Belle II Software  release-08-01-10
hepevt_type Struct Reference

HEPEVT common block of PYTHIA6. More...

#include <KKGenInterface.h>

Public Attributes

int nevhep
 serial number.
int nhep
 number of particles.
int isthep [nmxhep]
 status code.
int idhep [nmxhep]
 particle ident KF.
int jmohep [nmxhep][2]
 parent particles.
int jdahep [nmxhep][2]
 childreen particles.
double phep [nmxhep][5]
 four-momentum, mass [GeV].
double vhep [nmxhep][4]
 vertex [mm].

Detailed Description

HEPEVT common block of PYTHIA6.

Definition at line 24 of file KKGenInterface.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: