11#include <calibration/CalibrationCollectorModule.h>
Calibration collector module base class.
Collector module used to create the histograms needed for the SVD dE/dx calibration.
double m_secondElectronSVDdEdx
SVD dE/dx response for the second electron.
void prepare() override final
Initialize the module.
double m_kaonSVDdEdx
SVD dE/dx response for the kaon from the D0.
double m_firstElectronMomentum
momentum for the first electron
double m_protonMomentum
momentum for the proton from the Lambda
double m_pionLambdap
momentum for the pion from the Lambda
std::string m_LambdaListName
Name of the Lambda particle list.
double m_pionDp
momentum for the pion from the D0
double m_protonSVDdEdx
SVD dE/dx response for the proton from the Lambda.
double m_InvMDstar
Invariant mass of Dstar candidates.
double m_InvMD0
Invariant mass of D0 candidates.
double m_slowPionMomentum
momentum for the pion from the Dstar
double m_slowPionSVDdEdx
SVD dE/dx response for the pion from the Dstar.
void collect() override final
Event processor.
double m_DeltaM
deltaM = m(Dstar)-m(D0)
double m_InvMGamma
Invariant mass of converted photon candidates.
int m_exp
experiment number
double m_firstElectronSVDdEdx
SVD dE/dx response for the first electron.
double m_InvMLambda
Invariant mass of Lambda candidates.
double m_pionLambdaSVDdEdx
SVD dE/dx response for the pion from the Lambda.
std::string m_DstarListName
Name of the Dstar particle list.
double m_pionDSVDdEdx
SVD dE/dx response for the pion from the D0.
std::string m_GammaListName
Name of the Gamma particle list.
double m_secondElectronMomentum
momentum for the second electron
double m_kaonMomentum
momentum for the kaon from the D0
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.