Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9#pragma once
11#include <Rtypes.h>
13namespace Belle2 {
18 namespace TOP {
23 struct Likelihoods {
24 Float_t e = 0;
25 Float_t mu = 0;
26 Float_t pi = 0;
27 Float_t K = 0;
28 Float_t p = 0;
29 Float_t d = 0;
34 void clear()
35 {
36 e = mu = pi = K = p = d = 0;
37 }
38 };
44 struct TrackHit {
45 Int_t moduleID;
46 Int_t PDG;
47 Float_t x;
48 Float_t y;
49 Float_t z;
50 Float_t p;
51 Float_t theta;
52 Float_t phi;
53 Float_t time;
58 TrackHit(): moduleID(0), PDG(0), x(0), y(0), z(0), p(0), theta(0), phi(0), time(0)
59 {}
64 void clear()
65 {
66 moduleID = PDG = 0;
67 x = y = z = p = theta = phi = time = 0;
68 }
70 };
76 struct TOPTree {
77 Int_t evt = 0;
78 Int_t run = 0;
80 Float_t p = 0;
81 Float_t cth = 0;
82 Float_t phi = 0;
83 Float_t pValue = 0;
85 Int_t PDG = 0;
86 Int_t motherPDG = 0;
87 Short_t primary = 0;
88 Short_t seen = 0;
89 Float_t rhoProd = 0;
90 Float_t zProd = 0;
91 Float_t phiProd = 0;
92 Float_t rhoDec = 0;
93 Float_t zDec = 0;
94 Float_t phiDec = 0;
95 Int_t yieldMC = 0;
97 Int_t numPhot = 0;
98 Float_t numBkg = 0;
99 Int_t moduleID = 0;
110 void clear()
111 {
112 evt = 0;
113 run = 0;
115 p = 0;
116 cth = 0;
117 phi = 0;
118 pValue = 0;
120 PDG = 0;
121 motherPDG = 0;
122 primary = 0;
123 seen = 0;
124 rhoProd = 0;
125 zProd = 0;
126 phiProd = 0;
127 rhoDec = 0;
128 zDec = 0;
129 phiDec = 0;
130 yieldMC = 0;
132 numPhot = 0;
133 numBkg = 0;
134 moduleID = 0;
135 phot.clear();
136 yield.clear();
137 logL.clear();
139 extHit.clear();
140 barHit.clear();
141 }
142 };
144 } // TOP namestace
146} // Belle2 namespace
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
Structure for TOPLikelihood members.
Float_t e
for electron
Float_t d
for deuteron
void clear()
Clear the structure: set elements to zero.
Structure of a flat ntuple.
Float_t zDec
decay vertex (cylindrical coordinate z) of MCParticle
Float_t p
momentum magnitude of Track
Likelihoods logL
log likelihoods
Float_t rhoDec
decay vertex (cylindrical coordinate r) of MCParticle
Int_t numPhot
number of detected photons
Int_t moduleID
module ID from TOPLikelihoods
Int_t run
run number
Short_t primary
is a primary particle (from related MCParticle)
Likelihoods yield
effective signal yields by sPlot
Int_t evt
event number
Float_t phi
azimuthal angle of Track
Float_t numBkg
number of expected background photons
Short_t seen
is seen in TOP (from related MCParticle)
TrackHit extHit
extrapolated Track hit (in local module frame)
Int_t motherPDG
PDG code of related mother MCParticle.
Float_t phiProd
production vertex (cylindrical coordinate phi) of MCParticle
Float_t cth
cosine of polar angle of Track
Float_t rhoProd
production vertex (cylindrical coordinate r) of MCParticle
void clear()
Clear the structure: set elements to zero.
Float_t phiDec
decay vertex (cylindrical coordinate phi) of MCParticle
Int_t PDG
PDG code of related MCParticle.
Float_t pValue
p-value of Track fit
Likelihoods phot
number of expected photons (signal + bkg)
Float_t zProd
production vertex (cylindrical coordinate z) of MCParticle
TrackHit barHit
related MC particle hit (in local module frame)
Int_t yieldMC
signal yield MC truth
Structure for track parameters at TOP.
Float_t p
momentum magnitude
Float_t z
impact point, z component
Int_t moduleID
module ID
Float_t theta
momentum polar angle
Float_t time
impact time
Float_t phi
momentum azimuthal angle
Float_t x
impact point, x component
void clear()
Clear the structure: set elements to zero.
Default constructor.
Float_t y
impact point, y component