Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
8#pragma once
10#include <tracking/eventTimeExtraction/findlets/GridEventTimeExtractor.dcl.h>
11#include <tracking/eventTimeExtraction/findlets/BaseEventTimeExtractor.icc.h>
12#include <tracking/eventTimeExtraction/utilities/TimeExtractionUtils.h>
13#include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/utilities/StringManipulation.h>
14#include <framework/core/ModuleParamList.h>
15#include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
17namespace Belle2 {
22 template <class AFindlet>
24 {
25 Super::addProcessingSignalListener(&m_findlet);
26 }
28 template <class AFindlet>
29 void GridEventTimeExtractor<AFindlet>::apply(std::vector<RecoTrack*>& recoTracks)
30 {
31 m_wasSuccessful = false;
33 m_eventT0WithQuality.clear();
35 TimeExtractionUtils::addEventT0WithQuality(recoTracks, m_eventT0, m_eventT0WithQuality);
37 const double eventT0Delta = (m_param_maximalT0Value - m_param_minimalT0Value) / static_cast<double>(m_param_gridSteps);
39 for (unsigned int gridIndex = 0; gridIndex <= m_param_gridSteps; gridIndex++) {
40 const double eventT0Hypothesis = eventT0Delta * static_cast<double>(gridIndex) + m_param_minimalT0Value;
42 m_eventT0->setEventT0(EventT0::EventT0Component(eventT0Hypothesis, NAN, Const::CDC, "grid"));
43 TimeExtractionUtils::addEventT0WithQuality(recoTracks, m_eventT0, m_eventT0WithQuality);
45 for (unsigned int iteration = 0; iteration < m_param_iterations; iteration++) {
46 // The findlet will set the final event t0, but will probably not add any temporary event t0s, which is fine as we will do so.
47 m_findlet.apply(recoTracks);
49 if (m_findlet.wasSuccessful()) {
50 TimeExtractionUtils::addEventT0WithQuality(recoTracks, m_eventT0, m_eventT0WithQuality);
51 } else if (m_param_abortOnUnsuccessfulStep) {
52 B2DEBUG(25, "Aborting because time extraction was not successful.");
53 break;
54 }
55 }
56 }
58 if (not m_eventT0WithQuality.empty()) {
59 m_wasSuccessful = true;
60 // Look for the best event t0 (with the smallest chi2)
61 const auto& bestChi2 = std::max_element(m_eventT0WithQuality.begin(), m_eventT0WithQuality.end(),
62 [](const auto & lhs, const auto & rhs) {
63 return lhs.quality < rhs.quality;
64 });
65 m_eventT0->setEventT0(*bestChi2);
66 } else {
67 // We have changes the event t0, so lets switch it back
68 resetEventT0();
69 }
70 }
72 template <class AFindlet>
73 void GridEventTimeExtractor<AFindlet>::exposeParameters(ModuleParamList* moduleParamList, const std::string& prefix)
74 {
75 Super::exposeParameters(moduleParamList, prefix);
77 moduleParamList->addParameter(TrackFindingCDC::prefixed(prefix, "iterations"),
78 m_param_iterations,
79 "How many iterations should be done?",
80 m_param_iterations);
81 moduleParamList->addParameter(TrackFindingCDC::prefixed(prefix, "abortOnUnsuccessfulStep"),
82 m_param_abortOnUnsuccessfulStep,
83 "Abort on a single unsuccessful step. Otherwise, the success is defined by the last step",
84 m_param_abortOnUnsuccessfulStep);
85 moduleParamList->addParameter(TrackFindingCDC::prefixed(prefix, "maximalT0Value"),
86 m_param_maximalT0Value,
87 "Maximal Grid Value of the T0 extraction",
88 m_param_maximalT0Value);
89 moduleParamList->addParameter(TrackFindingCDC::prefixed(prefix, "minimalT0Value"),
90 m_param_minimalT0Value,
91 "Maximal Grid Value of the T0 extraction",
92 m_param_minimalT0Value);
93 moduleParamList->addParameter(TrackFindingCDC::prefixed(prefix, "gridSteps"),
94 m_param_gridSteps,
95 "Number of steps in the grid",
96 m_param_gridSteps);
98 m_findlet.exposeParameters(moduleParamList, TrackFindingCDC::prefixed("sub", prefix));
99 }
The Module parameter list class.
static void addEventT0WithQuality(const std::vector< RecoTrack * > &recoTracks, StoreObjPtr< EventT0 > &eventT0, std::vector< EventT0::EventT0Component > &eventT0WithQualityIndex)
Append an event-t0 value with quality information.
void addParameter(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module list.
Add the subfindlet as listener.
void exposeParameters(ModuleParamList *moduleParamList, const std::string &prefix) override final
Expose the parameters.
void apply(std::vector< RecoTrack * > &recoTracks) override final
Timing extraction for this findlet.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
Structure for storing the extracted event t0s together with its detector and its uncertainty.
Definition: EventT0.h:33