Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
8#pragma once
10#include <vxd/dataobjects/VxdID.h>
12#include <vector>
13#include <numeric>
15namespace Belle2 {
24 std::vector<unsigned short> strips;
25 std::vector<unsigned short> charges;
28 int charge = 0;
30 int seedStrip = 0;
31 int seedCharge = 0;
32 float clusterPosition = 0;
41 bool add(VxdID nextID, int nextCharge, unsigned short nextCellID, float nextStripSNR, unsigned short maxClusterSize)
42 {
43 bool added = false;
45 // do not add if you are on the wrong sensor or side
46 if (vxdID != nextID) return false;
48 // add if it's the first strip
49 if (strips.size() == 0) added = true;
51 // add if it adjacent to the last strip added (we assume that SVDRecoDigits are ordered)
52 // and if cluster size would still be <= 4 strips
53 if (strips.size() > 0 and nextCellID == strips.back() + 1 and strips.size() < maxClusterSize) {
54 added = true;
55 }
57 //add it to the vector od strips, update the seed nextCharge and index:
58 if (added) {
59 strips.push_back(nextCellID);
60 charges.push_back(nextCharge);
62 if (nextCharge > seedCharge) seedCharge = nextCharge;
64 if (nextStripSNR > maxSNRinClusterCandidate) {
65 maxSNRinClusterCandidate = nextStripSNR;
66 }
67 }
68 return added;
70 };
75 void finalizeCluster(const double pitch, const int stripsInSensor)
76 {
77 charge = std::accumulate(charges.begin(), charges.end(), 0);
78 seedStripIndex = strips.size() / 2 + 1;
79 seedStrip = ( + seedStripIndex - 1);
81 clusterPosition = pitch * (seedStrip - stripsInSensor / 2);
82 };
83 };
86} // end namespace Belle2
Class to uniquely identify a any structure of the PXD and SVD.
Definition: VxdID.h:33
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
struct containing a cluster candidate for easier handling
void finalizeCluster(const double pitch, const int stripsInSensor)
calculate cluster properties once a cluster is ready to be stored
float maxSNRinClusterCandidate
Maximum SNR of all the strips in the cluster candidate.
float clusterPosition
Position of the cluster.
std::vector< unsigned short > charges
Vector containing the charges of the corresponding strips that are added.
int seedStripIndex
Index of the seed strip of the cluster (0...m_Size)
std::vector< unsigned short > strips
Vector containing strips (DATCONSVDDigits) that are added.
bool add(VxdID nextID, int nextCharge, unsigned short nextCellID, float nextStripSNR, unsigned short maxClusterSize)
add a new strip to the current cluster candidate if possible
int seedCharge
Seed Charge of the cluster.