Source code for stdCharged

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework)                           #
# Author: The Belle II Collaboration                                     #
#                                                                        #
# See git log for contributors and copyright holders.                    #
# This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see                  #

import re

import basf2 as b2
import modularAnalysis as ma
import pdg

from ROOT import Belle2
Const = Belle2.Const

# define arrays to interpret cut matrix
_chargednames = ['pi', 'K', 'p', 'e', 'mu']
_pidnames = ['pionID', 'kaonID', 'protonID', 'electronID', 'muonID']
_stdnames = ['all', 'loose', 'loosepid', 'good', 'higheff']
_effnames = ['95eff', '90eff', '85eff']
# default particle list for stdPi() and similar functions
_defaultlist = 'good'
_mostLikelyList = 'mostlikely'

def _stdChargedEffCuts(particletype, listtype):
    Provides the PID cut corresponding to a given efficiency percentile

    @param particletype  type of charged particle (pi, K, p, e, mu)
    @param listtype      efficiency percentile for the list (95eff, 90eff, 85eff)

    particleindex = _chargednames.index(particletype)
    effindex = _effnames.index(listtype)

    # efficiency cuts = [.95,.90,.85] efficiency; values outside (0,1) mean the cut does not exist and an error will be thrown
    effcuts = [[0.001, 0.019, 0.098],
               [5e-6, 0.027, 0.167],
               [0.000, 0.043, 0.251],
               [0.093, 0.301, 0.709],
               [0.187, 0.418, 0.909]]
    return effcuts[particleindex][effindex]

