Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9#pragma once
11#include <geometry/bfieldmap/BFieldComponentAbs.h>
13#include <string>
14#include <vector>
16namespace Belle2 {
38 public:
41 BFieldComponent3d() = default;
44 virtual ~BFieldComponent3d() = default;
50 virtual void initialize() override;
59 virtual ROOT::Math::XYZVector calculate(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector& point) const override;
65 virtual void terminate() override;
71 void setMapFilename(const std::string& filename) { m_mapFilename = filename; };
79 void setMapSize(int sizeR, int sizePhi, int sizeZ) { m_mapSize[0] = sizeR; m_mapSize[1] = sizePhi; m_mapSize[2] = sizeZ; }
87 void setMapRegionZ(double minZ, double maxZ, double offset) { m_mapRegionZ[0] = minZ; m_mapRegionZ[1] = maxZ; m_mapOffset = offset; }
94 void setMapRegionR(double minR, double maxR) { m_mapRegionR[0] = minR; m_mapRegionR[1] = maxR; }
102 void setGridPitch(double pitchR, double pitchPhi, double pitchZ) { m_gridPitch[0] = pitchR; m_gridPitch[1] = pitchPhi; m_gridPitch[2] = pitchZ; }
109 void setExcludeRegionZ(double minZ, double maxZ) { m_exRegionZ[0] = minZ + m_mapOffset; m_exRegionZ[1] = maxZ + m_mapOffset; }
116 void setExcludeRegionR(double minR, double maxR) { m_exRegionR[0] = minR; m_exRegionR[1] = maxR; }
126 void setErrorRegionR(double minR = -1., double maxR = -1., double errBr = 0.0, double errBphi = 0.0, double errBz = 0.0)
127 { m_errRegionR[0] = minR; m_errRegionR[1] = maxR; m_errB[0] = errBr; m_errB[1] = errBphi; m_errB[2] = errBz; }
143 void enableCoordinate(const std::string& mapEnable = "rphiz") { m_mapEnable = mapEnable; }
144 protected:
146 private:
151 ROOT::Math::XYZVector interpolate(unsigned int ir, unsigned int iphi, unsigned int iz, double wr, double wphi, double wz) const;
154 std::string m_mapFilename{""};
156 std::vector<ROOT::Math::XYZVector> m_bmap;
158 std::string m_mapEnable{"rphiz"};
160 bool m_interpolate{true};
162 int m_mapSize[3];
164 double m_mapRegionZ[2] {0};
166 double m_mapOffset{0};
168 double m_mapRegionR[2] {0};
170 double m_gridPitch[3] {0};
172 double m_igridPitch[3] {0};
174 double m_exRegionZ[2] {0};
176 double m_exRegionR[2] {0};
178 bool m_exRegion{true};
180 bool m_mirrorPhi{true};
182 double m_errRegionR[2] {0};
184 double m_errB[3] {0};
185 };
188} //end of namespace Belle2
The BFieldComponent3d class.
double m_exRegionR[2]
The min and max boundaries of the excluded region in r.
void setExcludeRegionZ(double minZ, double maxZ)
Sets the size of the magnetic field map to exclude.
ROOT::Math::XYZVector interpolate(unsigned int ir, unsigned int iphi, unsigned int iz, double wr, double wphi, double wz) const
Interpolate the value of B-field between (ir, iphi, iz) and (ir+1, iphi+1, iz+1) using weights (wr,...
double m_errRegionR[2]
The min and max boundaries of the region in r to apply error.
virtual void initialize() override
Initializes the magnetic field component.
bool m_interpolate
Flag to switch on/off interpolation >
double m_gridPitch[3]
The grid pitch in r,phi,z.
void setErrorRegionR(double minR=-1., double maxR=-1., double errBr=0.0, double errBphi=0.0, double errBz=0.0)
Sets the size of the magnetic field map to apply error on B.
std::string m_mapFilename
The filename of the magnetic field map.
virtual void terminate() override
Terminates the magnetic field component.
double m_mapRegionZ[2]
The min and max boundaries of the map region in z.
double m_mapOffset
Offset required because the accelerator group defines the Belle center as zero.
int m_mapSize[3]
The size of the map in r, phi and z.
virtual ROOT::Math::XYZVector calculate(const ROOT::Math::XYZVector &point) const override
Calculates the magnetic field vector at the specified space point.
double m_igridPitch[3]
The inverted grid pitch in r,phi,z.
void setMapRegionR(double minR, double maxR)
Sets the size of the magnetic field map.
void setMapFilename(const std::string &filename)
Sets the filename of the magnetic field map.
bool m_exRegion
Flag to indicate whether there is a region to exclude.
std::vector< ROOT::Math::XYZVector > m_bmap
The memory buffer for the magnetic field map.
void enableCoordinate(const std::string &mapEnable="rphiz")
Option to reduce 3D to 2D map (in coordinates, NOT Br, Bphi, Bz components)
void setMapSize(int sizeR, int sizePhi, int sizeZ)
Sets the size of the magnetic field map.
double m_mapRegionR[2]
The min and max boundaries of the map region in r.
double m_exRegionZ[2]
The min and max boundaries of the excluded region in z.
void setExcludeRegionR(double minR, double maxR)
Sets the size of the magnetic field map to exclude.
void setGridPitch(double pitchR, double pitchPhi, double pitchZ)
Sets the grid pitch of the magnetic field map.
void setMapRegionZ(double minZ, double maxZ, double offset)
Sets the size of the magnetic field map.
double m_errB[3]
The error Br, Bphi, Bz as a scale factor (B_new = m_errB * B_old).
std::string m_mapEnable
Enable different dimension, "rphiz", "rphi", "phiz" or "rz" >
The BFieldComponent3d constructor.
virtual ~BFieldComponent3d()=default
The BFieldComponent3d destructor.
bool m_mirrorPhi
Flag to indicate whether there is a region to exclude.
void doInterpolation(bool interpolate=true)
void mirrorPhi(bool mirrorPhi=0.)
The BFieldComponentAbs class.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.