Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9#pragma once
11#include <bitset>
12#include <utility>
13#include <list>
15namespace Belle2 {
38 friend class HitPatternVXDTest_General_Test;
39 friend class HitPatternVXDTest_NumberingScheme_Test;
40 friend class HitPatternVXDTest_SVDSetterAndGetter_Test;
41 friend class HitPatternVXDTest_PXDSetterAndGetter_Test;
43 public:
46 enum class PXDMode : unsigned short { normal = static_cast<unsigned short>(0), gated = 1 };
52 explicit HitPatternVXD(const unsigned int initValue) : m_pattern(initValue) {}
58 unsigned int getInteger() const { return m_pattern.to_ulong(); }
65 unsigned short getNdf() const;
74 unsigned short getNVXDLayers(const PXDMode& pxdmode = PXDMode::normal) const;
76 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
77 // ---------------- SVD LAYER FUNCTIONS ---------------------------
78 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
86 void setSVDLayer(const unsigned short layerId, unsigned short uHits, unsigned short vHits);
93 std::pair<const unsigned short, const unsigned short> getSVDLayer(const unsigned short layerId) const;
99 void resetSVDLayer(const unsigned short layerId);
105 unsigned short getNSVDHits() const;
111 unsigned short getNSVDLayers() const;
118 short getFirstSVDLayer() const;
125 short getLastSVDLayer() const;
127 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
128 // ---------------- PXD LAYER FUNCTIONS ---------------------------
129 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
138 void setPXDLayer(const unsigned short layerId, unsigned short nHits, const PXDMode& mode = PXDMode::normal);
147 unsigned short getPXDLayer(const unsigned short layerId, const PXDMode& mode = PXDMode::normal) const;
155 void resetPXDLayer(const unsigned short layerId, const PXDMode& mode = PXDMode::normal);
161 unsigned short getNPXDHits() const;
169 unsigned short getNPXDLayers(const PXDMode& mode = PXDMode::normal) const;
178 short getFirstPXDLayer(const PXDMode& mode = PXDMode::normal) const;
186 short getLastPXDLayer(const PXDMode& mode = PXDMode::normal) const;
188 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
189 // ---------------- V0DAUGHTER FUNCTIONS --------------------------
190 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
196 void setInnermostHitShareStatus(const unsigned short innermostHitShareStatus);
202 unsigned short getInnermostHitShareStatus() const;
210 std::string __str__() const;
212 private:
218 std::bitset<32> m_pattern;
220 static const std::bitset<32> s_LayerMasks[6];
221 static const std::bitset<32> s_PXDModeMasks[2];
222 static const std::bitset<32> s_SVDuvMasks[2];
223 static const std::bitset<32> s_V0DaughterMask;
224 static const std::bitset<32> s_infoLayerMask;
226 static const std::list<unsigned short> s_PXDLayerNumbers;
227 static const std::list<unsigned short> s_SVDLayerNumbers;
229 static const unsigned int s_svdUshift = 8;
230 static const unsigned int s_svdVshift = 10;
233 std::bitset<32> getBitset() const { return m_pattern; }
236 std::bitset<32> getLayerMask(const unsigned short layerId) const { return HitPatternVXD::s_LayerMasks[layerId - 1]; }
238 };
Hit pattern of the VXD within a track.
Definition: HitPatternVXD.h:37
short getLastSVDLayer() const
Get the last activated SVD layer index.
static const std::list< unsigned short > s_SVDLayerNumbers
For iterating through layers.
void resetSVDLayer(const unsigned short layerId)
Reset the number of hits in a specific layer of the SVD.
std::bitset< 32 > m_pattern
Storing of actual hit pattern.
std::string __str__() const
String for printing in python.
unsigned short getNSVDLayers() const
Returns the total number of activated layers of the SVD.
unsigned short getNPXDLayers(const PXDMode &mode=PXDMode::normal) const
Returns the total number of activated layers of the PXD.
static const std::bitset< 32 > s_PXDModeMasks[2]
Mask to zero out all bits from other layers.
unsigned int getInteger() const
Getter for the underlying integer.
Definition: HitPatternVXD.h:58
static const std::bitset< 32 > s_V0DaughterMask
Mask to zero out all bits from other layers.
static const std::bitset< 32 > s_SVDuvMasks[2]
Mask to zero out all bits from other layers.
short getFirstSVDLayer() const
Get the first activated SVD layer index.
HitPatternVXD(const unsigned int initValue)
Initialize the pattern with an integer.
Definition: HitPatternVXD.h:52
void setSVDLayer(const unsigned short layerId, unsigned short uHits, unsigned short vHits)
Set the number of hits in a specific layer of the SVD.
unsigned short getNVXDLayers(const PXDMode &pxdmode=PXDMode::normal) const
Return the total number of activated layers in the VXD depending on the mode of the PXD.
void resetPXDLayer(const unsigned short layerId, const PXDMode &mode=PXDMode::normal)
Reset the number of hits in a specific layer of the PXD.
static const std::list< unsigned short > s_PXDLayerNumbers
For iterating through layers.
unsigned short getNPXDHits() const
Get total number of hits in the PXD.
unsigned short getNSVDHits() const
Get total number of hits in the SVD.
void setInnermostHitShareStatus(const unsigned short innermostHitShareStatus)
Set the innermost hit share flags for V0 daughters.
void setPXDLayer(const unsigned short layerId, unsigned short nHits, const PXDMode &mode=PXDMode::normal)
Set the number of hits in a specific layer of the PXD.
std::bitset< 32 > getLayerMask(const unsigned short layerId) const
Getter for the proper layer masks.
Create empty pattern.
Definition: HitPatternVXD.h:49
short getLastPXDLayer(const PXDMode &mode=PXDMode::normal) const
Returns the last activated layer of the PXD depending on the mode.
std::bitset< 32 > getBitset() const
Getter for underlying bitset.
void resetInnermostHitShareStatus()
Reset the innermost hit share flags for V0 daughters.
static const std::bitset< 32 > s_infoLayerMask
Mask to zero out all bits from other layers.
static const std::bitset< 32 > s_LayerMasks[6]
Masks to zero out all bits from other layers.
unsigned short getPXDLayer(const unsigned short layerId, const PXDMode &mode=PXDMode::normal) const
Get the number of hits in a specific layer of the PXD.
static const unsigned int s_svdVshift
for internal shifting to the SVD bits.
static const unsigned int s_svdUshift
for internal shifting to the SVD bits.
short getFirstPXDLayer(const PXDMode &mode=PXDMode::normal) const
Returns the first activated layer of the PXD depending on the mode.
unsigned short getNdf() const
Get degrees of freedom in PXD and SVD.
std::pair< const unsigned short, const unsigned short > getSVDLayer(const unsigned short layerId) const
Get the number of hits in a specific layer of the SVD.
unsigned short getInnermostHitShareStatus() const
Get the innermost hit share flags for V0 daughters.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.