Class to build, validate and sort a particle decay chain.
MCParticleGraph m_particleGraph
Particle graph to generate MCParticle list.
std::string m_xVertexDist
String representation of the x vertex distribution.
std::string m_zVertexDist
String representation of the z vertex distribution.
void initialize() override
Initializes the module.
void event() override
Method is called for each event.
std::string m_timeDist
String representation of the time distribution.
virtual ~ParticleGunModule()
ParticleGun::Parameters m_parameters
Parameters of the particle gun.
std::string m_momentumDist
String representation of the momentum distribution.
std::string m_vertexDist
String representation of the vertex distribution.
std::string m_thetaDist
String representation of the polar angle distribution.
ParticleGun::EDistribution convertDistribution(std::string name)
function to convert the strings the uses sets in the parameter list to the internal encoding
std::string m_phiDist
String representation of the azimuth angle distribution.
ParticleGun m_particleGun
Instance of the particle gun.
std::string m_yVertexDist
String representation of the y vertex distribution.
Class to generate tracks in the particle gun and store them in a MCParticle graph.
enum containing all known distributions available for generation of values
Struct to keep all necessary parameters for the particle gun.