Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
8#pragma once
10#include <tracking/vxdHoughTracking/filters/pathFilters/ThreeHitVariables.h>
11#include <tracking/spacePointCreation/SpacePoint.h>
12#include <framework/geometry/B2Vector3.h>
14#include <cmath>
16namespace Belle2 {
21 namespace vxdHoughTracking {
25 public:
27 FourHitVariables() : m_oHit(0., 0., 0.), m_ocHit(0., 0., 0.), m_icHit(0., 0., 0.), m_iHit(0., 0., 0.)
28 {};
35 FourHitVariables(const B2Vector3D& oHit, const B2Vector3D& ocHit, const B2Vector3D& icHit, const B2Vector3D& iHit) :
36 m_oHit(oHit), m_ocHit(ocHit), m_icHit(icHit), m_iHit(iHit)
37 {
38 m_outerThreeHitVariables = ThreeHitVariables(oHit, ocHit, icHit);
39 m_innerThreeHitVariables = ThreeHitVariables(ocHit, icHit, iHit);
40 };
47 void setHits(const B2Vector3D& oHit, const B2Vector3D& ocHit, const B2Vector3D& icHit, const B2Vector3D& iHit)
48 {
49 m_oHit = oHit;
50 m_ocHit = ocHit;
51 m_icHit = icHit;
52 m_iHit = iHit;
53 m_outerThreeHitVariables = ThreeHitVariables(oHit, ocHit, icHit);
54 m_innerThreeHitVariables = ThreeHitVariables(ocHit, icHit, iHit);
55 }
59 {
62 if (outerCircleCenter.Perp2() > 1e30 or innerCircleCenter.Perp2() > 1e30) {
63 return NAN;
64 }
65 double outerCircleRadius = m_outerThreeHitVariables.calcAvgDistanceXY(outerCircleCenter);
66 double innerCircleRadius = m_innerThreeHitVariables.calcAvgDistanceXY(innerCircleCenter);
68 return outerCircleRadius - innerCircleRadius;
69 }
74 {
77 if (outerCircleCenter.Perp2() > 1e30 or innerCircleCenter.Perp2() > 1e30) {
78 return NAN;
79 }
81 return fabs(outerCircleCenter.Perp() - innerCircleCenter.Perp());
82 }
86 double getDeltaPT()
87 {
90 if (outerCircleCenter.Perp2() > 1e30 or innerCircleCenter.Perp2() > 1e30) {
91 return NAN;
92 }
93 double outerCircleRadius = m_outerThreeHitVariables.calcAvgDistanceXY(outerCircleCenter);
94 double innerCircleRadius = m_innerThreeHitVariables.calcAvgDistanceXY(innerCircleCenter);
96 return fabs(0.00299792458 * m_BFieldZ * (outerCircleRadius - innerCircleRadius));
97 }
101 void setBFieldZ(const double bfieldZ = 1.5) { m_BFieldZ = bfieldZ; }
103 private:
105 double m_BFieldZ = 1.5;
119 };
121 }
DataType Perp2() const
The transverse component squared (R^2 in cylindrical coordinate system).
Definition: B2Vector3.h:196
DataType Perp() const
The transverse component (R in cylindrical coordinate system).
Definition: B2Vector3.h:200
Class that allows the calculation of simple variables to estimate the quality of two triplets of hits...
FourHitVariables(const B2Vector3D &oHit, const B2Vector3D &ocHit, const B2Vector3D &icHit, const B2Vector3D &iHit)
actual useful constructor
void setBFieldZ(const double bfieldZ=1.5)
Set the B-Field value used for pT calculations.
double getCircleCenterPositionDifference()
calculates the distance between the estimated circle centers (using 2 subsets of given hits) in the x...
void setHits(const B2Vector3D &oHit, const B2Vector3D &ocHit, const B2Vector3D &icHit, const B2Vector3D &iHit)
Set hits if not given in constructor of if they need to be changed.
B2Vector3D m_ocHit
second-to-outer hit position
ThreeHitVariables m_innerThreeHitVariables
ThreeHitVariables getter for the inner three hits.
double m_BFieldZ
BField along z to estimate pT.
B2Vector3D m_oHit
outermost hit position
ThreeHitVariables m_outerThreeHitVariables
ThreeHitVariables getter for the outer three hits.
double getDeltaPT()
calculates dpt-value (dpt= difference in transverse momentum of 2 subsets of the hits),...
B2Vector3D m_iHit
innermost hit position
double getCircleRadiusDifference()
calculates dpt-value (dpt= difference in transverse momentum of 2 subsets of the hits),...
B2Vector3D m_icHit
second-to-inner hit position
Class that allows the calculation of simple variables to estimate the quality of a triplet of hits.
B2Vector3D getCircleCenterXY()
calculates an estimation of circleCenter position, result is returned as the x and y value of the B2V...
double calcAvgDistanceXY(const B2Vector3D &circleCenter)
helper function which calculates the average distance in XY from the given center
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.