Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
1 #!/usr/bin/env python3
11 """
12 Test all the steering files used in the online_book lessons.
13 Proudly based on analysis/test/
14 """
16 # std
17 import os
18 import sys
19 import subprocess
20 import unittest
21 import glob
22 import shutil
23 from typing import Optional, List, Dict
24 from pathlib import Path
26 # 3rd
27 from ROOT import TFile
29 # basf2
30 from basf2 import find_file
31 from b2test_utils import clean_working_directory, is_ci
34 def light_release() -> bool:
35  """Returns true if we're in a light release"""
36  try:
37  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
38  # pylint: disable=unused-import
39  import generators # noqa
40  except ModuleNotFoundError:
41  return True
42  return False
45 def _touch_file_default(path: str):
46  Path(path).touch()
49 def _touch_file_with_root(path: str) -> None:
50  f = TFile(path, "NEW")
51  f.Close()
52  assert Path(path).is_file()
55 def _touch_file_with_subprocess(path: str) -> None:
56["touch", path]).check_returncode()
59 def _touch_file_with_subprocess_and_root(path: str) -> None:
60  filename = Path(path).name
61  working_dir = Path(path).parent
62  cmd = ["root", "-x", "-l", "-q", "-e", f"TFile f(\"{filename}\", \"NEW\"); if (not f.IsOpen()) gSystem->Exit(1);"]
63, cwd=working_dir).check_returncode()
66 def _touch_file_test(method, path: str, **kwargs):
67  try:
68  method(path, **kwargs)
69  except Exception as e:
70  print(f"{method.__name__}: Tried to touch file with, but failed: {e}")
71  else:
72  print(f"{method.__name__}: Successfully touched file")
73  Path(path).unlink()
76 def _permission_report(folder: str) -> None:
77  """Quick helper function to show permissions of folder and a selection
78  of files in it
79  """
80  folder = Path(folder)
81  print("-" * 80)
82  print(f"Permissions of {folder}: {folder.stat()}")
83  content = list(folder.iterdir())
84  if content:
85  print(
86  f"Permission of one of its contents. {content[0]}: "
87  f"{content[0].stat()}"
88  )
89  test_file = folder / "Bd2JpsiKS.root"
90  methods = [
91  _touch_file_default,
92  _touch_file_with_root,
93  _touch_file_with_subprocess,
94  _touch_file_with_subprocess_and_root
95  ]
96  for method in methods:
97  _touch_file_test(method, str(test_file))
98  print("-" * 80)
101 class SteeringFileTest(unittest.TestCase):
102  """Test steering files"""
105  self,
106  path_to_glob: str,
107  broken: Optional[List[str]] = None,
108  additional_arguments: Optional[List[str]] = None,
109  expensive_tests: Optional[List[str]] = None,
110  skip_in_light: Optional[List[str]] = None,
111  skip: Optional[List[str]] = None,
112  n_events: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None,
113  ):
114  """
115  Internal function to test a directory full of example scripts with an
116  optional list of broken scripts to be skipped.
118  Parameters:
119  path_to_glob (str): the path to a directory to search for python
120  scripts (must end in .py)
121  broken (list(str)): (optional) names of scripts that are known to
122  be broken and can be skipped
123  additional_arguments (list(str)): (optional) additional arguments
124  for basf2 to be passed when testing the scripts
125  expensive_tests (list(str)): (optional) names of scripts that take
126  longer and should e.g. not run on bamboo
127  skip_in_light (list(str)): (optional) names of scripts that have to
128  be excluded in light builds
129  skip (list(str)): (optional) names of scripts to always skip
130  n_events (dict(str, int)): mapping of name of script to number of
131  required events for it to run (`-n` argument). If a filename
132  isn't listed, we assume 1
133  """
134  if additional_arguments is None:
135  additional_arguments = []
136  if broken is None:
137  broken = []
138  if expensive_tests is None:
139  expensive_tests = []
140  if skip_in_light is None:
141  skip_in_light = []
142  if skip is None:
143  skip = []
144  if n_events is None:
145  n_events = {}
146  # we have to copy all the steering files (plus other stuffs, like decfiles) we want to test
147  # into a new directory and then cd it as working directory when is executed,
148  # otherwise the test will fail horribly if find_file is called by one of the tested steerings.
149  original_dir = find_file(path_to_glob)
150  print(f"Our user id: {os.getuid()}")
151  _permission_report(original_dir)
152  working_dir = find_file(shutil.copytree(original_dir, "working_dir"))
153  _permission_report(working_dir)
154  # Add write permissions for user to this directory
155  os.chmod(working_dir, 0o744)
156  _permission_report(working_dir)
157  all_egs = sorted(glob.glob(working_dir + "/*.py"))
158  for eg in all_egs:
159  filename = os.path.basename(eg)
160  if filename in broken:
161  continue
162  if is_ci() and filename in expensive_tests:
163  continue
164  if light_release() and filename in skip_in_light:
165  continue
166  if filename in skip:
167  continue
168  with self.subTest(msg=filename):
169  # pylint: disable=subprocess-run-check
170  result =
171  [
172  "basf2",
173  "-n",
174  str(n_events.get(filename, 1)),
175  eg,
176  *additional_arguments,
177  ],
178  stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
179  stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
180  cwd=working_dir,
181  )
182  if result.returncode != 0:
183  # failure running example so let's print the output
184  # on stderr so it's not split from output of unittest
185  # done like this since we don't want to decode/encode utf8
186  sys.stdout.buffer.write(result.stdout)
187  self.assertEqual(result.returncode, 0)
189  # fixme: This should be made to run on buildbot, i.e. by adding the/some
190  # files to the examples/validation directory
191  @unittest.skipIf( not os.path.exists( find_file( "starterkit/2021/1111540100_eph3_BGx0_1.root", "examples", silent=True, )
192  ),
193  "Test data files not found.",
194  )
196  """Test lesson on basf2 basics."""
197  self._test_examples_dir_test_examples_dir(
198  path_to_glob="online_book/basf2/steering_files",
199  additional_arguments=["1"],
200  expensive_tests=["", ""],
201  skip_in_light=[
202  "",
203  "",
204  "",
205  "",
206  ],
207  n_events={
208  # See
209  "": 3000,
210  },
211  )
214 if __name__ == "__main__":
215  with clean_working_directory():
216  unittest.main()
def _test_examples_dir(self, str path_to_glob, Optional[List[str]] broken=None, Optional[List[str]] additional_arguments=None, Optional[List[str]] expensive_tests=None, Optional[List[str]] skip_in_light=None, Optional[List[str]] skip=None, Optional[Dict[str, int]] n_events=None)