Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9/* Own header. */
10#include <klm/eklm/geometry/AlignmentChecker.h>
12/* KLM headers. */
13#include <klm/dbobjects/eklm/EKLMAlignment.h>
14#include <klm/eklm/geometry/Polygon2D.h>
16/* Basf2 headers. */
17#include <framework/gearbox/Unit.h>
18#include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
20using namespace Belle2;
23 m_PrintOverlaps(printOverlaps),
24 m_GeoDat(&(EKLM::GeometryData::Instance())),
25 m_ElementNumbers(&(EKLMElementNumbers::Instance()))
27 int iPlane, iSegmentSupport;
28 const EKLMGeometry::SectorSupportGeometry* sectorSupportGeometry =
30 const EKLMGeometry::ElementPosition* sectorSupportPosition =
32 m_LineCorner1 = new LineSegment2D(sectorSupportGeometry->getCorner1AInner(),
33 sectorSupportGeometry->getCorner1BInner());
34 m_ArcOuter = new Arc2D(
35 0, 0, sectorSupportPosition->getOuterR() -
36 sectorSupportGeometry->getThickness(),
37 atan2(sectorSupportGeometry->getCorner2Inner().y(),
38 sectorSupportGeometry->getCorner2Inner().x()),
39 atan2(sectorSupportGeometry->getCorner1BInner().y(),
40 sectorSupportGeometry->getCorner1BInner().x()));
41 m_Line23 = new LineSegment2D(sectorSupportGeometry->getCorner2Inner(),
42 sectorSupportGeometry->getCorner3Inner());
43 m_ArcInner = new Arc2D(
44 0, 0, sectorSupportPosition->getInnerR() +
45 sectorSupportGeometry->getThickness(),
46 atan2(sectorSupportGeometry->getCorner3Inner().y(),
47 sectorSupportGeometry->getCorner3Inner().x()),
48 atan2(sectorSupportGeometry->getCorner4Inner().y(),
49 sectorSupportGeometry->getCorner4Inner().x()));
50 m_Line41 = new LineSegment2D(sectorSupportGeometry->getCorner4Inner(),
51 sectorSupportGeometry->getCorner1AInner());
53 for (iPlane = 1; iPlane <= m_GeoDat->getNPlanes(); iPlane++) {
54 m_SegmentSupport[iPlane - 1] =
55 new Polygon2D*[m_GeoDat->getNSegments() + 1];
56 for (iSegmentSupport = 1; iSegmentSupport <= m_GeoDat->getNSegments() + 1;
57 iSegmentSupport++)
58 m_SegmentSupport[iPlane - 1][iSegmentSupport - 1] = nullptr;
59 }
64 int iPlane, iSegmentSupport;
65 delete m_LineCorner1;
66 delete m_ArcOuter;
67 delete m_Line23;
68 delete m_ArcInner;
69 delete m_Line41;
70 for (iPlane = 1; iPlane <= m_GeoDat->getNPlanes(); iPlane++) {
71 for (iSegmentSupport = 1; iSegmentSupport <= m_GeoDat->getNSegments() + 1;
72 iSegmentSupport++) {
73 if (m_SegmentSupport[iPlane - 1][iSegmentSupport - 1] != nullptr)
74 delete m_SegmentSupport[iPlane - 1][iSegmentSupport - 1];
75 }
76 delete[] m_SegmentSupport[iPlane - 1];
77 }
78 delete[] m_SegmentSupport;
82checkSectorAlignment(int section, int layer, int sector,
83 const KLMAlignmentData* sectorAlignment) const
85 int iPlane, iSegmentSupport, iSegment, j;
86 double lx, ly;
87 HepGeom::Point3D<double> supportRectangle[4];
88 HepGeom::Transform3D t;
89 const EKLMGeometry::SegmentSupportPosition* segmentSupportPos;
90 const EKLMGeometry::SegmentSupportGeometry* segmentSupportGeometry =
91 m_GeoDat->getSegmentSupportGeometry();
92 KLMAlignmentData segmentAlignment(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
