Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
Collaboration diagram for mdst:


 mdst data objects
 mdst modules


class  BeamParametersFitter
 Fitter calculating BeamParameters from CollisionBoostVector and CollisionInvariantMass. More...
class  BeamSpot
 This class contains the beam spot position and size modeled as a gaussian distribution in space. More...
class  CollisionAxisCMS
 This class contains the measured values of the orientation of the collision axis in the CM system obtained by pure Lorentz boost angleXZ = atan(pHERcms.X / pHERcms.Z) angleYZ = atan(pHERcms.Y / pHERcms.Z) where pHERcms is HER momentum in CM system obtained by boost. More...
class  CollisionBoostVector
 This class contains the measured average boost vector vec(beta) = (beta_x, beta_y, beta_z) = vec(p_e+e-)/E_e+e- of the center-of-mass system in the lab frame and its uncertainty. More...
class  CollisionInvariantMass
 This class contains the measured average center-of-mass energy, which is equal to the invariant mass of the colliding beams, and its uncertainty. More...
class  DBRepresentationOfSoftwareTriggerCut
 Class to handle storing SoftwareTriggerCuts in the database. More...
class  SoftwareTriggerCutBase
 Base class for the SoftwareTriggerCut and its DBRepresentation. More...
class  SoftwareTriggerMenu
 Class to handle storing the trigger menu in the database. More...
class  TRGGDLDBBadrun
 The payload class for GDL badrun. More...
 The payload class for FTDL output bit. More...
class  TRGGDLDBInputBits
 The payload class for GDL input bit. More...
class  TRGGDLDBPrescales
 The payload class for GDL psnm. More...
class  TTDOffsets
 This class contains information to correct the information obtained from the TTD (simple offsets) More...
class  BeamSpotTest
class  ECLClusterTest
 Test class for the Track object. More...
class  EventLevelTrackingInfoTest
 Unit tests for the event level tracking information. More...
class  HitPatternCDCTest
 Unit tests for the CDC hit Patterns. More...
class  HitPatternVXDTest
class  KlIdTest
 Test class for the KlId object. More...
class  TrackTest
 Test class for the Track object. More...
class  TrackFitResultTest
 Set up a few arrays and objects in the datastore. More...
class  V0Test
 Set up a few arrays and objects in the datastore. More...


 TEST_F (BeamSpotTest, Basic)
 Constructor, copy constructor, comparison, setters and getters.
 TEST_F (ECLClusterTest, Constructors)
 Test default constructor.
 TEST_F (ECLClusterTest, SettersAndGetters)
 Test setter and getter.
 TEST_F (EventLevelTrackingInfoTest, settersNGettersCDC)
 Test simple Setters, Getters, and Hassers for the CDC related part.
 TEST_F (EventLevelTrackingInfoTest, settersNGettersVXD)
 Test simple Setters and Getters for the VXD related part.
 TEST_F (EventLevelTrackingInfoTest, settersNGettersFlagBlock)
 Test simple Setters and Getters for the VXD related part.
 TEST_F (HitPatternCDCTest, settersNGetters)
 Test simple Setters, Getters, and Hassers.
 TEST_F (HitPatternCDCTest, SetNGetTotalNumberOfHits)
 This tests if the total number of hits is set and read correctly.
 TEST_F (HitPatternCDCTest, getLongestContRunInSL)
 Test if the longest run in a superlayer is returned correctly.
 TEST_F (HitPatternCDCTest, getFirstLastLayer)
 Test if getFirst/LastLayer returns the proper value.
 TEST_F (HitPatternVXDTest, NumberingScheme)
 Test the numbering scheme in the static variables.
 TEST_F (HitPatternVXDTest, General)
 Constructor and some general getters.
 TEST_F (HitPatternVXDTest, SVDSetterAndGetter)
 Test simple Setters and Getters for SVD.
 TEST_F (HitPatternVXDTest, PXDSetterAndGetter)
 Test simple Setters and Getters for the PXD.
 TEST_F (HitPatternVXDTest, NGetters)
 Test total number of hit getters.
 TEST_F (HitPatternVXDTest, getNLayers)
 Test the getNLayer functions.
 TEST_F (HitPatternVXDTest, getFirstLastLayer)
 Test the getters for First/Last Layer.
 TEST_F (KlIdTest, SettersAndGetters)
 Test setter and getter.
TrackFitResult const * addDummyTrack (StoreArray< TrackFitResult > &trackFitResults, Const::ChargedStable particeType)
 Utility function to create dummy TrackFitResults.
 TEST_F (TrackTest, settersNGetters)
 Test simple Setters and Getters.
 TEST_F (TrackTest, getTrackFitResultWithClosestMass)
 Test simple Setters and Getters.
 TEST_F (TrackFitResultTest, Getters)
 Test simple Setters and Getters.
 TEST_F (TrackFitResultTest, ErrorPropagation)
 Test if the error propagation of the covariance matrix works properly.
 TEST_F (TrackFitResultTest, Charge)
 Test get charge.
 TEST_F (V0Test, IndexGetters)
 Test Index Getter.
 TEST_F (V0Test, PointerGetters)
 Test Pointer Getter.

Detailed Description