Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
9#include <svd/online/SVDIgnoredStripsMap.h>
10#include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>
11#include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
12#include <framework/utilities/FileSystem.h>
14using namespace Belle2;
15using namespace std;
16using boost::property_tree::ptree;
20 m_Map(12), m_lastSensorID(0)
22 // If the xmlFilename is empty, the user apparently doesn't want the map.
23 // So keep low-profile, don't bother.
24 if (xmlFilename == "") {
25 B2INFO("No xml list of ignored strips specified.");
26 return;
27 }
28 // Create an empty property tree object
30 ptree propertyTree;
32 // Load the XML file into the property tree. If reading fails
33 // (cannot open file, parse error), an exception is thrown.
34 string xmlFullPath = FileSystem::findFile(xmlFilename);
36 if (! FileSystem::fileExists(xmlFullPath)) {
37 B2WARNING("The xml filename: " << xmlFilename << endl <<
38 "resolved to: " << xmlFullPath << endl <<
39 "by FileSystem::findFile does not exist." << endl <<
40 "SVD ignored strips map cannot be initialized." << endl
41 );
42 return;
43 }
45 try {
46 read_xml(xmlFullPath, propertyTree);
47 } catch (std::exception const& ex) {
48 B2WARNING("STD excpetion raised during xml parsing " << ex.what() << endl <<
49 "SVD ignored strips map cannot be initialized." << endl);
50 return;
51 } catch (...) {
52 B2WARNING("Unknown excpetion raised during xml parsing "
53 "SVD ignored strips map cannot be initialized." << endl);
54 return;
55 }
57 try {
58 // traverse the xml tree: navigate through the daughters of <SVD>
59 VxdID sensorID;
60 for (ptree::value_type const& layer : propertyTree.get_child("SVD"))
61 if (layer.first == "layer") {
62 sensorID.setLayerNumber(static_cast<unsigned short>(layer.second.get<int>("<xmlattr>.n")));
63 for (ptree::value_type const& ladder : layer.second)
64 if (ladder.first == "ladder") {
65 sensorID.setLadderNumber(static_cast<unsigned short>(ladder.second.get<int>("<xmlattr>.n")));
66 for (ptree::value_type const& sensor : ladder.second)
67 if (sensor.first == "sensor") {
68 sensorID.setSensorNumber(static_cast<unsigned short>(sensor.second.get<int>("<xmlattr>.n")));
69 for (ptree::value_type const& side : sensor.second)
70 if (side.first == "side") {
71 std::string tagSide = side.second.get<std::string>("<xmlattr>.side");
72 sensorID.setSegmentNumber((tagSide == "U" || tagSide == "u") ? 1 : 0);
73 // We have complete VxdID, now we read the list of strips.
74 IgnoredStripsSet strips;
75 for (ptree::value_type const& tag : side.second)
76 if (tag.first == "strip") {
77 strips.insert(tag.second.get<unsigned short>("<xmlattr>.stripNo"));
78 } else if (tag.first == "stripsFromTo") {
79 auto limits = tag.second;
80 unsigned short fromStrip = limits.get<unsigned short>("<xmlattr>.fromStrip");
81 unsigned short toStrip = limits.get<unsigned short>("<xmlattr>.toStrip");
82 for (unsigned short iStrip = fromStrip; iStrip <= toStrip; iStrip++)
83 strips.insert(iStrip);
84 }
85 m_Map.insert(std::pair<unsigned short, IgnoredStripsSet>(sensorID.getID(), strips));
86 } // if side
87 } // if sensor
88 } // if ladder
89 } // if sensor
90 } catch (...) {
91 B2WARNING("Unknown excpetion raised during map initialization! "
92 "SVD ignored strips map may be corrupted." << endl);
93 return;
94 }
97const std::set<unsigned short>& SVDIgnoredStripsMap::getIgnoredStrips(VxdID id)
99 if (id == m_lastSensorID)
100 return m_lastIgnored;
101 else {
102 m_lastSensorID = id;
103 auto mapIter = m_Map.find(id);
104 if (mapIter != m_Map.end()) {
105 m_lastIgnored = mapIter->second;
106 } else {
107 m_lastIgnored.clear();
108 }
109 return m_lastIgnored;
110 }
113bool SVDIgnoredStripsMap::stripOK(VxdID id, unsigned short strip)
115 if (id != m_lastSensorID) {
116 m_lastSensorID = id;
117 auto mapIter = m_Map.find(id);
118 if (mapIter != m_Map.end()) {
119 m_lastIgnored = mapIter->second;
120 } else {
121 m_lastIgnored.clear();
122 return true;
123 }
124 }
125 return (m_lastIgnored.count(strip) == 0);
static std::string findFile(const std::string &path, bool silent=false)
Search for given file or directory in local or central release directory, and return absolute path if...
static bool fileExists(const std::string &filename)
Check if the file with given filename exists.
bool stripOK(VxdID id, unsigned short strip)
Check whether a strip on a given sensor is OK or not.
const std::set< unsigned short > & getIgnoredStrips(VxdID id)
Get the set of ignored strips for a sensor.
IgnoredStripsSet m_lastIgnored
Set of ingored strips for the most currently queried sensor.
VxdID m_lastSensorID
The most currently queried sensor number.
std::set< unsigned short > IgnoredStripsSet
A set of ignored strips.
No default constructor.
std::unordered_map< unsigned short, IgnoredStripsSet > m_Map
Structure holiding sets of ingored strips for all sensors.
Class to uniquely identify a any structure of the PXD and SVD.
Definition: VxdID.h:33
void setSegmentNumber(baseType segment)
Set the sensor segment.
Definition: VxdID.h:113
baseType getID() const
Get the unique id.
Definition: VxdID.h:94
void setSensorNumber(baseType sensor)
Set the sensor id.
Definition: VxdID.h:111
void setLadderNumber(baseType ladder)
Set the ladder id.
Definition: VxdID.h:109
void setLayerNumber(baseType layer)
Set the layer id.
Definition: VxdID.h:107
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.
STL namespace.