93 for (iPlane = 1; iPlane <= m_GeoDat->getNPlanes(); iPlane++) {
94 for (iSegmentSupport = 1; iSegmentSupport <= m_GeoDat->getNSegments() + 1;
95 iSegmentSupport++) {
96 segmentSupportPos =
97 m_GeoDat->getSegmentSupportPosition(iPlane, iSegmentSupport);
98 lx = 0.5 * (segmentSupportPos->getLength() -
99 segmentSupportPos->getDeltaLLeft() -
100 segmentSupportPos->getDeltaLRight());
101 ly = 0.5 * (segmentSupportGeometry->getMiddleWidth());
102 supportRectangle[0].setX(lx);
103 supportRectangle[0].setY(ly);
104 supportRectangle[0].setZ(0);
105 supportRectangle[1].setX(-lx);
106 supportRectangle[1].setY(ly);
107 supportRectangle[1].setZ(0);
108 supportRectangle[2].setX(-lx);
109 supportRectangle[2].setY(-ly);
110 supportRectangle[2].setZ(0);
111 supportRectangle[3].setX(lx);
112 supportRectangle[3].setY(-ly);
113 supportRectangle[3].setZ(0);
114 t = HepGeom::Translate3D(
115 0.5 * (segmentSupportPos->getDeltaLLeft() -
116 segmentSupportPos->getDeltaLRight()) +
117 segmentSupportPos->getX(), segmentSupportPos->getY(), 0);
118 if (iPlane == 1)
119 t = HepGeom::Rotate3D(180. * CLHEP::deg,
120 HepGeom::Vector3D<double>(1., 1., 0.)) * t;
121 t = HepGeom::Translate3D(sectorAlignment->getDeltaU() * CLHEP::cm / Unit::cm,
122 sectorAlignment->getDeltaV() * CLHEP::cm / Unit::cm,
123 0) *
124 HepGeom::RotateZ3D(sectorAlignment->getDeltaGamma() *
125 CLHEP::rad / Unit::rad) * t;
126 for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
127 supportRectangle[j] = t * supportRectangle[j];
128 if (m_SegmentSupport[iPlane - 1][iSegmentSupport - 1] != nullptr)
129 delete m_SegmentSupport[iPlane - 1][iSegmentSupport - 1];
130 m_SegmentSupport[iPlane - 1][iSegmentSupport - 1] =
131 new Polygon2D(supportRectangle, 4);
132 }
133 }
134 for (iPlane = 1; iPlane <= m_GeoDat->getNPlanes(); iPlane++) {
135 for (iSegmentSupport = 1; iSegmentSupport <= m_GeoDat->getNSegments() + 1;
136 iSegmentSupport++) {
137 if (m_SegmentSupport[iPlane - 1][iSegmentSupport - 1]->hasIntersection(
138 *m_LineCorner1)) {
139 if (m_PrintOverlaps)
140 B2ERROR("Segment support overlaps with corner 1."
141 << LogVar("Section", section) << LogVar("Layer", layer)
142 << LogVar("Sector", sector)
143 << LogVar("Segment support", iSegmentSupport));
144 return false;
145 }
146 if (m_SegmentSupport[iPlane - 1][iSegmentSupport - 1]->hasIntersection(
147 *m_ArcOuter)) {
148 if (m_PrintOverlaps)
149 B2ERROR("Segment support overlaps with outer arc."
150 << LogVar("Section", section) << LogVar("Layer", layer)
151 << LogVar("Sector", sector)
152 << LogVar("Segment support", iSegmentSupport));
153 return false;
154 }
155 if (m_SegmentSupport[iPlane - 1][iSegmentSupport - 1]->hasIntersection(
156 *m_Line23)) {
157 if (m_PrintOverlaps)
158 B2ERROR("Segment support overlaps with line 2-3."
159 << LogVar("Section", section) << LogVar("Layer", layer)
160 << LogVar("Sector", sector)
161 << LogVar("Segment support", iSegmentSupport));
162 return false;
163 }
164 if (m_SegmentSupport[iPlane - 1][iSegmentSupport - 1]->hasIntersection(
165 *m_ArcInner)) {
166 if (m_PrintOverlaps)
