Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9#include <alignment/reconstruction/AlignableCDCRecoHit.h>
11#include <alignment/GlobalLabel.h>
12#include <alignment/GlobalDerivatives.h>
13#include <cdc/dataobjects/WireID.h>
14#include <cdc/dbobjects/CDCTimeZeros.h>
15#include <cdc/dbobjects/CDCTimeWalks.h>
16#include <cdc/geometry/CDCGeometryPar.h>
17#include "Math/ChebyshevPol.h"
19using namespace std;
20using namespace Belle2;
21using namespace CDC;
22using namespace alignment;
28std::pair<std::vector<int>, TMatrixD> AlignableCDCRecoHit::globalDerivatives(const genfit::StateOnPlane* sop)
30 GlobalDerivatives globals;
31 unsigned short LR = (int(m_leftRight) > 0.) ? 1 : 0;
33 const B2Vector3D& mom = sop->getMom();
34 const B2Vector3D& wirePositon = sop->getPlane()->getO();
35 const unsigned short layer = getWireID().getICLayer();
38 double alpha = cdcgeo.getAlpha(wirePositon, mom);
39 double theta = cdcgeo.getTheta(mom);
40 const TVectorD& stateOnPlane = sop->getState();
41 const double driftLengthEstimate = std::abs(stateOnPlane(3));
42 const double driftTime = cdcgeo.getDriftTime(driftLengthEstimate, layer, LR, alpha, theta);
43 const double driftVelocity = cdcgeo.getDriftV(driftTime, layer, LR, alpha, theta);
45 // CDC Calibration -------------------------------------------------
47 // Time zero calibration (per wire)
48 if (driftTime > 20 && driftTime < 200 && fabs(driftVelocity) < 1.0e-2) {
49 globals.add(
50 GlobalLabel::construct<CDCTimeZeros>(getWireID(), 0),
51 driftVelocity * double(int(m_leftRight))
52 );
53 }
55 // Time walk calibration (per board)
56 if (driftTime > 20 && driftTime < 200 && fabs(driftVelocity) < 1.0e-2 && m_adcCount < 400 && m_adcCount > 2) {
58 unsigned short board = CDCGeometryPar::Instance().getBoardID(getWireID());
59 const std::vector<float> param = tws->getTimeWalkParams(board);
60 globals.add(
61 GlobalLabel::construct<CDCTimeWalks>(board, 0),
62 -driftVelocity * exp(-param[1]* m_adcCount) * double(int(m_leftRight))
63 );
64 globals.add(
65 GlobalLabel::construct<CDCTimeWalks>(board, 1),
66 driftVelocity * m_adcCount * param[0]*exp(-param[1]* m_adcCount) * double(int(m_leftRight))
67 );
68 }
70 // Space time relations calibration
71 if (driftTime > 20 && driftTime < 500 && fabs(driftVelocity) < 1.0e-2) {
72 // TODO: ugly to need to ask XTRelations for something here...
73 // Can't I get this CDCGeometryPar or sth. like this?
