Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9#include <top/geometry/ChannelMapper.h>
10#include <framework/database/DBImportArray.h>
11#include <unordered_set>
12#include <framework/logging/LogSystem.h>
13#include <iostream>
15using namespace std;
17namespace Belle2 {
22 namespace TOP {
25 {
27 "TOP::ChannelMapper: bug in coding (enum) - "
28 "number of channels and number of pixels disagree");
30 for (auto& channels : m_channels) {
31 for (auto& channel : channels) channel = 0;
32 }
33 for (auto& pixels : m_pixels) {
34 for (auto& pixel : pixels) pixel = 0;
35 }
36 }
40 {
41 if (m_mappingDB) delete m_mappingDB;
42 }
44 void ChannelMapper::initialize(const GearDir& channelMapping)
45 {
47 clear();
49 string path = channelMapping.getPath();
50 auto i1 = path.rfind("type='") + 6;
51 auto i2 = path.rfind("']");
52 m_typeName = path.substr(i1, i2 - i1);
54 if (m_typeName == "IRS3B") {
55 m_type = c_IRS3B;
56 } else if (m_typeName == "IRSX") {
57 m_type = c_IRSX;
58 } else {
59 B2ERROR("TOP::ChannelMapper: unknown electronic type."
60 << LogVar("type", m_typeName));
61 }
63 // get parameters from Gearbox
64 for (const GearDir& map : channelMapping.getNodes("map")) {
65 std::vector<double> data = map.getArray("");
66 unsigned row = int(data[0]) - 1;
67 unsigned col = int(data[1]) - 1;
68 unsigned asic = int(data[2]);
69 unsigned chan = int(data[3]);
70 m_mapping.push_back(TOPChannelMap(row, col, asic, chan));
71 }
72 if (m_mapping.empty()) {
73 B2ERROR("TOP::ChannelMapper: mapping is not available in Gearbox");
74 return;
75 }
77 // check the size of the mapping
78 if (m_mapping.size() != c_numAsics * c_numChannels)
79 B2FATAL("TOP::ChannelMapper: got incorrect map size from xml file for '"
80 << m_typeName << "' - expect " << c_numAsics * c_numChannels
81 << ", got " << m_mapping.size());
83 // check the mapping for consistency
84 bool ok = true;
85 unordered_set<unsigned> pixels;
86 unordered_set<unsigned> channels;
87 for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_mapping.size(); ii++) {
88 const auto& map = m_mapping[ii];
89 unsigned row = map.getRow();
90 unsigned col = map.getColumn();
91 unsigned asic = map.getASICNumber();
92 unsigned chan = map.getASICChannel();
93 if (row >= c_numRows) {
94 B2ERROR("TOP::ChannelMapper: pixel row out of range."
95 << LogVar("node", ii)
96 << LogVar("row", row)
97 << LogVar("column", col)
98 << LogVar("ASIC", asic)
99 << LogVar("channel", chan));
100 ok = false;
101 }
102 if (col >= c_numColumns) {
103 B2ERROR("TOP::ChannelMapper: pixel column out of range."
104 << LogVar("node", ii)
105 << LogVar("row", row)
106 << LogVar("column", col)
107 << LogVar("ASIC", asic)
108 << LogVar("channel", chan));
109 ok = false;
110 }
111 if (asic >= c_numAsics) {
112 B2ERROR("TOP::ChannelMapper: ASIC number out of range."
113 << LogVar("node", ii)
114 << LogVar("row", row)
115 << LogVar("column", col)
116 << LogVar("ASIC", asic)
117 << LogVar("channel", chan));
118 ok = false;
119 }
120 if (chan >= c_numChannels) {
121 B2ERROR("TOP::ChannelMapper: ASIC channel number out of range."
122 << LogVar("node", ii)
123 << LogVar("row", row)
124 << LogVar("column", col)
125 << LogVar("ASIC", asic)
126 << LogVar("channel", chan));
127 ok = false;
128 }
129 if (!pixels.insert(col + row * c_numColumns).second) {
130 B2ERROR("TOP::ChannelMapper: pixel already mapped."
131 << LogVar("node", ii)
132 << LogVar("row", row)
133 << LogVar("column", col)
134 << LogVar("ASIC", asic)
135 << LogVar("channel", chan));
136 ok = false;
