Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9#pragma once
11#include <pxd/dataobjects/PXDErrorFlags.h>
13#include <boost/endian/arithmetic.hpp>
20namespace Belle2 {
26 namespace PXD {
29 using ulittle16_t = boost::endian::little_uint16_t;
31 using ulittle32_t = boost::endian::little_uint32_t;
33 using ubig16_t = boost::endian::big_uint16_t;
35 using ubig32_t = boost::endian::big_uint32_t;
37 using Belle2::PXD::PXDError::PXDErrorFlags;
48 inline ubig16_t getData(void) const
49 {
50 return data;
51 };
53 inline unsigned short getFrameType(void) const
54 {
55 return (data & 0x7800) >> 11;
56 };
58 inline unsigned short getErrorFlag(void) const
59 {
60 return (data & 0x8000) >> 15;
61 };
63 inline unsigned short getMisc(void) const
64 {
65 return data & 0x7FF;
66 };
68 void print(void) const;
69 };
84 const unsigned int crc32;
85 // fixed length, only for reading
88 inline unsigned short getRunSubrun(void) const
89 {
90 return run_subrun;
91 };
93 inline unsigned short getExpRun(void) const
94 {
95 return exp_run;
96 };
98 inline unsigned short getEventNrLo(void) const
99 {
100 return trigger_nr_lo;
101 };
103 inline unsigned short getEventNrHi(void) const
104 {
105 return trigger_nr_hi;
106 };
109 bool isFakedData(void) const;
111 inline unsigned int getFixedSize(void) const
112 {
113 return 20;
114 };
116 void print(void) const;
118 inline unsigned short get_active_dhe_mask(void) const
119 {
120 return word0.getMisc() & 0x1F;
121 };
123 inline unsigned short get_dhc_id(void) const
124 {
125 return (word0.getMisc() >> 5) & 0xF;
126 };
128 inline unsigned short get_subrun(void) const
129 {
130 return run_subrun & 0x00FF;
131 };
133 inline unsigned short get_run(void) const
134 {
135 return (((run_subrun & 0xFF00) >> 8) | ((exp_run & 0x003F) << 8));
136 };
138 inline unsigned short get_experiment(void) const
139 {
140 return (exp_run & 0xFFC0) >> 6;
141 };
143 inline unsigned short get_gated_flag(void) const
144 {
145 return (word0.getMisc() & 0x200) != 0;
146 };
148 inline unsigned short get_gated_isher(void) const
149 {
150 return (word0.getMisc() & 0x400) != 0;
151 };
152 };
165 const unsigned int crc32;
166 // fixed length
169 inline unsigned short getEventNrLo(void) const
170 {
171 return trigger_nr_lo;
172 };
174 inline unsigned short getEventNrHi(void) const
175 {
176 return trigger_nr_hi;
177 };
179 inline unsigned short getStartFrameNr(void) const
180 {
181 return (sfnr_offset & 0xFC00) >> 10;
182 };
184 inline unsigned short getTriggerGate(void) const
185 {
186 return sfnr_offset & 0xFF;
187 };
189 inline unsigned int getFixedSize(void) const
190 {
191 return 16;
192 };
194 void print(void) const;
196 inline unsigned int getActiveDHPMask(void) const
197 {
198 return word0.getMisc() & 0xF;
199 };
201 inline unsigned int getDHEId(void) const
202 {
203 return (word0.getMisc() >> 4) & 0x3F;
204 };
205 };
215 const ubig16_t data[96];
216 const unsigned int crc32;
217 // fixed length
220 inline unsigned short getEventNrLo(void) const
221 {
222 return trigger_nr_lo;
223 };
225 inline unsigned int getFixedSize(void) const
226 {
227 return (4 + 96) * 2;
228 };
230 inline unsigned int getDHEId(void) const
231 {
232 return (word0.getMisc() >> 4) & 0x3F;
233 };
234 };
243 // an unbelievable amount of words may follow
244 // and finally a 32 bit checksum
247 inline unsigned short getEventNrLo(void) const
248 {
249 return trigger_nr_lo;
250 };
252 void print(void) const;
254 inline unsigned short getDHEId(void) const
255 {
256 return (word0.getMisc() >> 4) & 0x3F;
257 };
259 inline unsigned short getDHPPort(void) const
260 {
261 return (word0.getMisc()) & 0x3;
262 };
264 inline bool getDataReformattedFlag(void) const
265 {
266 return (word0.getMisc() >> 3) & 0x1;
267 };
268 };
275 };
282 };
297 const unsigned int crc32;
300 inline unsigned int getFixedSize(void) const
301 {
302 return 32;
303 };
305 inline unsigned short get_trig_nr0(void) const
306 {
307 return trignr0;
308 };
310 inline unsigned int get_trig_nr1(void) const
311 {
312 return trignr1;
313 };
315 inline unsigned int get_trig_nr2(void) const
316 {
317 return trignr2;
318 };
320 inline unsigned int get_trig_tag1(void) const
321 {
322 return trigtag1;
323 };
325 inline unsigned int get_trig_tag2(void) const
326 {
327 return trigtag2;
328 };
