11 class MeasuredStateOnPlane;
32 genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane
const& measuredStateOnPlane) :
Module to compute if an extrapolation to the ECL matches the position of an secondary ECLCLuster to f...
BremFindingMatchCompute(float clusterAcceptanceFactor, const ECLCluster *cluster, genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane const &measuredStateOnPlane)
Constructor for setting parameters.
bool isMatch()
Check if the angles of the cluster position and the extrapolation match.
const ECLCluster * m_eclCluster
Bremsstrahlung cluster candidate gets stored here.
double getEffAcceptanceFactor()
Return the effective acceptance factor.
float m_clusterAcceptanceFactor
Factor which is multiplied onto the cluster position error to check for matches.
double m_distanceHitCluster
Difference between the angles of extrapolation and cluster position.
genfit::MeasuredStateOnPlane const & m_measuredStateOnPlane
VXD hit.
double getDistanceHitCluster()
Return the difference between the angles of extrapolation and cluster position.
double m_effAcceptanceFactor
The effective acceptance factor, needed to assign the radiation.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.