Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9#include <arich/utility/ARICHChannelHist.h>
10#include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
11#include <math.h>
12#include <iostream>
13#include <algorithm>
14#include <TGraph.h>
15#include <Math/Vector2D.h>
16#include <TList.h>
18using namespace std;
19using namespace Belle2;
21ARICHChannelHist::ARICHChannelHist(const char* name, const char* title, int type,
22 const std::vector<unsigned>& moduleIDs) : TH2Poly()
25 m_type = type;
26 SetName(name);
27 SetTitle(title);
28 m_hapd2binMap.assign(420, 0);
30 // positions of HAPDs and channel mapping (avoid using DB classes...)
31 const double rs[7] = {57.35, 65.81, 74.37, 82.868, 91.305, 99.794, 108.185};
32 const unsigned nhapds[7] = {42, 48, 54, 60, 66, 72, 78};
33 const unsigned chmap[144] = {88, 86, 96, 87, 75, 72, 97, 108, 73, 74, 98, 109, 84, 85, 120, 110, 76, 77, 132, 121, 136, 124, 99, 133, 125, 113, 122, 111, 101, 137, 134, 123, 89, 112, 100, 135, 52, 28, 3, 40, 41, 5, 15, 2, 17, 29, 27, 14, 4, 16, 1, 26, 53, 65, 0, 13, 48, 49, 39, 12, 61, 62, 25, 38, 63, 60, 24, 37, 64, 50, 51, 36, 91, 115, 140, 103, 102, 138, 128, 141, 126, 114, 116, 129, 139, 127, 142, 117, 90, 78, 143, 130, 95, 94, 104, 131, 82, 81, 118, 105, 80, 83, 119, 106, 79, 93, 92, 107, 55, 57, 47, 56, 68, 71, 46, 35, 70, 69, 45, 34, 59, 58, 23, 33, 67, 66, 11, 22, 7, 19, 44, 10, 18, 30, 21, 32, 42, 6, 9, 20, 54, 31, 43, 8};
34 const double chns[12] = { -2.88, -2.37, -1.86, -1.35, -0.84, -0.33, 0.33, 0.84, 1.35, 1.86, 2.37, 2.88};
36 float size = 0.5 / 2. - 0.01;
37 if (m_type == 1) size = 7.0 / 2. - 0.5;
38 if (m_type == 2) size = 3.3 / 2.;
40 float X[5], Y[5], globX[5], globY[5];
41 X[0] = -size; Y[0] = -size;
42 X[1] = size; Y[1] = -size;
43 X[2] = size; Y[2] = size;
44 X[3] = -size; Y[3] = size;
45 X[4] = -size; Y[4] = -size;
47 int nhapd = 1;
48 unsigned iring = 0;
49 unsigned ihapd = 0;
51 std::vector<unsigned> ids;
52 if (moduleIDs.size() > 0) ids = moduleIDs;
53 else {
54 for (int hapdID = 1; hapdID < 421; hapdID++) {
55 ids.push_back(hapdID);
56 }
57 }
59 // HAPD bins
60 if (m_type == 1) {
61 for (int hapdID = 1; hapdID < 421; hapdID++) {
62 //for (unsigned hapdID : ids) {
63 //m_hapd2binMap[hapdID - 1] = nhapd;
64 //nhapd++;
65 float r = rs[iring];
66 float dphi = 2.*M_PI / nhapds[iring];
67 float fi = dphi / 2. + ihapd * dphi;
68 ROOT::Math::XYVector centerPos(r * cos(fi), r * sin(fi));
69 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
70 float rotX = X[i] * cos(fi) - Y[i] * sin(fi);
71 float rotY = X[i] * sin(fi) + Y[i] * cos(fi);
72 globX[i] = rotX + centerPos.X();
73 globY[i] = rotY + centerPos.Y();
74 }
75 if (std::find(ids.begin(), ids.end(), hapdID) != ids.end()) {
76 m_hapd2binMap[hapdID - 1] = nhapd;
77 nhapd++;
78 TGraph* mybox = new TGraph(5, globX, globY);
79 mybox->SetName((to_string(hapdID)).c_str());
80 AddBin(mybox);
81 }
82 ihapd++;
83 if (ihapd == nhapds[iring]) { iring++; ihapd = 0;}
84 }
86 } else if (m_type == 0) {
87 for (int hapdID = 1; hapdID < 421; hapdID++) {
88 //for (unsigned hapdID : ids) {
89 // m_hapd2binMap[hapdID - 1] = nhapd;
90 // nhapd++;
91 float dphi = 2.*M_PI / nhapds[iring];
92 float fi = dphi / 2. + ihapd * dphi;
93 float r = rs[iring];
94 for (int chID = 0; chID < 144; chID++) {
96 unsigned chX = chmap[chID] % 12;