330 inline unsigned short get_subrun1(void) const
331 {
332 return trigtag1 & 0xFF;
333 };
335 inline unsigned short get_run1(void) const
336 {
337 return ((trigtag1 & 0x003FFF00) >> 8);
338 };
340 inline unsigned short get_experiment1(void) const
341 {
342 return (trigtag1 & 0xFFC00000) >> 22;
343 };
345 inline unsigned short get_subrun2(void) const
346 {
347 return trigtag2 & 0xFF;
348 };
350 inline unsigned short get_run2(void) const
351 {
352 return ((trigtag2 & 0x003FFF00) >> 8);
353 };
355 inline unsigned short get_experiment2(void) const
356 {
357 return (trigtag2 & 0xFFC00000) >> 22;
358 };
360 void print(void) const;
363 void check_error(
364 PXDErrorFlags& errormask,
365 bool ignore_datcon_flag = false,
366 bool ignore_hltroi_magic_flag = false,
367 bool ignore_merger_mm_flag = false
368 ) const;
371 inline bool is_fake_datcon(void) const
372 {
373 return (magic2 == 0xCAFE0000 && trignr2 == 0x00000000 && trigtag2 == 0x00000000);
374 };
376 inline bool is_Accepted(void) const
377 {
378 return (magic1 & 0x8000) != 0;
379 };
381 inline bool is_SendROIs(void) const
382 {
383 return (magic1 & 0x2000) != 0;
384 };
386 inline bool is_SendUnfiltered(void) const
387 {
388 return (magic1 & 0x4000) != 0;
389 };
390 };
399 // plus n* ROIs (64 bit)
400 // plus inner checksum 32bit
401 // plus checksum 32bit
404 inline unsigned short get_trig_nr0(void) const
405 {
406 return trignr0;
407 };
409 void check_error(
410 PXDErrorFlags& errormask,
411 int length,
412 bool ignore_inv_size_flag = false
413 ) const;
415 void print(void) const;
417 inline int getMinSize(void) const {return 4 + 4 + 4;};
419 unsigned int check_inner_crc(PXDErrorFlags& /*errormask*/, unsigned int /*length*/) const
420 {
421 // Parts of the data are now in the ONSEN Trigger frame,
422 // therefore the inner CRC cannot be checked that easily!
423 // TODO can be re-implemented if needed
424 return 0;
425 };
426 };
435 const unsigned int crc32;
439 inline unsigned int getFixedSize(void) const
440 {
441 return 8;
442 };
444 void print(void) const;
446 inline unsigned short getDHEId(void) const
447 {
448 return (word0.getMisc() >> 4) & 0x3F;
449 };
451 inline unsigned short getDHPPort(void) const
452 {
453 return (word0.getMisc()) & 0x3;
454 };
456 unsigned short getErrorBits(void) const;
457 };
468 const unsigned int crc32;
469 // fixed length
472 unsigned int get_words(void) const
473 {
474 return wordsinevent;
475 }
477 inline unsigned int getFixedSize(void) const
478 {
479 return 16;
480 };
482 bool isFakedData(void) const;
484 void print(void) const;
486 inline unsigned int get_dhc_id(void) const
487 {
488 return (word0.getMisc() >> 5) & 0xF;
489 };
491 inline unsigned int getErrorInfo(void) const
492 {
493 return errorinfo;
494 };
495 };
507 const unsigned int crc32;
508 // fixed length
511 unsigned int get_words(void) const
512 {
513 return wordsineventlo | ((unsigned int)wordsineventhi << 16);
514 }
516 inline unsigned int getFixedSize(void) const
517 {
518 return 16;
519 };
521 void print(void) const;
523 inline unsigned int getDHEId(void) const
524 {
525 return (word0.getMisc() >> 4) & 0x3F;
526 };
528 inline unsigned int getErrorInfo(void) const
529 {
530 return errorinfo;
531 };
533 unsigned int getErrorStateMachineDHP(int dhpid) const;
535 unsigned int getErrorStateMachineStartDHP(int dhpid) const;
537 unsigned int getErrorStateMachineEndDHP(int dhpid) const;
538 };
551 public:
552 union {
553 const void* data;
565 };
566 unsigned int datasize;
567 int type;
568 int length;
572 {
573 data = 0;
574 datasize = 0;
575 type = -1;
576 length = 0;
577 };
579 int getFrameType(void)
580 {
581 return type;
582 };
587 void set(const void* d, unsigned int t)
588 {
589 data = d;
590 type = t;
591 length = 0;
592 };
598 void set(const void* d, unsigned int t, unsigned int l)
599 {
600 data = d;
601 type = t;
602 length = l;
603 };
607 void set(const void* d)
608 {
609 data = d;
610 type = reinterpret_cast <const dhc_frame_header_word0*>(data)->getFrameType();
611 length = 0;
612 };
614 inline unsigned int getEventNrLo(void) const
615 {
616 return ((ubig16_t*)data)[1];
617 };
619 void check_padding(PXDErrorFlags& errormask);
621 void check_crc(PXDErrorFlags& errormask, bool ignore_crc_flag = false);
624 unsigned int getFixedSize(void);
626 };
627 };
DHC frame wrapper class.