75 theta = cdcgeo.getOutgoingTheta(alpha, theta);
76 alpha = cdcgeo.getOutgoingAlpha(alpha);
78 auto xtid = xts->getXtID(getWireID().getICLayer(), LR, (float)alpha, (float)theta);
79 const auto& par = xts->getXtParams(xtid);
80 auto boundary =;
81 if (driftTime < boundary) {
82 globals.add(
83 GlobalLabel::construct<CDCXtRelations>(xtid, 0),
84 ROOT::Math::Chebyshev5(driftTime, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) * double(int(m_leftRight))
85 );
86 globals.add(
87 GlobalLabel::construct<CDCXtRelations>(xtid, 1),
88 ROOT::Math::Chebyshev5(driftTime, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0) * double(int(m_leftRight))
89 );
90 globals.add(
91 GlobalLabel::construct<CDCXtRelations>(xtid, 2),
92 ROOT::Math::Chebyshev5(driftTime, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) * double(int(m_leftRight))
93 );
94 globals.add(
95 GlobalLabel::construct<CDCXtRelations>(xtid, 3),
96 ROOT::Math::Chebyshev5(driftTime, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0) * double(int(m_leftRight))
97 );
98 globals.add(
99 GlobalLabel::construct<CDCXtRelations>(xtid, 4),
100 ROOT::Math::Chebyshev5(driftTime, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) * double(int(m_leftRight))
101 );
102 globals.add(
103 GlobalLabel::construct<CDCXtRelations>(xtid, 5),
104 ROOT::Math::Chebyshev5(driftTime, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) * double(int(m_leftRight))
105 );
106 } else {
107 globals.add(
108 GlobalLabel::construct<CDCXtRelations>(xtid, 7),
109 double(int(m_leftRight))
110 );
111 globals.add(
112 GlobalLabel::construct<CDCXtRelations>(xtid, 8),
113 (driftTime - boundary) * double(int(m_leftRight))
114 );
115 }
116 }
119 // CDC Alignment ---------------------------------------------------
121 auto tdir = sop->getDir();
122 auto ndir = sop->getPlane()->getNormal();
123 auto udir = sop->getPlane()->getU();
124 auto vdir = sop->getPlane()->getV();
125 auto pos = sop->getPos();
127 auto tn = tdir[0] * ndir[0] + tdir[1] * ndir[1] + tdir[2] * ndir [2];
128 // d residual / d measurement
129 auto drdm = TMatrixD(3, 3);
130 drdm.UnitMatrix();
131 for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
132 for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
133 drdm(i, j) -= tdir[i] * ndir[j] / tn;
134 }
135 }
136 // d measurement / d global rigid body param
137 auto dmdg = TMatrixD(3, 6);
138 dmdg.Zero();
139 dmdg[0][0] = 1.; dmdg[0][4] = -pos[2]; dmdg[0][5] = pos[1];
140 dmdg[1][1] = 1.; dmdg[1][3] = pos[2]; dmdg[1][5] = -pos[0];
141 dmdg[2][2] = 1.; dmdg[2][3] = -pos[1]; dmdg[2][4] = pos[0];
142 // d local residual / d global residual
143 auto drldrg = TMatrixD(3, 3);
144 for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
145 drldrg(0, i) = udir[i];
146 drldrg(1, i) = vdir[i];
147 drldrg(2, i) = ndir[i];
148 }
149 // d local residual / d global rigid body param
150 auto drldg = drldrg * (drdm * dmdg);
152 // wire ends
153 const double zWireM = s_cdcGeometryTranslator->getWireBackwardPosition(getWireID(), CDCGeometryPar::c_Aligned)[2];
154 const double zWireP = s_cdcGeometryTranslator->getWireForwardPosition(getWireID(), CDCGeometryPar::c_Aligned)[2];
155 // relative Z position [0..1]
156 const double zRel = std::max(0., std::min(1., (pos[2] - zWireM) / (zWireP - zWireM)));
158 // Layer alignment
159 // wire 511 = no wire (0 is reserved for existing wires) - this has to be compatible with code in CDCGeometryPar::setWirPosAlignParams
160 auto layerID = WireID(getWireID().getICLayer(), 511);
162 // Alignment of layer X (bwd)
163 globals.add(
164 GlobalLabel::construct<CDCAlignment>(layerID, CDCAlignment::layerX),
165 drldg(0, 0)
166 );
168 // Alignment of layer Y (bwd)
