay |
class | HistoServer |
class | ERecoDistributor |
class | ERecoEventProcessor |
class | ERecoEventSampler |
class | ERecoMaster |
class | ERecoMasterCallback |
class | ERecoRunControlCallback |
class | EventSampler |
class | EventServer |
class | EventServerCallback |
class | ZMQStandardApp< AInputConnection, AOutputConnection > |
Generic base class for all standalone ZMQ applications. More... | |
class | ZMQReadySender |
App to only send a ready on every incoming message - behaves the same as the input of a worker (but without an output). More... | |
class | ZMQAcceptor |
App to only send a confirmation on every incoming message - behaves the same as the input of a (final)collector (but without an output). More... | |
class | ZMQWorker |
App to mimick a basf2-worker by accepting an incoming message with a ready message and sending it out via the output - requiring a confirmation message from the next step. More... | |
class | ZMQCollector |
Normal collector app: receive messages on the input reacting with a confirmation message and sends them out via a load-balanced connection to ready workers. More... | |
class | ZMQOutputAdapter |
Special collector app for translating between ZMQ and raw connections: send ready messages (like a typical worker) on the input and send all received events to the raw connection at output. More... | |
class | ZMQProxyCollector |
Special collector app: receive messages on the input reacting with a confirmation message and sends them out via a confirmed connection to ready workers. More... | |
class | ZMQFinalCollector |
Final collector app: receive messages on the input reacting with a confirmation message and sends them out via a raw connection (e.g. More... | |
class | ZMQFinalCollectorWithROI |
Special form of the ZMQFinalCollector for sending out the additional data message to a ROI receiver. More... | |
class | ZMQDistributor |
Standard distributor app: receive data via a raw connection (e.g. More... | |
class | ZMQInputAdapter |
class | ZMQHistogramToFileServer |
Final histogram app: receive histogram messages from all clients and react with a confirmation message. More... | |
class | ZMQHistogramToZMQServer |
Non-Final histogram app: receive histogram messages from all clients and react with a confirmation message. More... | |
class | ZMQHistogramToRawServer |
Non-Final histogram app: receive histogram messages from all clients and react with a confirmation message. More... | |
class | ZMQHistoServerToFileOutput |
Output histograms into a ROOT file and shared memory after merging. More... | |
class | ZMQHistoServerToZMQOutput |
Send the histograms as compressed byte stream via a ZMQConfirmedOutput connection after merging with all the properties of a normal confirmed output. More... | |
class | ZMQHistoServerToRawOutput |
Same as ZMQHistoServerToZMQOutput just send uncompressed to a raw output. More... | |
class | ZMQHistogramOutput< AConnectionClass > |
Add the common functionality to the histogram output classes. More... | |
class | ZMQROIOutput |
Dedicated output to send ROI messages to the PXD ONSEN system. More... | |
class | ZMQDataAndROIOutput |
Helper connection hosting both a normal raw and a ROI output and sending to both at the same time. More... | |
class | HistogramMapping |
Utility to store received histograms (hierarchical tree structures) from clients (as an event message), with a function to add multiple histogram trees together. More... | |
class | HLTEventProcessor |
EventProcessor to be used on the HLT with all specialities of the HLT processing: More... | |
class | HLTStreamHelper |
Helper class for data store serialization. More... | |
class | StorageStreamHelper |
Helper class for data store serialization. More... | |
class | CprErrorMessage |
class | DesSer |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DesSerCOPPER |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | DesSerPrePC |
A class definition of an input module for Sequential ROOT I/O. More... | |
class | HLTFile |
class | HLTMainLoop |
class | HLTSocket |
class | RawRevRb2Sock |
class | Rb2Sock |
class | RevRb2Sock |
class | RevSock2Rb |
class | Sock2Rb |
class | RFCommand |
struct | RFConf_t |
class | RFConf |
class | RFDqmServer |
class | RFEventProcessor |
class | RFEventServer |
class | RFFlowStat |
class | RFLogManager |
class | RFMaster |
class | RFMasterCallback |
struct | RfNodeInfo |
class | RFNodeManager |
class | RFNSM_Status |
class | RFNSM |
class | RFOutputServer |
class | RFProcessManager |
class | RFRoiSender |
class | RFRunControlCallback |
class | RFServerBase |
struct | RfShm_Cell |
struct | RfShm_Data |
class | RFSharedMem |
struct | RfUnitInfo |
class | SharedMem |