167 B2ERROR("Segment support overlaps with inner arc."
168 << LogVar("Section", section) << LogVar("Layer", layer)
169 << LogVar("Sector", sector)
170 << LogVar("Segment support", iSegmentSupport));
171 return false;
172 }
173 if (m_SegmentSupport[iPlane - 1][iSegmentSupport - 1]->hasIntersection(
174 *m_Line41)) {
175 if (m_PrintOverlaps)
176 B2ERROR("Segment support overlaps with line 4-1."
177 << LogVar("Section", section) << LogVar("Layer", layer)
178 << LogVar("Sector", sector)
179 << LogVar("Segment support", iSegmentSupport));
180 return false;
181 }
182 }
183 }
184 for (iPlane = 1; iPlane <= m_GeoDat->getNPlanes(); iPlane++) {
185 for (iSegment = 1; iSegment <= m_GeoDat->getNSegments(); iSegment++) {
186 if (!checkSegmentAlignment(section, layer, sector, iPlane, iSegment,
187 sectorAlignment, &segmentAlignment, true))
188 return false;
189 }
190 }
191 return true;
195checkSegmentAlignment(int section, int layer, int sector, int plane, int segment,
196 const KLMAlignmentData* sectorAlignment,
197 const KLMAlignmentData* segmentAlignment,
198 bool calledFromSectorCheck) const
200 /* cppcheck-suppress variableScope */
201 int i, j, iStrip;
202 /* cppcheck-suppress variableScope */
203 double lx, ly;
204 HepGeom::Point3D<double> stripRectangle[4];
205 HepGeom::Transform3D t;
206 const EKLMGeometry::StripGeometry* stripGeometry =
207 m_GeoDat->getStripGeometry();
208 if (!calledFromSectorCheck) {
209 if (!checkSectorAlignment(section, layer, sector, sectorAlignment))
210 return false;
211 }
212 ly = 0.5 * stripGeometry->getWidth();
213 for (i = 1; i <= m_ElementNumbers->getNStripsSegment(); i++) {
214 iStrip = m_ElementNumbers->getNStripsSegment() * (segment - 1) + i;
215 const EKLMGeometry::ElementPosition* stripPosition =
216 m_GeoDat->getStripPosition(iStrip);
217 lx = 0.5 * stripPosition->getLength();
218 stripRectangle[0].setX(lx);
219 stripRectangle[0].setY(ly);
220 stripRectangle[0].setZ(0);
221 stripRectangle[1].setX(-lx);
222 stripRectangle[1].setY(ly);
223 stripRectangle[1].setZ(0);
224 stripRectangle[2].setX(-lx);
225 stripRectangle[2].setY(-ly);
226 stripRectangle[2].setZ(0);
227 stripRectangle[3].setX(lx);
228 stripRectangle[3].setY(-ly);
229 stripRectangle[3].setZ(0);
230 t = HepGeom::Translate3D(segmentAlignment->getDeltaU() * CLHEP::cm / Unit::cm,
231 segmentAlignment->getDeltaV() * CLHEP::cm / Unit::cm,
232 0) *
233 HepGeom::Translate3D(stripPosition->getX(), stripPosition->getY(), 0) *
234 HepGeom::RotateZ3D(segmentAlignment->getDeltaGamma() *
235 CLHEP::rad / Unit::rad);
236 if (plane == 1)
237 t = HepGeom::Rotate3D(180. * CLHEP::deg,
238 HepGeom::Vector3D<double>(1., 1., 0.)) * t;
239 t = HepGeom::Translate3D(sectorAlignment->getDeltaU() * CLHEP::cm / Unit::cm,
240 sectorAlignment->getDeltaV() * CLHEP::cm / Unit::cm,
241 0) *
242 HepGeom::RotateZ3D(sectorAlignment->getDeltaGamma() *
243 CLHEP::rad / Unit::rad) * t;
244 for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
245 stripRectangle[j] = t * stripRectangle[j];
246 Polygon2D stripPolygon(stripRectangle, 4);
247 if (stripPolygon.hasIntersection(*m_LineCorner1)) {
248 if (m_PrintOverlaps)