169 globals.add(
170 GlobalLabel::construct<CDCAlignment>(layerID, CDCAlignment::layerY),
171 drldg(0, 1)
172 );
174 // Alignment of layer rotation (gamma) (bwd)
175 globals.add(
176 GlobalLabel::construct<CDCAlignment>(layerID, CDCAlignment::layerPhi),
177 drldg(0, 5)
178 );
180 // Difference between wire ends (end plates)
181 // Alignment of layer dX, dX = foward - backward endplate
182 globals.add(
183 GlobalLabel::construct<CDCAlignment>(layerID, CDCAlignment::layerDx),
184 drldg(0, 0) * zRel
185 );
187 // Alignment of layer dY, dY = foward - backward endplate
188 globals.add(
189 GlobalLabel::construct<CDCAlignment>(layerID, CDCAlignment::layerDy),
190 drldg(0, 1) * zRel
191 );
193 // Alignment of layer rotation difference d(gamma or phi), dPhi = foward - backward endplate
194 globals.add(
195 GlobalLabel::construct<CDCAlignment>(layerID, CDCAlignment::layerDPhi),
196 drldg(0, 5) * zRel
197 );
199 //WARNING: experimental (disabled by default)
200 // Wire-by-wire alignment
202 // How much shift (in X or Y) on BWD wire-end will change the residual at estimated track crossing
203 // with the wire (at relative z-position on wire = zRel)
204 double zRelM = fabs(1. - zRel);
205 // Same as above but for FWD wire-end (residual at zRel = zRel * delta(X or Y at FWD wire-end)
206 double zRelP = fabs(zRel - 0.);
208 // Alignment of wires X in global coords at BWD wire-end
209 globals.add(
210 GlobalLabel::construct<CDCAlignment>(getWireID().getEWire(), CDCAlignment::wireBwdX),
211 drldg(0, 0) * zRelM
212 );
213 // Alignment of wires X in global coords at FWD wire-end
214 globals.add(
215 GlobalLabel::construct<CDCAlignment>(getWireID().getEWire(), CDCAlignment::wireFwdX),
216 drldg(0, 0) * zRelP
217 );
219 // Alignment of wires Y in global coords at BWD wire-end
220 globals.add(
221 GlobalLabel::construct<CDCAlignment>(getWireID().getEWire(), CDCAlignment::wireBwdY),
222 drldg(0, 1) * zRelM
223 );
224 // Alignment of wires Y in global coords at FWD wire-end
225 globals.add(
226 GlobalLabel::construct<CDCAlignment>(getWireID().getEWire(), CDCAlignment::wireFwdY),
227 drldg(0, 1) * zRelP
228 );
229 }
231 //WARNING: experimental (disabled by default)
232 //TODO: missing some factors (we do not align directly the wire-sag coefficient, but
233 // wire tension ... coef = pi * ro * r * r / 8 / tension
234 //TODO: need to get these numbers from CDCGeometryPar!
236 globals.add(
237 GlobalLabel::construct<CDCAlignment>(getWireID().getEWire(), CDCAlignment::wireTension),
238 drldg(0, 1) * 4.0 * zRel * (1.0 - zRel)
239 );
240 }
244 return globals;
248TMatrixD AlignableCDCRecoHit::localDerivatives(const genfit::StateOnPlane* sop)
251 return TMatrixD();
253 unsigned short LR = (int(m_leftRight) > 0.) ? 1 : 0;
255 const B2Vector3D& mom = sop->getMom();
256 const B2Vector3D& wirePositon = sop->getPlane()->getO();
257 const unsigned short layer = getWireID().getICLayer();
260 const double alpha = cdcgeo.getAlpha(wirePositon, mom);
261 const double theta = cdcgeo.getTheta(mom);
262 const TVectorD& stateOnPlane = sop->getState();
263 const double driftLengthEstimate = std::abs(stateOnPlane(3));
264 const double driftTime = cdcgeo.getDriftTime(driftLengthEstimate, layer, LR, alpha, theta);
265 const double driftVelocity = cdcgeo.getDriftV(driftTime, layer, LR, alpha, theta);
267 TMatrixD locals(2, 1);
268 if (driftTime > 20 && driftTime < 200 && fabs(driftVelocity) < 1.0e-2) {
269 locals(0, 0) = - double(int(m_leftRight)) * driftVelocity;
270 locals(1, 0) = 0.; // insesitive coordinate along wire
271 }
273 return locals;
virtual TMatrixD localDerivatives(const genfit::StateOnPlane *sop) override
Derivatives for (local) fit parameters.