class | RoiSenderCallback |
class | AbstractDBObject |
class | ConfigFile |
class | Connection |
class | Date |
class | Enum |
class | ERRORNo |
class | Exception |
class | IOException |
class | Reader |
class | Serializable |
struct | StringUtil |
class | TimeoutException |
class | Writer |
class | DAQLogDB |
class | DAQLogMessage |
class | DBHandlerException |
class | DBInterface |
class | DBObject |
class | DBObjectLoader |
class | DBRecord |
class | MonitorDB |
class | RunNumber |
class | RunNumberTable |
class | AbstractNSMCallback |
class | Callback |
class | NSMCallback |
class | NSMCommand |
class | NSMCommunicator |
class | NSMData |
struct | NSMDataPaket |
class | NSMDataStore |
class | NSMHandlerException |
class | NSMMessage |
class | NSMNode |
class | NSMNodeDaemon |
class | NSMNotConnectedException |
class | NSMState |
class | NSMVar |
class | NSMVHandler |
class | NSMVHandlerInt |
class | NSMVHandlerFloat |
class | NSMVHandlerText |
class | NSMVHandlerIntArray |
class | NSMVHandlerFloatArray |
class | NSMVHandlerRef |
class | PostgreSQLInterface |
class | FlowMonitor |
class | IOInfo |
class | LogListener |
class | ProcessController |
class | ProcessSubmitter |
class | ProcessListener |
struct | ro_summary |
struct | event_header |
struct | ronode_info |
struct | ronode_status |
class | RunInfoBuffer |
class | RCCallback |
class | RCCommand |
class | RCConfig |
class | RCHandlerException |
class | RCHandlerFatalException |
class | RCNode |
class | RCNodeDaemon |
class | RCState |
class | RCConfigHandler |
class | Buffer |
class | BufferedReader |
class | BufferedWriter |
class | CommandLine |
class | Cond |
class | Daemon |
class | DynamicLoader |
class | DynamicLoadException |
class | Executor |
class | Fifo |
class | File |
class | FileDescriptor |
class | FileReader< FD > |
class | FileWriter< FD > |
class | Fork |
class | InotifyEvent |
class | Inotify |
class | GenericLockGuard< AMutex > |
Lock Guard for a Mutex instance. More... | |
struct | LogFile |
class | MCond |
class | MMutex |
class | Mutex |
class | Process |
class | PThread |
class | RWLock |
class | SharedMemory |
class | StreamSizeCounter |
class | TCPServerSocket |
class | TCPSocket |
class | Time |
class | UDPSocket |
struct | BinTrailer |
struct | BinHeader |
class | BinData |
class | EventBuffer |
class | ONSENBinData |
class | SharedEventBuffer |
class | EvtBuffer |
class | Sender |
Typedefs | |
typedef unsigned short | u_short |
using | ZMQHistoServerToFile = ZMQHistogramOutput< ZMQHistoServerToFileOutput > |
using | ZMQHistoServerToZMQ = ZMQHistogramOutput< ZMQHistoServerToZMQOutput > |
using | ZMQHistoServerToRaw = ZMQHistogramOutput< ZMQHistoServerToRawOutput > |
typedef std::vector< std::string > | StringList |
typedef std::vector< DAQLogMessage > | DAQLogMessageList |
typedef std::vector< DBRecord > | DBRecordList |
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > | DBFieldTypeList |
typedef std::vector< DBObject > | DBObjectList |
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > | DBFieldList |
typedef std::vector< RunNumber > | RunNumberList |
typedef std::map< std::string, NSMNode > | NSMNodeMap |
typedef std::map< std::string, NSMNodeMap > | NSMNodeMapMap |
typedef std::map< std::string, NSMData > | NSMDataMap |
typedef std::vector< NSMCommunicator * > | NSMCommunicatorList |
typedef std::vector< NSMData > | NSMDataList |
typedef std::map< std::string, NSMDataList > | NSMDataListMap |
typedef std::vector< NSMVar > | NSMVarList |
typedef std::map< std::string, NSMVHandler * > | NSMVHandlerList |
typedef FileReader< File > | PipeReader |
typedef FileReader< Fifo > | FifoReader |
typedef FileWriter< Fifo > | FifoWriter |
typedef std::vector< InotifyEvent > | InotifyEventList |
typedef GenericLockGuard< Mutex > | LockGuard |
typedef GenericLockGuard< MMutex > | MLockGuard |
typedef FileReader< TCPSocket > | TCPSocketReader |
typedef FileWriter< TCPSocket > | TCPSocketWriter |
Functions | |
int | nsm_read_argv (int argc, const char **argv, int(*help)(const char **argv), char **argv_in, ConfigFile &config, std::string &name, std::string &username, int nargv) |
void | initFromConsole (const std::string &description, int argc, char *argv[]) |
Should be called before the main() function to initialize the connections using the paremeters given on command line. More... | |
void | main () |
Start the main loop polling on the output and monitoring connections and eventually also on the input if the output is ready. More... | |
void | pollEvent (bool pollOnInput) |
Poll until a single event is retreived. | |
virtual void | initialize () |
Override in a derived class to initialize the connections from the given command line arguments. Do not forget to call this base function also. | |