137 }
138 if (!channels.insert(chan + asic * c_numChannels).second) {
139 B2ERROR("TOP::ChannelMapper: channel already mapped."
140 << LogVar("node", ii)
141 << LogVar("row", row)
142 << LogVar("column", col)
143 << LogVar("ASIC", asic)
144 << LogVar("channel", chan));
145 ok = false;
146 }
147 }
148 if (!ok) {
149 B2FATAL("TOP::ChannelMapper: errors detected in xml file for '"
150 << m_typeName << "'");
151 return;
152 }
154 // prepare conversion arrays
155 for (const auto& map : m_mapping) {
156 m_channels[map.getRow()][map.getColumn()] = &map;
157 m_pixels[map.getASICNumber()][map.getASICChannel()] = &map;
158 }
159 m_valid = true;
161 B2INFO("TOP::ChannelMapper: " << m_mapping.size() <<
162 " channels of carrier board of type '" << m_typeName
163 << "' mapped to pixels.");
165 // print mappings if debug level for package 'top' is set to 100 or larger
166 const auto& logSystem = LogSystem::Instance();
167 if (logSystem.isLevelEnabled(LogConfig::c_Debug, 100, "top")) {
168 print();
169 }
171 }
175 {
176 m_type = c_default;
178 if (m_mappingDB) delete m_mappingDB;
181 if (!m_mappingDB->isValid()) {
182 clear();
183 return;
184 }
185 update();
187 m_mappingDB->addCallback(this, &ChannelMapper::update);
189 const auto& logSystem = LogSystem::Instance();
190 if (logSystem.isLevelEnabled(LogConfig::c_Debug, 100, "top")) {
191 print();
192 }
194 }
198 {
200 for (const auto& map : m_mapping) {
201 array.appendNew(map);
202 }
203 array.import(iov);
204 }
207 unsigned ChannelMapper::getChannel(int pixel) const
208 {
209 if (!isPixelIDValid(pixel)) return c_invalidChannel;
211 unsigned pix = pixel - 1;
212 unsigned pixRow = pix / c_numPixelColumns;
213 unsigned pixCol = pix % c_numPixelColumns;
215 unsigned carrier = pixRow / c_numRows;
216 unsigned row = pixRow % c_numRows;
217 unsigned boardstack = pixCol / c_numColumns;
218 unsigned col = pixCol % c_numColumns;
220 const auto& map = m_channels[row][col];
221 if (!map) {
222 B2WARNING("TOP::ChannelMapper: no channel mapped to pixel. Return invalid channel."
223 << LogVar("pixelID", pixel));
224 return c_invalidChannel;
225 }
226 unsigned asic = map->getASICNumber();
227 unsigned chan = map->getASICChannel();
229 return getChannel(boardstack, carrier, asic, chan);
230 }
234 unsigned& boardstack,
235 unsigned& carrier,
236 unsigned& asic,
237 unsigned& chan) const
238 {
239 chan = channel % c_numChannels;
240 channel /= c_numChannels;
241 asic = channel % c_numAsics;
242 channel /= c_numAsics;
243 carrier = channel % c_numCarrierBoards;
244 boardstack = channel / c_numCarrierBoards;
245 }
248 int ChannelMapper::getPixelID(unsigned channel) const
249 {
251 if (!isChannelValid(channel)) return c_invalidPixelID;
253 unsigned boardstack = 0;
254 unsigned carrier = 0;
255 unsigned asic = 0;
256 unsigned chan = 0;
257 splitChannelNumber(channel, boardstack, carrier, asic, chan);
259 const auto& map = m_pixels[asic][chan];
260 if (!map) {
261 B2ERROR("TOP::ChannelMapper: no pixel mapped to channel. Return invalid pixel."
262 << LogVar("channel", channel));
263 return c_invalidPixelID;
264 }
265 unsigned row = map->getRow();
266 unsigned col = map->getColumn();
267 unsigned pixRow = row + carrier * c_numRows;
268 unsigned pixCol = col + boardstack * c_numColumns;
270 return pixCol + pixRow * c_numPixelColumns + 1;
272 }
274 int ChannelMapper::getPmtID(int pixel) const
275 {
276 if (not isPixelIDValid(pixel)) return 0;
277 pixel--;
278 int pmtRow = pixel / 256;
279 int pmtCol = (pixel % 64) / 4;
280 return pmtRow * 16 + pmtCol + 1;
281 }
284 {
285 std::vector<std::string> what;
286 what.push_back(string("Boardstack numbers (view from the back):"));
287 what.push_back(string("Carrier board numbers (view from the back):"));
288 what.push_back(string("ASIC numbers (view from the back):"));
289 what.push_back(string("ASIC channel numbers (view from the back):"));
290 unsigned value[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
292 std::string xaxis("+------phi--------->");
293 std::string yaxis("|ohr|||^");
295 cout << endl;
296 cout << " Mapping of TOP electronic channels to pixels";
297 if (!m_typeName.empty()) cout << " for " << m_typeName;
298 cout << endl << endl;
300 for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
301 cout << " " << what[i] << endl << endl;
302 for (int row = c_numPixelRows - 1; row >= 0; row--) {
303 cout << " " << yaxis[row] << " ";
304 for (int col = 0; col < c_numPixelColumns; col++) {
