Belle II Software development
2 * basf2 (Belle II Analysis Software Framework) *
3 * Author: The Belle II Collaboration *
4 * *
5 * See git log for contributors and copyright holders. *
6 * This file is licensed under LGPL-3.0, see *
7 **************************************************************************/
8#include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/findlets/minimal/SegmentOrienter.h>
10#include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/eventdata/segments/CDCSegment2D.h>
12#include <tracking/trackFindingCDC/utilities/StringManipulation.h>
14#include <framework/core/ModuleParamList.templateDetails.h>
15#include <framework/logging/Logger.h>
17using namespace Belle2;
18using namespace TrackFindingCDC;
22 return "Fixes the flight direction of segments to a preferred orientation by simple heuristics.";
26void SegmentOrienter::exposeParameters(ModuleParamList* moduleParamList, const std::string& prefix)
28 moduleParamList->addParameter(prefixed(prefix, "SegmentOrientation"),
30 "Option which orientation of segments shall be generate. "
31 "Valid options are '' (default of the finder), "
32 "'none' (one orientation, algorithm dependent), "
33 "'symmetric', "
34 "'curling', "
35 "'outwards', "
36 "'downwards'.",
43 if (m_param_segmentOrientationString != std::string("")) {
44 try {
46 } catch (std::invalid_argument& e) {
47 B2ERROR("Unexpected 'SegmentOrientation' parameter : '" << m_param_segmentOrientationString);
48 }
49 }
52void SegmentOrienter::apply(const std::vector<CDCSegment2D>& inputSegments,
53 std::vector<CDCSegment2D>& outputSegments)
56 if (m_segmentOrientation == EPreferredDirection::c_None) {
57 // Copy the segments unchanged.
58 outputSegments = inputSegments;
60 } else if (m_segmentOrientation == EPreferredDirection::c_Symmetric) {
61 outputSegments.reserve(2 * inputSegments.size());
62 for (const CDCSegment2D& segment : inputSegments) {
63 outputSegments.push_back(segment);
64 if (segment->hasReverseFlag()) continue; // Already a reverse found in the facet ca
65 outputSegments.back()->setReverseFlag();
66 outputSegments.push_back(segment.reversed());
67 outputSegments.back()->setReverseFlag();
68 }
70 } else if (m_segmentOrientation == EPreferredDirection::c_Curling) {
71 // Only make a copy for segments that are curling inside the CDC
72 // Others fix to flighing outwards
73 outputSegments.reserve(1.5 * inputSegments.size());
74 for (const CDCSegment2D& segment : inputSegments) {
75 if (segment->hasReverseFlag()) {
76 outputSegments.push_back(segment);
77 continue; // Already a reverse found in the facet ca
78 }
79 const CDCTrajectory2D& trajectory2D = segment.getTrajectory2D();
80 bool isFitted = trajectory2D.isFitted();
81 bool isCurler = trajectory2D.isCurler(1.1);
82 bool isOriginer = trajectory2D.isOriginer();
83 // Trajectory is leaving the CDC starting in the inner volume
84 bool isLeaver = isFitted and (not isCurler) and isOriginer;
85 if (isLeaver) {
86 // Fix to outwards flying
87 const CDCRecoHit2D& firstHit = segment.front();
88 const CDCRecoHit2D& lastHit = segment.back();
89 if (lastHit.getRecoPos2D().cylindricalR() < firstHit.getRecoPos2D().cylindricalR()) {
90 outputSegments.push_back(segment.reversed());
91 } else {
92 outputSegments.push_back(segment);
93 }
94 } else {
95 // Ambigious keep both options
96 outputSegments.push_back(segment);
97 outputSegments.back()->setReverseFlag();
98 outputSegments.push_back(segment.reversed());
99 outputSegments.back()->setReverseFlag();
100 }
101 }
103 } else if (m_segmentOrientation == EPreferredDirection::c_Outwards) {
104 outputSegments.reserve(inputSegments.size());
105 for (const CDCSegment2D& segment : inputSegments) {
106 const CDCRecoHit2D& firstHit = segment.front();
107 const CDCRecoHit2D& lastHit = segment.back();
108 if (lastHit.getRecoPos2D().cylindricalR() < firstHit.getRecoPos2D().cylindricalR()) {
109 outputSegments.push_back(segment.reversed());
110 } else {
111 outputSegments.push_back(segment);
112 }
113 }
114 } else if (m_segmentOrientation == EPreferredDirection::c_Downwards) {
115 outputSegments.reserve(inputSegments.size());
116 for (const CDCSegment2D& segment : inputSegments) {
117 const CDCRecoHit2D& firstHit = segment.front();
118 const CDCRecoHit2D& lastHit = segment.back();
119 if (lastHit.getRecoPos2D().y() > firstHit.getRecoPos2D().y()) {
120 outputSegments.push_back(segment.reversed());
121 } else {
122 outputSegments.push_back(segment);
123 }
124 }
126 } else {
127 B2WARNING("Unexpected 'SegmentOrientation' parameter of segment finder module : '" <<
129 "'. No segments are put out.");
130 }
The Module parameter list class.
Class representing a two dimensional reconstructed hit in the central drift chamber.
Definition: CDCRecoHit2D.h:47
Vector2D getRecoPos2D() const
Getter for the position in the reference plane.
Definition: CDCRecoHit2D.h:238
A reconstructed sequence of two dimensional hits in one super layer.
Definition: CDCSegment2D.h:39
Particle trajectory as it is seen in xy projection represented as a circle.
bool isOriginer(double factor=1) const
Checks if the trajectory intersects with the inner radius of the CDC time the given tolerance factor.
bool isCurler(double factor=1) const
Checks if the trajectory leaves the outer radius of the CDC times the given tolerance factor.
bool isFitted() const
Checks if the circle is already set to a valid value.
void initialize() override
Receive and dispatch signal before the start of the event processing.
std::string m_param_segmentOrientationString
Parameter: String that states the desired segment orientation.
void apply(const std::vector< CDCSegment2D > &inputSegments, std::vector< CDCSegment2D > &outputSegments) final
Main algorithm applying the adjustment of the orientation.
void initialize() final
Signals the beginning of the event processing.
EPreferredDirection m_segmentOrientation
Encoded desired segment orientation.
std::string getDescription() final
Short description of the findlet.
void exposeParameters(ModuleParamList *moduleParamList, const std::string &prefix) final
Expose the parameters to a module.
double cylindricalR() const
Gives the cylindrical radius of the vector. Same as norm()
Definition: Vector2D.h:557
double y() const
Getter for the y coordinate.
Definition: Vector2D.h:605
void addParameter(const std::string &name, T &paramVariable, const std::string &description, const T &defaultValue)
Adds a new parameter to the module list.
Abstract base class for different kinds of events.