virtual void | addOptions (po::options_description &desc) |
Override in a derived class to add the command line arguments. Do not forget to call this base function also. | |
virtual void | handleExternalSignal (EMessageTypes) |
Will get called for every signal message on the monitoring connection. Can be overridden in a derived class. Empty by default. | |
virtual void | handleInput () |
Will get called for every message on the input connection. Can be overridden in a derived class. Calls handleIncomingData by default. | |
virtual void | handleOutput () |
Will get called for every message on the output connection. Can be overridden in a derived class. Calls handleIncomingData by default. | |
virtual void | handleTimeout () |
Will get called on a timeout. Can be overridden in a derived class. Empty by default. | |
bool | terminated () const |
Check if the main loop will be exited on next occasion. Can be set via the "m_terminate" flag. | |
bool | checkTimer () |
Helper function to check, if the timeout should happen. | |
void | updateTimer () |
Helper function to update the remaining time. | |
void | resetTimer () |
Helper function to reset the start time and the remaining time. | |
void | handleMonitoring () |
Handle an incoming message on the monitoring socket by either calling handleExternalSignal() or by passing on the monitor JSONs of the connections. | |
virtual void | fillMonitoringJSON (std::stringstream &buffer) const |
Using the connections, fill up a buffer with the content to be monitored. | |
template<class... Args> | |
ZMQHistogramOutput (unsigned int maximalUncompressedBufferSize, Args &&... args) | |
Perfectly forward the given arguments to the base class initializer (and init the buffer size) | |
bool | getBool (const std::string &name, int index=0) const |
char | getChar (const std::string &name, int index=0) const |
short | getShort (const std::string &name, int index=0) const |
int | getInt (const std::string &name, int index=0) const |
long long | getLong (const std::string &name, int index=0) const |
float | getFloat (const std::string &name, int index=0) const |
double | getDouble (const std::string &name, int index=0) const |
void | setBool (const std::string &name, bool value, int index=0) |
void | setChar (const std::string &name, int value, int index=0) |
void | setShort (const std::string &name, int value, int index=0) |
void | setInt (const std::string &name, int value, int index=0) |
void | setLong (const std::string &name, long long value, int index=0) |
void | setFloat (const std::string &name, float value, int index=0) |
void | setDouble (const std::string &name, double value, int index=0) |
void | addBool (const std::string &name, bool value) |
void | addChar (const std::string &name, char value) |
void | addShort (const std::string &name, short value) |
void | addInt (const std::string &name, int value) |
void | addLong (const std::string &name, long long value) |
void | addFloat (const std::string &name, float value) |
void | addDouble (const std::string &name, double value) |
bool | hasKey (const std::string &label) |
bool | operator== (const Connection &st) const |
bool | operator!= (const Connection &st) const |
bool | operator== (const Enum &e) const |
bool | operator!= (const Enum &e) const |
bool | operator== (const std::string &label) const |
bool | operator!= (const std::string &label) const |
NSMData & | getData (const std::string &name) |
void | openData (const std::string &name, const std::string &format, int revision=-1) |
void | allocData (const std::string &name, const std::string &format, int revision) |
template<typename T > | |
void | addArgument (T arg) |
void | setDB (DBInterface *db, const std::string &table) |
Variables | |
const int | ro_summary_revision = 1 |
const int | ronode_status_revision = 1 |
Mutex | g_mutex |
Cond | g_cond |
void initFromConsole | ( | const std::string & | description, |
int | argc, | ||
char * | argv[] | ||
) |
Should be called before the main() function to initialize the connections using the paremeters given on command line.
Custom implementations should implement the addOptions function to pass the command line arguments correctly. Calls the initialize function (which should also be overridden).
Definition at line 21 of file ZMQApp.details.h.
void main |
Start the main loop polling on the output and monitoring connections and eventually also on the input if the output is ready.
Calls the functions handleExternalSignal, handleInput, handleOutput and handleTimeout as described in the documentation of this class.
Definition at line 85 of file ZMQApp.details.h.