97 unsigned chY = chmap[chID] / 12;
98 ROOT::Math::XYVector hapdPos(r * cos(fi), r * sin(fi));
99 ROOT::Math::XYVector locPos(chns[chX], chns[chY]);
100 ROOT::Math::XYVector rotatedLocPos(locPos.X() * std::cos(fi) - locPos.Y() * std::sin(fi),
101 locPos.X() * std::sin(fi) + locPos.Y() * std::cos(fi));
102 ROOT::Math::XYVector centerPos = hapdPos + rotatedLocPos;
104 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
105 float rotX = X[i] * cos(fi) - Y[i] * sin(fi);
106 float rotY = X[i] * sin(fi) + Y[i] * cos(fi);
107 globX[i] = rotX + centerPos.X();
108 globY[i] = rotY + centerPos.Y();
109 }
110 if (std::find(ids.begin(), ids.end(), hapdID) != ids.end()) {
111 m_hapd2binMap[hapdID - 1] = nhapd;
112 if (chID == 143) nhapd++;
113 TGraph* mybox = new TGraph(5, globX, globY);
114 mybox->SetName((to_string(hapdID)).c_str());
115 AddBin(mybox);
116 }
117 }
118 ihapd++;
119 if (ihapd == nhapds[iring]) { iring++; ihapd = 0;}
120 }
121 } else if (m_type == 2) {
122 size += 0.2;
123 for (int hapdID = 1; hapdID < 421; hapdID++) {
124 float dphi = 2.*M_PI / nhapds[iring];
125 float fi = dphi / 2. + ihapd * dphi;
126 float r = rs[iring];
127 ROOT::Math::XYVector hapdPos(r * cos(fi), r * sin(fi));
128 for (int chipID = 0; chipID < 4; chipID++) {
129 ROOT::Math::XYVector locPos(-size + (chipID / 2)*size * 2, size - (chipID % 2)*size * 2);
130 ROOT::Math::XYVector rotatedLocPos(locPos.X() * std::cos(fi) - locPos.Y() * std::sin(fi),
131 locPos.X() * std::sin(fi) + locPos.Y() * std::cos(fi));
132 ROOT::Math::XYVector centerPos = hapdPos + rotatedLocPos;
134 for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
135 float rotX = X[i] * cos(fi) - Y[i] * sin(fi);
136 float rotY = X[i] * sin(fi) + Y[i] * cos(fi);
137 globX[i] = rotX + centerPos.X();
138 globY[i] = rotY + centerPos.Y();
139 }
141 if (std::find(ids.begin(), ids.end(), hapdID) != ids.end()) {
142 m_hapd2binMap[hapdID - 1] = nhapd;
143 if (chipID == 3) nhapd++;
144 TGraph* mybox = new TGraph(5, globX, globY);
145 mybox->SetName((to_string(hapdID)).c_str());
146 AddBin(mybox);
147 }
148 }
149 ihapd++;
150 if (ihapd == nhapds[iring]) { iring++; ihapd = 0;}
151 }
152 } else std::cout << "Invalid histogram type! use 0 for channel bins or 1 for HAPD bins" << std::endl;
153 SetOption("colz");
154 SetStats(0);
155 GetXaxis()->SetLimits(-115., 115.);
156 GetYaxis()->SetLimits(-115., 115.);
159void ARICHChannelHist::Draw(Option_t* option)
161 TH2Poly::Draw(option);
162 double rlin = 40;
163 double rlout = 113;
164 for (int isec = 0; isec < 6; isec++) {
165 double x1 = rlin * cos(M_PI / 3.*isec);
166 double x2 = rlout * cos(M_PI / 3.*isec);
167 double y1 = rlin * sin(M_PI / 3.*isec);
168 double y2 = rlout * sin(M_PI / 3.*isec);
169 lines[isec] = TLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
170 lines[isec].Draw();
171 x1 = rlin * cos(M_PI / 3.*isec + M_PI / 6.);
172 y1 = rlin * sin(M_PI / 3.*isec + M_PI / 6.);
173 labels[isec] = TText(x1, y1, TString::Format("S-%d", isec + 1));
174 labels[isec].SetTextAlign(22);
175 labels[isec].SetTextSize(0.03);
176 labels[isec].Draw();
177 }
181void ARICHChannelHist::fillBin(unsigned hapdID, unsigned chID, double weight)
183 unsigned chIndex = 0;
184 if (m_type == 0) chIndex = (m_hapd2binMap[hapdID - 1] - 1) * 144 + chID + 1;
185 if (m_type == 2) chIndex = (m_hapd2binMap[hapdID - 1] - 1) * 4 + chID + 1;