249 B2ERROR("Strip overlaps with corner 1."
250 << LogVar("Section", section) << LogVar("Layer", layer)
251 << LogVar("Sector", sector) << LogVar("Plane", plane)
252 << LogVar("Strip", iStrip));
253 return false;
254 }
255 if (stripPolygon.hasIntersection(*m_ArcOuter)) {
256 if (m_PrintOverlaps)
257 B2ERROR("Strip overlaps with outer arc."
258 << LogVar("Section", section) << LogVar("Layer", layer)
259 << LogVar("Sector", sector) << LogVar("Plane", plane)
260 << LogVar("Strip", iStrip));
261 B2ERROR("Overlap (section " << section << ", layer " << layer <<
262 ", sector " << sector << ", plane " << plane <<
263 "): strip " << iStrip << ", outer arc.");
264 return false;
265 }
266 if (stripPolygon.hasIntersection(*m_Line23)) {
267 if (m_PrintOverlaps)
268 B2ERROR("Strip overlaps with line 2-3."
269 << LogVar("Section", section) << LogVar("Layer", layer)
270 << LogVar("Sector", sector) << LogVar("Plane", plane)
271 << LogVar("Strip", iStrip));
272 return false;
273 }
274 if (stripPolygon.hasIntersection(*m_ArcInner)) {
275 if (m_PrintOverlaps)
276 B2ERROR("Strip overlaps with inner arc."
277 << LogVar("Section", section) << LogVar("Layer", layer)
278 << LogVar("Sector", sector) << LogVar("Plane", plane)
279 << LogVar("Strip", iStrip));
280 B2ERROR("Overlap (section " << section << ", layer " << layer <<
281 ", sector " << sector << ", plane " << plane <<
282 "): strip " << iStrip << ", inner arc.");
283 return false;
284 }
285 if (stripPolygon.hasIntersection(*m_Line41)) {
286 if (m_PrintOverlaps)
287 B2ERROR("Strip overlaps with line 4-1."
288 << LogVar("Section", section) << LogVar("Layer", layer)
289 << LogVar("Sector", sector) << LogVar("Plane", plane)
290 << LogVar("Strip", iStrip));
291 return false;
292 }
293 for (j = 0; j <= m_GeoDat->getNSegments(); j++) {
294 if (stripPolygon.hasIntersection(*m_SegmentSupport[plane - 1][j])) {
295 if (m_PrintOverlaps)
296 B2ERROR("Strip overlaps with segment support."
297 << LogVar("Section", section) << LogVar("Layer", layer)
298 << LogVar("Sector", sector) << LogVar("Plane", plane)
299 << LogVar("Strip", iStrip)
300 << LogVar("Segment support", j + 1));
301 return false;
302 }
303 }
304 }
305 return true;
309 const EKLMAlignment* alignment,
310 const EKLMSegmentAlignment* segmentAlignment) const
312 int iSection, iLayer, iSector, iPlane, iSegment, sector, segment;
313 for (iSection = 1; iSection <= m_GeoDat->getNSections(); iSection++) {
314 for (iLayer = 1; iLayer <= m_GeoDat->getNDetectorLayers(iSection);
315 iLayer++) {
316 for (iSector = 1; iSector <= m_GeoDat->getNSectors(); iSector++) {
317 sector = m_ElementNumbers->sectorNumber(iSection, iLayer, iSector);
318 const KLMAlignmentData* sectorAlignment =
319 alignment->getModuleAlignment(sector);
320 if (sectorAlignment == nullptr)
321 B2FATAL("Incomplete alignment data.");
322 if (!checkSectorAlignment(iSection, iLayer, iSector, sectorAlignment))
323 return false;
324 for (iPlane = 1; iPlane <= m_GeoDat->getNPlanes(); iPlane++) {
325 for (iSegment = 1; iSegment <= m_GeoDat->getNSegments(); iSegment++) {
326 segment = m_ElementNumbers->segmentNumber(
327 iSection, iLayer, iSector, iPlane, iSegment);
328 const KLMAlignmentData* segmentAlignmentData =
329 segmentAlignment->getSegmentAlignment(segment);
330 if (segmentAlignment == nullptr)
331 B2FATAL("Incomplete alignment data.");
332 if (!checkSegmentAlignment(iSection, iLayer, iSector, iPlane,
333 iSegment, sectorAlignment,
334 segmentAlignmentData, false))
335 return false;
336 }
337 }
338 }
339 }
340 }
341 return true;
Class to store EKLM alignment data in the database.
