Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
8#pragma once
10#include <TObject.h>
11#include <TH2F.h>
12#include <map>
14#include <pxd/dbobjects/PXDClusterShapeClassifierPar.h>
15#include <pxd/dbobjects/PXDClusterOffsetPar.h>
17namespace Belle2 {
27 class PXDClusterPositionEstimatorPar: public TObject {
28 public:
33 ~ PXDClusterPositionEstimatorPar() {}
36 void addGrid(int clusterkind, const TH2F& grid)
37 {
38 m_gridmap[clusterkind] = grid;
39 m_shapeClassifiers[clusterkind] = std::vector<PXDClusterShapeClassifierPar>();
41 for (auto uBin = 1; uBin <= m_gridmap[clusterkind].GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); uBin++) {
42 for (auto vBin = 1; vBin <= m_gridmap[clusterkind].GetYaxis()->GetNbins(); vBin++) {
43 auto size = m_shapeClassifiers[clusterkind].size();
44 m_gridmap[clusterkind].SetBinContent(uBin, vBin, size);
45 m_shapeClassifiers[clusterkind].push_back(PXDClusterShapeClassifierPar());
46 }
47 }
48 }
51 const std::map<int, TH2F>& getGridMap() const
52 {
53 return m_gridmap;
54 }
57 void setShapeClassifier(const PXDClusterShapeClassifierPar& classifier, int uBin, int vBin, int clusterkind)
58 {
59 int key = m_gridmap[clusterkind].GetBinContent(uBin, vBin);
60 m_shapeClassifiers[clusterkind][key] = classifier;
61 }
64 const PXDClusterShapeClassifierPar& getShapeClassifier(int uBin, int vBin, int clusterkind) const
65 {
66 int key =, vBin);
67 const PXDClusterShapeClassifierPar& classifier =[key];
68 return classifier;
69 }
72 const PXDClusterShapeClassifierPar& getShapeClassifier(double thetaU, double thetaV, int clusterkind) const
73 {
74 auto grid =;
75 int uBin = grid.GetXaxis()->FindBin(thetaU);
76 int vBin = grid.GetYaxis()->FindBin(thetaV);
77 int key = grid.GetBinContent(uBin, vBin);
78 return[key];
79 }
82 bool hasClassifier(double thetaU, double thetaV, int clusterkind) const
83 {
84 //Check clusterkind is valid
85 if (m_gridmap.find(clusterkind) == m_gridmap.end()) {
86 return false;
87 }
89 // Check thetaU, thetaV are inside grid
90 auto grid =;
91 int uBin = grid.GetXaxis()->FindBin(thetaU);
92 int vBin = grid.GetYaxis()->FindBin(thetaV);
93 int uBins = grid.GetXaxis()->GetNbins();
94 int vBins = grid.GetYaxis()->GetNbins();
95 if ((uBin < 1) || (uBin > uBins) || (vBin < 1) || (vBin > vBins))
96 return false;
98 return true;
99 }
102 const PXDClusterOffsetPar* getOffset(int shape_index, float eta, double thetaU, double thetaV, int clusterkind) const
103 {
104 //Check if there is a classifier
105 if (not hasClassifier(thetaU, thetaV, clusterkind)) {
106 return nullptr;
107 }
108 const PXDClusterShapeClassifierPar& classifier = getShapeClassifier(thetaU, thetaV, clusterkind);
109 return classifier.getOffset(shape_index, eta);
110 }
113 float getShapeLikelyhood(int shape_index, double thetaU, double thetaV, int clusterkind) const
114 {
115 // Return zero if there no classifier
116 if (not hasClassifier(thetaU, thetaV, clusterkind)) {
117 return 0;
118 }
119 auto likelyhoodMap = getShapeClassifier(thetaU, thetaV, clusterkind).getShapeLikelyhoodMap();
121 // Return zero if no likelyhood was estimated
122 auto it = likelyhoodMap.find(shape_index);
123 if (it == likelyhoodMap.end())
124 return 0;
126 return it->second;
127 }
129 private:
132 std::map<int, TH2F> m_gridmap;
134 std::map<int, std::vector<PXDClusterShapeClassifierPar> > m_shapeClassifiers;
137 };
139} // end of namespace Belle2
The class for PXD cluster position offset payload.
The class for PXD cluster position lookup table payload.
void setShapeClassifier(const PXDClusterShapeClassifierPar &classifier, int uBin, int vBin, int clusterkind)
Set shape classifier.
ClassDef(PXDClusterPositionEstimatorPar, 2)
ClassDef, must be the last term before the closing {}.
const PXDClusterShapeClassifierPar & getShapeClassifier(double thetaU, double thetaV, int clusterkind) const
Returns shape classifier for incidence angles and clusterkind.
const PXDClusterOffsetPar * getOffset(int shape_index, float eta, double thetaU, double thetaV, int clusterkind) const
Returns correction (offset) for cluster shape relative to center of pixel (startU/startV) if availabl...
float getShapeLikelyhood(int shape_index, double thetaU, double thetaV, int clusterkind) const
Returns shape likelyhood.
std::map< int, TH2F > m_gridmap
Map of angular grids for different clusterkinds
const PXDClusterShapeClassifierPar & getShapeClassifier(int uBin, int vBin, int clusterkind) const
Returns shape classifier.
bool hasClassifier(double thetaU, double thetaV, int clusterkind) const
Returns True if there is a classifier available.
void addGrid(int clusterkind, const TH2F &grid)
Add grid for clusterkind.
const std::map< int, TH2F > & getGridMap() const
Return grid map.
std::map< int, std::vector< PXDClusterShapeClassifierPar > > m_shapeClassifiers
Map of cluster shape classifiers for different clusterkinds.
The class for PXD cluster shape classifier payload.
const std::map< int, float > & getShapeLikelyhoodMap() const
Return shape likelyhood map
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.