Class for handling LookUp tables.
void printAxis() const
Prints axis information to the B2INFO stream.
int findBin(ParticleWeightingBinLimits *bin) const
Returns id of bin with given bin limits Returns out-of-range binID if can't find.
const int m_outOfRangeBinID
ID of out-of-range bin.
bool isOverlappingBin(ParticleWeightingBinLimits *bin)
Return TRUE if bin exists or overlaps with existing.
std::string getName() const
Returns name of an axis.
void setName(const std::string &name)
Sets name of an axis.
int addBin(ParticleWeightingBinLimits *bin)
Check if bin exists and creates it if not.
Just pair of numbers - min and max values of bin border.