const dhc_ghost_frame * data_ghost_frame
void set(const void *d, unsigned int t, unsigned int l)
set data, type and length
const dhc_direct_readout_frame_zsd * data_direct_readout_frame_zsd
unsigned int getEventNrLo(void) const
get event nr lo (from data)
const dhc_end_frame * data_dhc_end_frame
const void * data
no type
void set(const void *d)
set data (get type from dhc_frame_header_word0 and set length to 0)
unsigned int getFixedSize(void)
get fixed size
int getFrameType(void)
get type of frame
const dhc_dhe_start_frame * data_dhe_start_frame
void set(const void *d, unsigned int t)
set data and type (and length to 0)
const dhc_start_frame * data_dhc_start_frame
const dhc_direct_readout_frame * data_direct_readout_frame
const dhc_dhe_end_frame * data_dhe_end_frame
void check_padding(PXDErrorFlags &errormask)
check padding and return it
const dhc_onsen_roi_frame * data_onsen_roi_frame
const dhc_direct_readout_frame_raw * data_direct_readout_frame_raw
const dhc_commode_frame * data_commode_frame
void check_crc(PXDErrorFlags &errormask, bool ignore_crc_flag=false)
check crc and return it
unsigned int datasize
set default values
const dhc_onsen_trigger_frame * data_onsen_trigger_frame
boost::endian::little_uint16_t ulittle16_t
define alias ulittle16_t
boost::endian::big_uint32_t ubig32_t
define alias ubig32_t
boost::endian::little_uint32_t ulittle32_t
define alias ulittle32_t
boost::endian::big_uint16_t ubig16_t
define alias ubig16_t
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
DHH common mode frame data struct.
const dhc_frame_header_word0 word0
unsigned int getFixedSize(void) const
100 words
const unsigned int crc32
const ubig16_t trigger_nr_lo
unsigned int getDHEId(void) const
get DHE Id (from word0)
unsigned short getEventNrLo(void) const
get trigger_nr_lo
DHE End frame data struct.
const dhc_frame_header_word0 word0
unsigned int getFixedSize(void) const
get fixed size
const unsigned int crc32
unsigned int get_words(void) const
get words
const ubig16_t trigger_nr_lo
unsigned int getDHEId(void) const
get DHE Id
unsigned int getErrorStateMachineStartDHP(int dhpid) const
get error state machine start DHP
const ubig16_t wordsineventhi
unsigned int getErrorStateMachineDHP(int dhpid) const
get error state machine DHP
const ubig16_t wordsineventlo
words swapped... because of DHE 16 bit handling
unsigned int getErrorInfo(void) const
get error info
unsigned int getErrorStateMachineEndDHP(int dhpid) const
get error state machine end DHP
const ubig32_t errorinfo
not well defined yet
DHH start frame data struct.
const ubig16_t dhe_time_tag_hi
const ubig16_t trigger_nr_hi
const dhc_frame_header_word0 word0
const ubig16_t dhe_time_tag_lo
unsigned int getFixedSize(void) const
8 words
const ubig16_t trigger_nr_lo
unsigned int getDHEId(void) const
get DHE Id (from word0)
unsigned short getEventNrLo(void) const
get trigger_nr_lo
const ubig16_t sfnr_offset
unsigned short getTriggerGate(void) const
trigger gate (updated to 8 bit, before 10!)
unsigned short getStartFrameNr(void) const
last DHP frame before trigger
unsigned short getEventNrHi(void) const
get trigger_nr_hi
unsigned int getActiveDHPMask(void) const
get Active DHP Mask (from word0)
DHC RAW direct readout frame data struct.
DHC Zero supressed direct readout frame data struct.
