15 A basf2 python module to export *all* module time statistics (of every event, not just averaged)
16 into a ROOT TTree written to a file.
21 Create a new PerEventStatisticsGetterModule. You have to give the name of the
22 file, where the TTree with the full event statistics will be saved.
51 Create the needed store object pointer in the DataStore and the TFile with the TTree.
63 self.
statisticsstatistics = ROOT.TTree(
"Per event execution Statistics for all modules")
78 The event loop: Store the statistics as a new row in the TTree.
87 module_stats = basf2.statistics.modules
101 if ROOT.Belle2.ProcHandler.parallelProcessingUsed()
and not ROOT.Belle2.ProcHandler.isOutputProcess():
102 basf2.B2FATAL(
"PerEventStatisticsGetterModule can only be used in single processing mode or in the output process")
104 self.
ttree_inputsttree_inputs = np.zeros(len(module_stats), dtype=float)
105 self.
last_time_sumlast_time_sum = np.zeros(len(module_stats), dtype=float)
107 for i, stat
in enumerate(module_stats):
110 module_name =
"{name}_{i}".format(name=ROOT.Belle2.MakeROOTCompatible.makeROOTCompatible(stat.name), i=i)
112 ttree.Branch(module_name, self.
ttree_inputsttree_inputs[i:], f
117 time_sum = np.array([m.time_sum(basf2.statistics.EVENT)
for m
in module_stats], dtype=float)
128 ROOT.gDirectory = old
132 Write out the merged statistics to the ROOT file.
133 This should only be called once, as we would end up with different versions otherwise.
139 old = ROOT.gDirectory
143 self.
146 ROOT.gDirectory = old
Will host the TTree later.
Last recored sum of event calls for all modules.
The columns for the statistics TTree (they will be filled in the event function).
Name of the output file.
The event meta data.
Will host the pointer to the opened TFile later.
The columns to store the event number.
A flag to indicate that we have already added the Branches to the TTree (which we will do in the firs...
def __init__(self, output_file_name)
static ExpRun getRun(std::map< ExpRun, std::pair< double, double >> runs, double t)
Get exp number + run number from time.