305 int pixel = col + c_numPixelColumns * row + 1;
306 auto channel = getChannel(pixel);
307 if (channel != c_invalidChannel) {
308 splitChannelNumber(channel, value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3]);
309 cout << value[i];
310 } else {
311 cout << "?";
312 }
313 }
314 cout << endl;
315 }
316 cout << " " << xaxis << endl << endl;
317 }
319 }
322 {
323 for (int pixel = 1; pixel <= c_numPixels; pixel++)
324 if (pixel != getPixelID(getChannel(pixel)))
325 B2ERROR("TOP::ChannelMapper: bug, getPixelID is not inverse of getChannel");
327 for (unsigned channel = 0; channel < c_numPixels; channel++)
328 if (channel != getChannel(getPixelID(channel)))
329 B2ERROR("TOP::ChannelMapper: bug, getChannel is not inverse of getPixelID");
330 }
334 {
335 m_mapping.clear();
336 for (auto& channels : m_channels) {
337 for (auto& channel : channels) channel = 0;
338 }
339 for (auto& pixels : m_pixels) {
340 for (auto& pixel : pixels) pixel = 0;
341 }
342 m_valid = false;
343 m_fromDB = false;
344 }
348 {
349 clear();
350 if (!m_mappingDB->isValid()) return;
352 for (const auto& map : *m_mappingDB) {
353 m_channels[map.getRow()][map.getColumn()] = &map;
354 m_pixels[map.getASICNumber()][map.getASICChannel()] = &map;
355 }
356 m_valid = true;
357 m_fromDB = true;
358 }
362 } // TOP namespace
364} // Belle2 namespace
Class for accessing arrays of objects in the database.
Definition: DBArray.h:26
Class for importing array of objects to the database.
Definition: DBImportArray.h:25
T * appendNew()
Construct a new T object at the end of the array.
Definition: DBImportArray.h:67
bool import(const IntervalOfValidity &iov)
Import the object to database.
GearDir is the basic class used for accessing the parameter store.
Definition: GearDir.h:31
A class that describes the interval of experiments/runs for which an object in the database is valid.
@ c_Debug
Debug: for code development.
Definition: LogConfig.h:26
static LogSystem & Instance()
Static method to get a reference to the LogSystem instance.
Map of pixels and channels within the carrier board.
Definition: TOPChannelMap.h:22
EType m_type
electornic type
void test() const
test that the conversion and inverse of it gives identity, if not B2ERROR
void initialize()
Initialize from database.
bool m_fromDB
true, if from database
std::vector< TOPChannelMap > m_mapping
mappings from gearbox
const TOPChannelMap * m_pixels[c_numAsics][c_numChannels]
conversion array
void splitChannelNumber(unsigned channel, unsigned &boardstack, unsigned &carrier, unsigned &asic, unsigned &chan) const
Splits hardware channel number into boardstack, carrier, asic and asic channel.
int getPixelID(unsigned channel) const
Converts hardware channel number to pixel ID (1-based)
bool isChannelValid(unsigned channel) const
Checks validity of hardware channel number.
@ c_numCarrierBoards
number of carrier boards per boardstack
Definition: ChannelMapper.h:34
@ c_numColumns
number of pixel columns per carrier board
Definition: ChannelMapper.h:38
@ c_numChannels
number of channels per ASIC
Definition: ChannelMapper.h:36
@ c_numRows
number of pixel rows per carrier board
Definition: ChannelMapper.h:37
@ c_invalidChannel
value of invalid channel number
Definition: ChannelMapper.h:42
@ c_invalidPixelID
value of invalid pixel ID
Definition: ChannelMapper.h:43
@ c_numAsics
number of ASIC's per carrier board
Definition: ChannelMapper.h:35
bool m_valid
true if mapping available
bool isPixelIDValid(int pixel) const
Checks validity of pixel ID.
int getPmtID(int pixel) const
Returns PMT ID (1-based)
DBArray< TOPChannelMap > * m_mappingDB
mappings from database
void update()
re-do conversion arrays when DBArray has changed
void importPayload(const IntervalOfValidity &iov) const
import mappings to database
void print() const
Print mappings to terminal screen.
const TOPChannelMap * m_channels[c_numRows][c_numColumns]
conversion array
unsigned getChannel(int pixel) const
Converts pixel to hardware channel number (0-based)
std::string m_typeName
electronic type name
std::string getPath() const
Return path of the current interface.
Definition: Interface.h:70
std::vector< GearDir > getNodes(const std::string &path="") const
Get vector of GearDirs which point to all the nodes the given path evaluates to.
Class to store variables with their name which were sent to the logging service.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
STL namespace.