DHC direct readout frame data struct.
const dhc_frame_header_word0 word0
const ubig16_t trigger_nr_lo
unsigned short getEventNrLo(void) const
get trigger_nr_lo
bool getDataReformattedFlag(void) const
get DataReformattedFlag (from word0)
unsigned short getDHEId(void) const
get DHE Id (from word0)
unsigned short getDHPPort(void) const
get DHP Port (from word0)
DHC End frame data struct.
void print(void) const
const dhc_frame_header_word0 word0
unsigned int getFixedSize(void) const
get fixed size
const unsigned int crc32
unsigned int get_words(void) const
get words
const ubig16_t trigger_nr_lo
bool isFakedData(void) const
is faked data
unsigned int get_dhc_id(void) const
get dhc id (from word0)
unsigned int getErrorInfo(void) const
get error info
const ubig32_t wordsinevent
const ubig32_t errorinfo
DHC frame header word data struct.
unsigned short getMisc(void) const
get misc
ubig16_t getData(void) const
get the data
unsigned short getFrameType(void) const
get type of frame
unsigned short getErrorFlag(void) const
get error flag
DHC Ghost frame data struct.
const dhc_frame_header_word0 word0
unsigned int getFixedSize(void) const
fixed length
const unsigned int crc32
const ubig16_t trigger_nr_lo
unsigned short getErrorBits(void) const
get Error Bits
unsigned short getDHEId(void) const
get DHE Id (from word0)
unsigned short getDHPPort(void) const
get DDHP port (from word0)
ONSEN (debug) ROI frame data struct.
const dhc_frame_header_word0 word0
mainly empty
unsigned short get_trig_nr0(void) const
get trignr0
unsigned int check_inner_crc(PXDErrorFlags &, unsigned int) const
check inner crc (currently not implemented/needed)
void check_error(PXDErrorFlags &errormask, int length, bool ignore_inv_size_flag=false) const
check error and return error mask
int getMinSize(void) const
4 byte header, ROIS (n*8), 4 byte copy of inner CRC, 4 byte outer CRC
ONSEN Trigger frame data struct.
unsigned short get_subrun1(void) const
get subrun1 (from trigtag1)
const dhc_frame_header_word0 word0
unsigned int getFixedSize(void) const
8*4 bytes might still be changed
unsigned int get_trig_nr1(void) const
get trignr1
bool is_SendUnfiltered(void) const
is sendUnfiltered
const ubig32_t trignr2
redundant, DATCON Trigger/Tag part 1
const ubig32_t magic1
CAFExxxx , redundant.
const ubig32_t trigtag2
redundant, DATCON Trigger/Tag part 2
bool is_SendROIs(void) const
is sendROIs
void check_error(PXDErrorFlags &errormask, bool ignore_datcon_flag=false, bool ignore_hltroi_magic_flag=false, bool ignore_merger_mm_flag=false) const
check error and return error mask
const ubig32_t trignr1
HLT Trigger/Tag part 1.
unsigned int get_trig_tag2(void) const
get trigtag2
unsigned int get_trig_tag1(void) const
get trigtag1
unsigned short get_run2(void) const
get run2 (from trigtag2)
bool is_fake_datcon(void) const
is fake datcon
const ubig32_t magic2
CAFExxxx, redundant.
unsigned short get_experiment1(void) const
get experiment1 (from trigtag1)
unsigned int get_trig_nr2(void) const
get trignr2
unsigned short get_experiment2(void) const
get experiment2
unsigned short get_trig_nr0(void) const
get trignr0
unsigned short get_subrun2(void) const
get subrun2 (from trigtag2)
bool is_Accepted(void) const
is accepted
unsigned short get_run1(void) const
get run1 (from trigtag1)
const ubig32_t trigtag1
HLT Trigger/Tag part 2.
DHC start frame data struct.
void print(void) const
const ubig16_t trigger_nr_hi
const dhc_frame_header_word0 word0
unsigned int getFixedSize(void) const
get fixed size (byte)
const ubig16_t exp_run
const unsigned int crc32
unsigned short get_gated_isher(void) const
get gated_isher (from word0)
const ubig16_t trigger_nr_lo
unsigned short get_subrun(void) const
get subrun (from run_subrun)
unsigned short getRunSubrun(void) const
get run_subrun
unsigned short get_run(void) const
get run (from run_subrun)
unsigned short get_dhc_id(void) const
get dhc_id (from word0)
const ubig16_t time_tag_hi
const ubig16_t time_tag_mid
bool isFakedData(void) const
unsigned short getEventNrLo(void) const
get trigger_nr_lo
unsigned short getExpRun(void) const
get exp_run
unsigned short get_experiment(void) const
get experiment (from exp_run)
unsigned short get_gated_flag(void) const
get gated_flag (from word0)
unsigned short get_active_dhe_mask(void) const
get active_dhe_mask (from word0)
const ubig16_t run_subrun
const ubig16_t time_tag_lo_and_type
unsigned short getEventNrHi(void) const
get trigger_nr_hi