Definition: EKLMAlignment.h:30
EKLM element numbers.
Position information for the elements of detector.
Definition: EKLMGeometry.h:100
double getX() const
Get X coordinate.
Definition: EKLMGeometry.h:163
double getOuterR() const
Get outer radius.
Definition: EKLMGeometry.h:129
double getInnerR() const
Get inner radius.
Definition: EKLMGeometry.h:112
double getY() const
Get Y coordinate.
Definition: EKLMGeometry.h:180
double getLength() const
Get length.
Definition: EKLMGeometry.h:146
Sector support geometry data.
Definition: EKLMGeometry.h:239
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > & getCorner3Inner() const
Get corner 3 coordinates (inner side).
Definition: EKLMGeometry.h:693
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > & getCorner4Inner() const
Get corner 4 coordinates (inner side).
Definition: EKLMGeometry.h:744
double getThickness() const
Get thickness.
Definition: EKLMGeometry.h:251
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > & getCorner1BInner() const
Get corner 1B coordinates (inner side).
Definition: EKLMGeometry.h:642
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > & getCorner1AInner() const
Get corner 1A coordinates (inner side).
Definition: EKLMGeometry.h:608
const HepGeom::Point3D< double > & getCorner2Inner() const
Get corner 2 coordinates (inner side).
Definition: EKLMGeometry.h:659
Segment support geometry data.
Definition: EKLMGeometry.h:939
double getMiddleWidth() const
Get middle part width.
Definition: EKLMGeometry.h:985
double getX() const
Get X coordinate.
double getY() const
Get Y coordinate.
double getDeltaLRight() const
Get right Delta L.
double getDeltaLLeft() const
Get left Delta L.
double getWidth() const
Get width.
int getNPlanes() const
Get number of planes.
const SectorSupportGeometry * getSectorSupportGeometry() const
Get sector support geometry data.
int getNSegments() const
Get number of segments.
const ElementPosition * getSectorSupportPosition() const
Get position data for sector support structure.
Class to store EKLM alignment data in the database.
const KLMAlignmentData * getSegmentAlignment(EKLMSegmentNumber segment) const
Get segment alignment data.
bool checkAlignment(const EKLMAlignment *alignment, const EKLMSegmentAlignment *segmentAlignment) const
Check alignment.
LineSegment2D * m_Line23
Sector support edge: line between corners 2 and 3.
bool checkSectorAlignment(int section, int layer, int sector, const KLMAlignmentData *sectorAlignment) const
Check sector alignment.
Arc2D * m_ArcOuter
Sector support edge: outer arc.
bool checkSegmentAlignment(int section, int layer, int sector, int plane, int segment, const KLMAlignmentData *sectorAlignment, const KLMAlignmentData *segmentAlignment, bool calledFromSectorCheck) const
Check segment alignment.
LineSegment2D * m_Line41
Sector support edge: line between corners 4 and 1.
AlignmentChecker(bool printOverlaps)
Polygon2D *** m_SegmentSupport
Segment support.
LineSegment2D * m_LineCorner1
Sector support edge: corner 1 line.
Arc2D * m_ArcInner
Sector support edge: inner arc.
const GeometryData * m_GeoDat
Geometry data.
EKLM geometry data.
Definition: GeometryData.h:38
bool hasIntersection(const LineSegment2D &lineSegment) const
Check whether polygon has an intersection with a line segment or this line segment is fully inside th...
KLM Alignment data.
float getDeltaU() const
Get shift in U.
float getDeltaV() const
Get shift in V.
float getDeltaGamma() const
Get rotation in alpha.
static const double rad
Standard of [angle].
Definition: Unit.h:50
static const double cm
Standard units with the value = 1.
Definition: Unit.h:47
Class to store variables with their name which were sent to the logging service.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.