Database object for Fron-endt electronics params.
short getTrgDelay() const
Getter for trigger delay.
CDCFEElectronics(short boardID, short width, short trgDelay, short aTh, short tThMV)
short m_widthOfTimeWindow
Width of time window (in unit of 32*(TDC resol.)).
short m_tdcThreshInMV
Voltage threshold for timing signal (mV)
ClassDef(CDCFEElectronics, 2)
short getADCThresh() const
Getter for threshold for FADC.
short getBoardID() const
Getter for width of time window.
short getTDCThreshInMV() const
Getter for voltage threshold (mV) for timing-signal.
short m_trgDelay
Trigger delay (in unit of 32*(TDC resol.)).
short m_boardID
fee board id
Default constructor.
short m_adcThresh
Threshold for FADC (count)
short getWidthOfTimeWindow() const
Getter for width of time window.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.