static bool s_enableWireSaggingGlobalDerivative
Static enabling(true) or disabling(false) addition of global derivative for wire sagging coefficient ...
static bool s_enableWireByWireAlignmentGlobalDerivatives
Static enabling(true) or disabling(false) addition of global derivatives for wire-by-wire alignment.
virtual std::pair< std::vector< int >, TMatrixD > globalDerivatives(const genfit::StateOnPlane *sop) override
Labels and derivatives of residuals (local measurement coordinates) w.r.t.
static bool s_enableTrackT0LocalDerivative
Static enabling(true) or disabling(false) addition of local derivative for track T0.
static const baseType layerDPhi
Layer rotation in global X-Y plane (gamma) dPhi = foward - backward endplate.
Definition: CDCAlignment.h:61
static const baseType layerDy
Layer shift in global Y dY = foward - backward endplate.
Definition: CDCAlignment.h:59
static const baseType layerDx
Layer shift in global X dX = foward - backward endplate.
Definition: CDCAlignment.h:57
static const baseType wireBwdY
Wire Y position w.r.t. nominal on backward endplate.
Definition: CDCAlignment.h:31
static const baseType wireFwdY
Wire Y position w.r.t. nominal on forward endplate.
Definition: CDCAlignment.h:37
static const baseType wireFwdX
Wire X position w.r.t. nominal on forward endplate.
Definition: CDCAlignment.h:35
static const baseType wireBwdX
Wire X position w.r.t. nominal on backward endplate.
Definition: CDCAlignment.h:29
static const baseType layerY
Layer shift in global Y at backward endplate.
Definition: CDCAlignment.h:52
static const baseType layerX
Layer shift in global X at backward endplate.
Definition: CDCAlignment.h:50
static const baseType layerPhi
Layer rotation in global X-Y plane (gamma) at backward endplate.
Definition: CDCAlignment.h:54
static const baseType wireTension
Wire tension w.r.t. nominal (=50. ?)
Definition: CDCAlignment.h:43
signed char m_leftRight
Flag showing left/right passage.
Definition: CDCRecoHit.h:153
WireID getWireID() const
Getter for WireID object.
Definition: CDCRecoHit.h:49
unsigned short m_adcCount
ADC Count as out of CDCHit.
Definition: CDCRecoHit.h:144
static std::unique_ptr< CDC::CDCGeometryTranslatorBase > s_cdcGeometryTranslator
Object for geometry translation.
Definition: CDCRecoHit.h:123
The Class for CDC Geometry Parameters.
double getTheta(const B2Vector3D &momentum) const
Returns track incident angle (theta in rad.).
unsigned short getBoardID(const WireID &wID) const
Returns frontend board id. corresponding to the wire id.
double getAlpha(const B2Vector3D &posOnWire, const B2Vector3D &momentum) const
Returns track incident angle in rphi plane (alpha in rad.).
double getDriftV(double dt, unsigned short layer, unsigned short lr, double alpha=0., double theta=0.5 *M_PI) const
Get the realistic drift velocity.
double getOutgoingAlpha(const double alpha) const
Converts incoming- to outgoing-alpha.
double getOutgoingTheta(const double alpha, const double theta) const
Converts incoming- to outgoing-theta.
double getDriftTime(double dist, unsigned short layer, unsigned short lr, double alpha, double theta) const
Return the drift time to the sense wire.
static CDCGeometryPar & Instance(const CDCGeometry *=nullptr)
Static method to get a reference to the CDCGeometryPar instance.
Class for accessing objects in the database.
Definition: DBObjPtr.h:21
Class to identify a wire inside the CDC.
Definition: WireID.h:34
unsigned short getICLayer() const
Getter for continuous layer numbering.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
STL namespace.