[docs]def stdCharged(particletype, listtype, path): """ Function to prepare one of several standardized types of charged particle lists: - 'all' with no cuts on track - 'good' high purity lists for data studies - 'loosepid' loose selections for skimming, PID cut only - 'loose' loose selections for skimming - 'higheff' high efficiency list with loose global ID cut for data studies - 'mostlikely' list with the highest PID likelihood Also the following lists, which may or may not be available depending on the release - '99eff' with 99% selection efficiency (calculated for 1<p<4 GeV) and good track (MC only) - '95eff' with 95% selection efficiency (calculated for 1<p<4 GeV) and good track (MC only) - '90eff' with 90% selection efficiency (calculated for 1<p<4 GeV) and good track (MC only) - '85eff' with 85% selection efficiency (calculated for 1<p<4 GeV) and good track (MC only) @param particletype type of charged particle to make a list of @param listtype name of standard list @param path modules are added to this path """ # basic quality cut strings trackQuality = 'thetaInCDCAcceptance and nCDCHits>20' ipCut = 'dr < 0.5 and abs(dz) < 2' goodTrack = trackQuality + ' and ' + ipCut if particletype not in _chargednames: b2.B2ERROR("The requested list is not a standard charged particle. Use one of pi, K, e, mu, p.") if listtype == 'all': ma.fillParticleList(particletype + '+:all', '', True, path=path) elif listtype == 'good': ma.fillParticleList( particletype + '+:good', _pidnames[_chargednames.index(particletype)] + ' > 0.5 and ' + goodTrack, True, path=path) elif listtype == 'loose': ma.fillParticleList( particletype + '+:loose', _pidnames[_chargednames.index(particletype)] + ' > 0.1 and ' + goodTrack, True, path=path) elif listtype == 'loosepid': ma.fillParticleList( particletype + '+:loosepid', _pidnames[_chargednames.index(particletype)] + ' > 0.1', True, path=path) elif listtype == 'higheff': ma.fillParticleList( particletype + '+:higheff', _pidnames[_chargednames.index(particletype)] + ' > 0.002 and ' + goodTrack, True, path=path) elif listtype not in _effnames: b2.B2ERROR("The requested list is not defined. Please refer to the stdCharged documentation.") else: pidcut = _stdChargedEffCuts(particletype, listtype) if 0.0 < pidcut < 1.0: ma.fillParticleList( particletype + '+:' + listtype, _pidnames[_chargednames.index(particletype)] + ' > ' + str(pidcut) + ' and ' + goodTrack, True, path=path) else: b2.B2ERROR('The requested standard particle list ' + particletype + '+:' + listtype + ' is not available in this release.')
[docs]def stdPi(listtype=_defaultlist, path=None): """ Function to prepare standard pion lists, refer to `stdCharged` for details @param listtype name of standard list @param path modules are added to this path """ stdCharged('pi', listtype, path)
[docs]def stdK(listtype=_defaultlist, path=None): """ Function to prepare standard kaon lists, refer to `stdCharged` for details @param listtype name of standard list @param path modules are added to this path """ stdCharged('K', listtype, path)
[docs]def stdPr(listtype=_defaultlist, path=None): """ Function to prepare standard proton lists, refer to `stdCharged` for details @param listtype name of standard list @param path modules are added to this path """ stdCharged('p', listtype, path)
[docs]def stdLep(pdgId, listtype, method, classification, path=None): """ Function to prepare one of several standardized types of lepton (:math:`e,\\mu`) lists: * 'UniformEff60' 60% lepton efficiency list, uniform in a given multi-dimensional parametrisation. * 'UniformEff70' 70% lepton efficiency list, uniform in a given multi-dimensional parametrisation. * 'UniformEff80' 80% lepton efficiency list, uniform in a given multi-dimensional parametrisation. * 'UniformEff90' 90% lepton efficiency list, uniform in a given multi-dimensional parametrisation. * 'UniformEff95' 95% lepton efficiency list, uniform in a given multi-dimensional parametrisation. The function will select particles according to the chosen ``listtype``, and decorate each candidate with the nominal Data/MC :math:`\\ell` ID efficiency and :math:`\\pi,K` fake rate correction factors and their stat, syst uncertainty, reading the info from the Conditions Database. Parameters: pdgId (int): the lepton pdg code. listtype (str): name of standard list. Choose among the above values. method (str): the PID method: 'likelihood' or 'bdt'. classification (str): the type of classifier: 'binary' (one-vs-pion) or 'global' (one-vs-all). path (basf2.Path): modules are added to this path. """ std_lepton_list_names = ( "UniformEff60", "UniformEff70", "UniformEff80", "UniformEff90", "UniformEff95", ) available_methods = ("likelihood", "bdt") available_classificators = ("global", "binary") # We stick to positive pdgId by convention. # Anyway, the particle list will be filled for anti-particles too. pdgId = abs(pdgId) if listtype not in std_lepton_list_names: b2.B2ERROR("The requested lepton list is not defined. Please refer to the stdLep and stdCharged documentation.") return if pdgId not in (Const.electron.getPDGCode(), Const.muon.getPDGCode()): b2.B2ERROR(f"{pdgId} is not that of a light charged lepton.") return if method not in available_methods: b2.B2ERROR(f"method: {method}. Must be any of: {available_methods}.") return if classification not in available_classificators: b2.B2ERROR(f"classification: {classification}. Must be any of: {available_classificators}.") return pid_variables = { "likelihood": { # TEMP: use 'electronID_noTOP' for electrons to circumvent bug in TOP electron PDFs in release 5. "global": "electronID_noTOP" if pdgId == Const.electron.getPDGCode() else "muonID", # TEMP: use 'binaryPID_noTOP' for electrons to circumvent bug in TOP electron PDFs in release 5. "binary": f"binaryPID_noTOP({pdgId}, {Const.pion.getPDGCode()})" if pdgId == Const.electron.getPDGCode() \ else f"binaryPID({pdgId}, {Const.pion.getPDGCode()})" }, "bdt": { "global": f"pidChargedBDTScore({pdgId}, ALL)", "binary": f"pidPairChargedBDTScore({pdgId}, 211, ALL)" } } # Start creating the particle list, w/o any selection. plistname = f"{pdg.to_name(pdgId)}:{listtype}" ma.fillParticleList(plistname, "", path=path) # The PID variable name, as it appears in the VariableManager. pid_var = pid_variables[method][classification] # Remove non-alphanumeric chars from the variable name, and strip last "_" if present. # This is needed to match the name of the payload in the CDB. pid_var_stripped = re.sub(r"[\W]+", "_", pid_var).rstrip("_") # The names of the payloads w/ efficiency and mis-id corrections. payload_eff = f"ParticleReweighting:{pid_var_stripped}_eff_combination_{listtype}" payload_misid_pi = f"ParticleReweighting:{pid_var_stripped}_misid_pi_combination_{listtype}" payload_misid_K = f"ParticleReweighting:{pid_var_stripped}_misid_K_combination_{listtype}" # Configure weighting module(s). reweighter_eff = path.add_module("ParticleWeighting", particleList=plistname, tableName=payload_eff).set_name(f"ParticleWeighting_eff_{plistname}") reweighter_misid_pi = path.add_module("ParticleWeighting", particleList=plistname, tableName=payload_misid_pi).set_name(f"ParticleWeighting_misid_pi_{plistname}") reweighter_misid_K = path.add_module("ParticleWeighting", particleList=plistname, tableName=payload_misid_K).set_name(f"ParticleWeighting_misid_K_{plistname}") # Apply the PID selection cut, which is read from the efficiency payload. cut = f"{pid_var} > extraInfo({payload_eff}_threshold)" ma.applyCuts(plistname, cut, path=path)
[docs]def stdE(listtype=_defaultlist, method=None, classification=None, path=None): """ Function to prepare one of several standardized types of electron lists. See the documentation of `stdLep` for details. It also accepts any of the legacy definitions for the ``listtype`` parameter to fall back to the `stdCharged` behaviour: * 'all' * 'good' * 'loosepid' * 'loose' * 'higheff' * '95eff' * '90eff' * '85eff' """ if listtype in _stdnames + _effnames: stdCharged("e", listtype, path) return stdLep(Const.electron.getPDGCode(), listtype, method, classification, path=path)
[docs]def stdMu(listtype=_defaultlist, method=None, classification=None, path=None): """ Function to prepare one of several standardized types of muon lists. See the documentation of `stdLep` for details. It also accepts any of the legacy definitions for the ``listtype`` parameter to fall back to the `stdCharged` behaviour: * 'all' * 'good' * 'loosepid' * 'loose' * 'higheff' * '95eff' * '90eff' * '85eff' """ if listtype in _stdnames + _effnames: stdCharged("mu", listtype, path) return stdLep(Const.muon.getPDGCode(), listtype, method, classification, path=path)
[docs]def stdMostLikely(pidPriors=None, suffix='', custom_cuts='', path=None): """ Function to prepare most likely particle lists according to PID likelihood, refer to stdCharged for details @param pidPriors list of 6 float numbers used to reweight PID likelihoods @param suffix string added to the end of particle list names @param custom_cuts custom selection cut string, if empty, standard track quality cuts will be applied @param path modules are added to this path """ # Here we need basic track quality cuts to be applied, # otherwise, we get a lot of badly reconstructed particles, # which will end up filled as a random type args = '' if pidPriors is not None: args = str(pidPriors)[1:-1] # remove brackets trackQuality = 'thetaInCDCAcceptance and nCDCHits>20' if custom_cuts != '': trackQuality = custom_cuts for name in _chargednames: ma.fillParticleList(f'{name}+:{_mostLikelyList}{suffix}', f'pidIsMostLikely({args}) > 0 and {trackQuality}', True, path=path)