Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9#pragma once
11#include <framework/core/Module.h>
12#include <framework/datastore/SelectSubset.h>
13#include <pxd/dataobjects/PXDDigit.h>
14#include <framework/database/DBObjPtr.h>
16namespace Belle2 {
21 class ROIid;
22 class ROISimulationParameters;
28 class PXDdigiFilterModule : public Module {
30 public:
37 private:
42 void initialize() override final;
47 void beginRun() override final;
52 void event() override final;
55 void filterDigits();
58 void copyDigits();
66 int m_skipEveryNth = -1;
68 std::string m_PXDDigitsName;
71 std::string m_ROIidsName;
74 bool m_CreateOutside = false;
75 bool m_overrideDB = false;
76 bool m_usePXDDataReduction = false;
78 };
Class for accessing objects in the database.
Definition: DBObjPtr.h:21
Base class for Modules.
Definition: Module.h:72
The module produce a StoreArray of PXDDigit inside the ROIs, thus simulating "ONSEN" ROI selection.
void initialize() override final
bool m_overrideDB
if set, overwrites ROI-finding settings in DB
int m_countNthEvent
Event counter to be able to disable data reduction for every Nth event.
int m_skipEveryNth
Parameter from DB for how many events to skip data reduction.
void copyDigits()
all the actual work is done here
DBObjPtr< ROISimulationParameters > m_ROISimulationParameters
Configuration parameters for ROIs.
SelectSubset< PXDDigit > m_selectorIN
selector of the subset of PXDDigits contained in the ROIs
bool m_usePXDDataReduction
enables/disables ROI-finding if overwriteDB=True
void event() override final
This method is called for each event.
std::string m_PXDDigitsOutsideROIName
The name of the StoreArray of Filtered PXDDigits.
std::string m_ROIidsName
The name of the StoreArray of ROIs.
StoreArray< PXDDigit > m_PXDDigits
StoreArray containing the input PXDDigits.
void beginRun() override final
Called when entering a new run.
std::string m_PXDDigitsName
The name of the StoreArray of PXDDigits to be filtered.
void filterDigits()
all the actual work is done here
Constructor: Sets the description, the properties and the parameters of the module.
bool m_CreateOutside
if set, create list of outside pixels, too
std::string m_PXDDigitsInsideROIName
The name of the StoreArray of Filtered PXDDigits.
SelectSubset< PXDDigit > m_selectorOUT
selector of the subset of PXDDigits NOT contained in the ROIs
StoreArray< ROIid > m_ROIs
StoreArray containing the ROIs.
Class to create a subset of a given StoreArray together with the relations with other StoreArrays.
Definition: SelectSubset.h:193
Accessor to arrays stored in the data store.
Definition: StoreArray.h:113
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.