11 from ROOT
import Belle2
14 def writeTTDOffsetsToDB(iovList=(0, 0, 0, 0), injectionDelay=(0, 0), triggeredBunchOffset=(0, 0)):
16 run this script to create db file storing the payload information of the TTDOffsets
17 see `mdst/dbobjects/include/TTDOffsets.h` for definition of the parameters
18 Parameters `injectionDelay` and `triggeredBunchOffset` are tuples for (HER, LER)
24 if len(injectionDelay) != 2:
26 if len(triggeredBunchOffset) != 2:
34 dbobj.setInjectionDelayHER(injectionDelay[0])
35 dbobj.setInjectionDelayLER(injectionDelay[1])
36 dbobj.setTriggeredBunchOffsetHER(triggeredBunchOffset[0])
37 dbobj.setTriggeredBunchOffsetLER(triggeredBunchOffset[1])
43 if __name__ ==
A class that describes the interval of experiments/runs for which an object in the database is valid.
This class contains information to correct the information obtained from the TTD (simple offsets)
static Database & Instance()
Instance of a singleton Database.