186 SetBinContent(chIndex, GetBinContent(chIndex) + weight);
189void ARICHChannelHist::setBinContent(unsigned hapdID, unsigned chID, double value)
191 unsigned chIndex = 0;
192 if (m_type == 0) chIndex = (m_hapd2binMap[hapdID - 1] - 1) * 144 + chID + 1;
193 if (m_type == 2) chIndex = (m_hapd2binMap[hapdID - 1] - 1) * 4 + chID + 1;
194 SetBinContent(chIndex, value);
197void ARICHChannelHist::setBinContent(unsigned hapdID, double value)
199 SetBinContent(m_hapd2binMap[hapdID - 1], value);
202void ARICHChannelHist::fillBin(unsigned hapdID, double weight)
204 SetBinContent(m_hapd2binMap[hapdID - 1], GetBinContent(hapdID) + weight);
210 int nbins = hist->GetNbinsX();
211 if (m_type == 1) {
212 if (nbins < 420) { B2ERROR("Number of bins in histogram small than number of ChannelHist bins!"); return;}
213 if (nbins == 420) for (int i = 0; i < nbins; i++) setBinContent(i + 1, hist->GetBinContent(i + 1));
214 if (nbins == 420 * 4) {
215 for (int i = 0; i < 420; i++) {
216 for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) fillBin(i + 1, hist->GetBinContent(i * 4 + j + 1));
217 }
218 }
219 if (nbins == 420 * 144) {
220 for (int i = 0; i < 420; i++) {
221 for (int j = 0; j < 144; j++) fillBin(i + 1, hist->GetBinContent(i * 144 + j + 1));
222 }
223 }
224 } else if (m_type == 0) {
225 if (nbins < 420 * 144) { B2ERROR("Number of bins in histogram small than number of ChannelHist bins!"); return;}
226 for (int i = 0; i < 420; i++) {
227 for (int j = 0; j < 144; j++) setBinContent(i + 1, j, hist->GetBinContent(i * 144 + j + 1));
228 }
229 } else if (m_type == 2) {
230 if (nbins < 420 * 4) { B2ERROR("Number of bins in histogram small than number of ChannelHist bins!"); return;}
231 if (nbins == 420 * 4) for (int i = 0; i < nbins; i++) setBinContent(i / 4 + 1, i % 4, hist->GetBinContent(i + 1));
232 if (nbins == 420 * 144) {
233 for (int i = 0; i < 420; i++) {
234 for (int j = 0; j < 144; j++) fillBin(i + 1, j / 36, hist->GetBinContent(i * 144 + j + 1));
235 }
236 }
237 } else return;
240void ARICHChannelHist::setPoly(TH2Poly* poly)
243 if (poly->GetNumberOfBins() == 0) {
244 for (const auto&& bin : *fBins) {
245 poly->AddBin((TGraph*)((TH2PolyBin*)bin)->GetPolygon());
246 }
247 }
248 if (poly->GetNumberOfBins() != GetNumberOfBins()) {std::cout << "Mismatch between number of bins in TH2Poly and ARICHChannelHist" << std::endl; return;}
250 double max = poly->GetMaximum();
251 for (int i = 1; i < GetNumberOfBins() + 1; i++) {
252 poly->SetBinContent(i, GetBinContent(i) > max ? max : GetBinContent(i));
253 }
254 return;
void fillFromTH1(TH1 *hist)
Fill the channelHist from the histogram Type 0 channelHist has to be filled with 420*144bin TH1 (each...
void Draw(Option_t *option="") override
Draw the histogram.
void setBinContent(unsigned hapdID, unsigned chID, double value)
Set content of bin corresponding to hapd hapdID and channel chID.
std::vector< unsigned > m_hapd2binMap
map of bins
TLine lines[6]
array of lines
Default constructor.
void fillBin(unsigned hapdID, unsigned chID, double weight=1.)
Add entry to bin corresponding to hapd hapdID and channel chID.
int m_type
histogram type
TText labels[6]
array of labels
void setPoly(TH2Poly *poly)
Fill pure TH2Poly from ARICHChannelHist, makes bins and fills content.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
STL namespace.